[Suggestion] Guild World Boss Rush

[Suggestion] Guild World Boss Rush

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HerpDerp.6582


i had an interesting idea for guild/raid content and I am interested to hear what you guys thought about it: World Boss Rush. I posted this in the CDI but it got buried by people bickering so i thought i would post a separate thread.

The idea is like this, each week there would be a guild mission to go into an instance and fight up-scaled versions of the world bosses one by one. The goal would be to clear all of the world bosses (ones seen on the karma train), as well as teq and evo wurm. The guild/guildies would get rewarded based on how many of the bosses they beat that week. If all of them are complete, then the guild ranks up and gets to choose to fight them the following week on a higher difficulty scale (just like fractals). the loot and the boss dynamics (IE agony) would scale based on difficulty, similar to fractals. the top difficulties could be among the hardest content in the game and give rewards that people would be envious of.

I Think this would be a good idea for a couple of reasons: (A) it would give all guilds more content to complete each week that would range from easy to very very hard (B) it would showcase the beautiful and awe inspiring world bosses that have already been designed (so little development would be needed) and © it would one more piece of content with a raid like feel.

I got this idea when fighting the shatterer and thinking “Man this dragon’s design is amazing but why is it so easy and the loot so poor?”. I really enjoy the world boss fights, but unfortunately they are all way too easy. i think this would allow people to properly appreciate the current content in a new and exciting way. By making this a separate instance i don’t think it would affect the world boss trains either, since the focus and difficulty of them would be different. People would need to actually strategies and coordinate to defeat them.

If anet felt so inclined, I think it would be cool if u got tokens for completing all or some of the bosses this way and you could use them to buy new profession or class specific armors/weapons!

what do you guys think about this?