Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 1:

Today I started out of boredom and because I saw for the first time in my language a TV commercial for it running and I just had to test it out…

I was interested in it, since I saw online a first teaser about it, because it showed some good rudiments.
However, after having it seen and played it now by myself and seeing, how it realy is, its disappointing. It made me realize again, what Anet made much better with GW2.
But still, if you just take a deeper look into the smaller things EoS (Echo of Soul) provides and directly compare it with GW2, you actually will find some things, where you must admit, that the creators of EoS have made a better job in certain things, than ANet did.


Better animated and trustworthier Emotes that include several different Voice Acting Lines of your Character. Something, that would be awesome to be improved, now that with HoT our Characters actually learn how to speak (again)

Here what you find there: Part 1

  • Anger : Red # appears above your head, letting steam off and your Character stoms with his feet on the ground, balling the hands to fists and saying something like:

“Now I have enough”! , “It’s enough!” or “Fine! You asked for it!”

  • Excuse:

Character says things like “Oh, Oh, I beg for forgiveness!” or “Oh, how embarassing, excuse me!”, or “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” while pressing the hands together and bowing the head one time left, one time right

  • Cheer:

Character claps his hands (with actual very good sound quality) and says things like: “Hooray, awesome!”, or “Yippie, that’s fantastic!” or “Oh great!”

  • Dance:
    You see a visual light effect and dance music/rhythm starts, while your character says things like:
    “Dancing runs simple in my Blood!”, or “Do you feel the Rhythm?”, or “Come dance with me!” or “Look here!”/“What are you looking?!” or simply a giggling/yay, showing that dancing makes fun.
  • Greeting/ Farewell:
    Character waves the hand with a Hi (or in regard you want to say goodbye a “Bye” for a farewell appearing above it and you say things like: “Nice to see you!” or “Oh, It’s you!” or “Good Day!”
    In regard of a farewell you could hear then your Character saying thing like:
    “Goodbye my Friend!”, “See You later!”, “Farewell and take care!”
  • Challenge:
    Your character points his finger at someone and pulling the finger back to oneself lke wanting, that this person comes over to you and says things like:
    “Hey You there, Yes you!”, or “Come on, or are You scared?!”, or “Hey, I’m talking to You!”
  • No:
    saying things like “Never ever!”, or “No” (pretty simple xD), or “Out of the Question!”
  • Laugh:
    Various laughters or in regard of saying somethign while laughing, like “Stop it! I cannot anymore!”, or
  • Sorrow:
    Character falls to the knees and says things like “Why must have this happened?!”, or crying (or simply crying only) with a “What should I do?!” or “Why only… No!”
  • Thanks:
    Character bows with a stance of gratitude and says something like “Thank you very much!”, or “Thank You, how considerate!”, or “Thanks, I’ll show You my gratitude!”
  • Mockery: Character points with the finger at someone and starts giggling, shaking the head at the end, or says something like “Oh, what a pity!”, or "mocks you with simple words of childlike denying of something (in German that would be
  • Salute: Character performs a salutation and says something like:
    “Yes, Sir” or “At Your Service!” or “Stand to Attention!”
Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Emotes Part 2:

  • Shy:
    Character puts fingers together and looks shy around, saying something like “Oh no!”, or “How awkward!”, or “Uuh, I, Ugh..”, simply some shy stuttering.
  • Disappointed:
    Character looks down, moving down the arms from head to body down and saying something like “Very Sad!”, or lettign off simply a clearly hearable loud “Sigh” or “Wherefore do I deserve this?!”
  • Scared:
    Character takes a step back and puts its arms in front of itself for protection, shaking under angst, saying somethign like “Help!”, or “Oh, what was that!”, or " Something is not right here…Heeeelp!" or “Ooh, I’m so scared!”
  • Give Up:
    Character falls to knees, bows the hend and puts hands together praying for mercy saying something like “Respect to You, I’m giving up!” , or “I’ve failed. You deserve the victory!”
  • Yawn:
    Character yawns, with hand at mouth, stretching his/herself, seeing some blubble animations coming from the characters mouth, and you say the character makes various yawning sounds, or says something like “This is so much fatiguing!”, or “I’m so bored!”, or “Come let Us do something together!”
  • Showoff:
    Special character animation and character says things like “You think you’re a rival?!”, or “I know that I’m just unique!”, or “Ahaha, you’re better to be prepared!”
  • Handkiss:
    Pretty self explanatory.. character makes a handkiss movement and some hearts appear as animation flying towards a person making blubble sounds, burstign in the midst of the air and you say somethign like “Hehehe, here for you”, or “Catch it!” , or “I love You”

