So, after playing around with the new UI for the equipment, dyes, and wardrobe functions, I found the UI to be very clunky. I would be in one section, back out, then click on the one I wanted. Oh wait, I need this piece of armor on before I apply this transmutation. So then I have to back out, click the equipment tab, then put my armor on, then back out, then back to wardrobe. Then, if I leave the dye tab when I close the hero window, it will go to that the next time it is opened instead of allowing me to see my equipment. It’s a lot of extra steps that while it may seemed organized, it is quite clunky in design.
I may have a solution for this that is simple and yet fairly effective, and I shall use the power of my feeble image editing skills to prove my point. So, the first image here is what we have now. We have three tabs each corresponding to equipment, wardrobe, and dyes. The window doesn’t do much except have a lot of empty space and a centralized area from where to work from. However, as stated before, this method seems to be very clunky.
Figure 1: Current UI
What I propose is something like in the next figure here. We already have icons in place for these three tabs, so why not just do that? Use these icons as a means to flip easily through these without having to back out and going to another tab and then having to back out again. I noticed that there is a large enough area for the back button and the title of the tab that is currently in use. The icons would take over this space, and to make things clear, the name of the tab would have a tool tip displaying its name when a user hovered their mouse over it. To further indicate the current tab, the one that is being in use can be highlighted while the others are a bit more faded out.
Figure 2: Suggested UI
I would like to suggest that when this is opened it automatically goes to the Equipment tab first. If there is a preference to a certain tab to be opened when the hero tab is opened, I don’t see why this couldn’t be implemented in the options menu of the game.
There is really only one drawback I can think of for this design. With your current setup, you have a lot of room for expansion. With mine, it will eventually be limited to the amount of icons available; however, I don’t see this as a very big issue and overall believe this suggestion to be better than the current designed that was released in the patch. I ,of course, would like to know what my fellow players think of this. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Thanks folks!
EDIT: couldn’t get the image tags working. You’ll just have to open it in a new tab. :P