(edited by Voluptus.3509)
Suggestion: Inerface interfering with combat
Oh, and let’s not forget the beauty of it when your mouse cursor is over the display that shows what you have targeted, it’s class and health. Nothing better than having an emergency blink burned and leave you standing in the middle of certain death.
That’s because the skill fires, goes into cooldown and you go nowhere; that’s for any of those teleports, if your mouse cursor is over the area at the top of the screen that displays the selected target.
100% agree on this – the UI is so cluttered! I would love to see the story/daily info pane and squad/party pane on tab sliders on the side and the chat pane collapsable to just the typing line. And the target info – I can’t count the number of times I’ve had target skills misfire or just not go off at all because it’s huge, center and way too low on the UI. The map-wide announcements also need to be shifted to not splash across the middle of the UI essentially halting any targeted skills until they vanish – no a little "x"on your tool tip is not enough when you are using targeted skills.
OR everything should become click thru when you enter combat.
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]
100% agree on this – the UI is so cluttered! I would love to see the story/daily info pane and squad/party pane on tab sliders on the side and the chat pane collapsable to just the typing line. And the target info – I can’t count the number of times I’ve had target skills misfire or just not go off at all because it’s huge, center and way too low on the UI. The map-wide announcements also need to be shifted to not splash across the middle of the UI essentially halting any targeted skills until they vanish – no a little "x"on your tool tip is not enough when you are using targeted skills.
OR everything should become click thru when you enter combat.
The UI is not clattered gw2 has a very clean UI in general the only issue is that there’s no option for mouse cursor to ignore nameplates map etc when you use skills in combat and that’s they only thing id try to change. Oh and also add bigger health bars top mobs in fractals raids certain times you need to target a specific mod and tabing until you get it takes time and also the health bar and the name plate is so small is hard to click target
After four years of playing GW2 I once again just died to npc’s because I needed to use Thief Shortbow 5 to get to a piece of ground that was covered by some of the right side interface. As you know, if you try to do anything involving the mouse coordinates when the mouse is over any part of the interface then the interface gets priority and the combat skill just doesn’t work.
Blink, same… Lightning Flash, same… Thief Staff 5, same. Do we see a pattern here?
There is a very, very simple solution to this. After all… I ask you this: Other than clicking on skills, minimap or the small line where you enter text in chat, who on earth needs to click ANY other part of the interface during combat? No one, that’s who. No one at all.
Yet all those other things, the group display, the list of dailies… all of them interfere with combat skills, and there’s no good reason for it.
Simple solution? When in combat the only parts of the interface that remain clickable are the skill bar, minimap and the line where you click to get the chat cursor. All other areas become click through until out of combat. It really shouldn’t be that hard since the in combat variable exists already, restricting a player’s ability to change skills, equipment or traits. Just key the clickable property of the interface objects to that same variable, sans the chat text box and skillbar, of course.
Use combat camera? Never had this issue you are describing.