I want to show these, just as examples and inspiration to show, that theres yet so much unused potential in GW2 and now where our Characters will be again far more talk active with HoT, I think, this should be also shown very much in the Emotes.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Sounds like the Sims…….

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Guild Wars 1 had a bunch of emotes that they never brought over to this game. For whatever reason they’ve never gone back to do the work needed to put them in.
/agree: [Character] agrees.
/attention: [Character] comes to attention!
Stays in this pose until character moves or another emote is given
/beckon: [Character] beckons.
/beg: [Character] begs.
/boo or /scare: [Character] scares you!
/bored: [Character] is bored.
/bow: [Character] bows.
/bowhead or /head: [Character] bows his/her head.
Stays in this pose until character moves or another emote is given
/catchbreath or /breath: [Character] stops to catch his/her breath. (Note: This will use the his/her to match the character created-Not the current model. For example, If a male character is made, then a Zaishen Tonic is used to turn into the Archer Form, a female, the chat log will still say “His”.
/cheer: [Character] cheers.
/clap: [Character] claps.
/congrats: [Character] offers congratulations.
/cough: [Character] coughs.
/dance: [Character] starts dancing.
Female and male characters of each profession have their own dance. Character’s primary profession determines which.
/dance *: Character starts dancing when the whole party dances.
Synchronizes the party members when everyone in the party starts to dance, or after a certain amount of time.
/dancenew: Character starts Collector’s Edition dancing.
If you do not have a Guild Wars Collector’s Edition, character will perform their default dance instead.
/doh: [Character] smacks his/her head. Doh!
/doubletake: [Character] does a double take.
/drums or /drum: [Character] plays the drums.
Continues to make this emote until character moves or another emote is given
/excited: [Character] is excited!
Continues to make this emote until character moves or another emote is given
/fame or /rank: Character performs a special iconic animated emote. Must be rank 3 of Hero or higher.
Players can trigger previously earned Hero title emotes by typing “/rank #” or “/fame #” in chat (#1-5).
/fistshake: [Character] shakes a fist angrily.
/flex: [Character] flexes.
/flute: [Character] plays the flute.
Continues to make this emote until character moves or another emote is given
Male Assassins, Elementalists, Paragons, Rangers, and Ritualists imitate the one-legged flute style of Ian Anderson.
/goteam or /encourage: [Character] cheers wildly, “Go Team!”
/guild, /ladder, or /champion: Character performs a special animated emote based on guild ladder ranking.
Players can trigger previously earned emotes by typing “/guild #,” “/ladder #,” or “/champion #” in chat.
/guitar or /airguitar: [Character] plays a mean air guitar.
Continues to make this emote until character moves or another emote is given
/helpme: [Character] requests help!
/highfive or /five: [Character] says, “High Five!”
/jump: [Character] jumps.
/kneel: [Character] kneels.
/laugh: [Character] laughs heartily.
/moan: [Character] moans.
/no: [Character] says, “No.”
/paper: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on paper.)
Stays in this pose until character moves or another emote is given
/pickme: [Character] says, “Pick me!”
/point: [Character] points.
/ponder: [Character] ponders the situation.
/pout: [Character] pouts.
/ready: [Character] is ready for action!
/roar: [Character] roars.
/rock: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on rock.)
Stays in this pose until character moves or another emote is given
/roll <#>: [Character] rolls (#) on a (#) sided die. (This emote does not work in towns, outposts or PvP combat areas.)
/salute: [Character] salutes.
/scissors or /scis: [Character] plays rock, paper, scissors. (Character lands on scissors.)
Stays in this pose until character moves or another emote is given
/scratch: [Character] scratches.
/shoo: [Character] shoos you away.
/sigh: [Character] sighs.
/sit or /afk: Character sits from a standing position.
There is no emote chat message associated with this command, and most other emotes or any directional movement will cancel it.
/sorry: [Character] apologizes.
/stand: Character stands from a sitting position.
There is no emote chat message associated with this command, and does nothing unless character is sitting (see /sit).
Hitting the Escape key will also work for this function.
/taunt or /rude: [Character] taunts you.
/violin: [Character] plays the violin sadly.
Continues to make this emote until the character moves or another emote is given
/wave: [Character] waves.
/yawn: [Character] yawns.
/yes: [Character] says, “Yes.”
/zaishen or /zrank: Character performs a special animated emote. It is linked to the Zaishen rank. You must have rank 1 or higher to use it.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

