Suggestion: Havroun Grechen skin/outfit
I would love this too. (Although, I wouldn’t mind if it had some trousers under there somewhere…looks a bit…drafty.)
I was so mad that Orr killed her off, too. Awesome bear-lady Grechen. :’(
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
I was about to start a post a few days ago for something similar: the outfits of the elders (near entrance and fires in lodges) in Hoelbrak. The only one I didn’t see was the female bear one, but now I see your screenshot: Havroun is wearing the elder bear spirit outfit!
I especially adore the elder raven female outfit and the snow leopard one, but the rest is definately awesome too!! I’d buy them off the gemstore, allthough I’d rather have them as a reward. Because 4 would drain lots of money.
I’d wish they would sell the head items seperately in gemstore though.
Also: I like the petitioner/citizens Norn outfits, and those bear hats. Some humans would also like a more mature version of fuzzy hats (bear and snow leopard).
Edit: just noticed that with the elder snow leopard outfit, the head item is part of the chest piece. So no snow leopard seperate hat then .
(edited by myrtthe.3149)