It sounds cool, but I’d really dislike voice acting with emotes. Once again, it’d just be needlessly hurting roleplayers.

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palindrome.8904


I didn’t play GW1, but wasn’t there just the one race? You would need to animate emotes for five different races in this game. If they have an animator with extra time, sure, but that’s not a trivial investment.

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 2:

Combat Mood.

Something I got an idea about, when I played around in EoS with their “Soul Skill System”
When you use there a Soul Skill, it creates a different now intense back ground music that sets up basically a different mood.
These moods are there shown basically by 4 ways, but EOS makes absolutely no use of the potential behind it basically, there its just 4 different temporary buffs.
I think anet could make much more out of this in a unique way.
In EoS, these 4 categories there are Courage, Peace, Hope and Innocence.
I thinl, in GW2 this should be based on 4 Emotions (Moods)

  • Courage
  • Wrath
  • Placidity
  • Euphoria

Based on which mood you are in combat, a different combat rhythm and melody plays in for you and the Mood could have also different effects on your Skills.

When you are encouraged, it could have for example an effect on the Critical Hit Rate of your Skills and their Cooldowns.
When you are wrathful, it could have effect on your Critical Damage and your Condition Damage.

While being placid, it could affect your Toughness and your Healing Power.
And while being euphoric, your maximum Vitality could get a boost and your Boons could last longer.

But Anet could make even much more out of this, than just different little Buffs and a audio based immersion improvement for combat.
Based on these Moods, they could affect, how we interact with NPCs, the Personality System should return and add to those 4 Moods the old ones "Dignity, Charm and Ferocity! Ferocity – the Stat, should get renamed to “Finesse”

Dignity could then as mood in combat affect how long you suffer on Conditions and your Precision.
Charm would affect be basically the jack of all trades mood, that affects everythin, but just a little bit.
And Ferocity would affect in combat your Finesse and how long your Conditions last.

Combat Mood Intensity.

Your Moods will become stronger. Whenever you change your moods in combat, you will progress in that “Mood”, so that its affects become more intense, so more you intensify that mood’s “level”.

However, Moods are not unlimited. They work as temporary “Buffs”. To refill the limited supply of your Moods, you have to use up KARMA.
So Moods would be effectively a new 3rd type of Buff, aside from Potions and Food and to get them, you have to make use of your Karma and you get them randomly in Personality Situations within the Living World and personal Stry and every single NPC, that gives you different Answer options based on your Mood.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 3:

Item Identification

In EoS, you can find often items, which are unidentified and which you have to identify first to get the full potential out of something.

Item Identification in GW2 could be used for example as system to bind an item especialyl to 1 Character, not to the full Acccount, but to 1 Character only and if you do that, this item receives a little bonus that is random.
Be it a little Stat Bonus, be it 1 additional Rune Slot or Sigil Slot. However, Item Identification in GW2 would be only possible from Crafted Items as they are at first not bonded and first acokittenbound and then characterbound on use.
I think, there simply should be a little bonus for it, if you bind forever an item to just one specific character.
there was also one in GW1, there you got for eample a 20% damage bonus on your weapons, when you bonded a weapon to a character.

Karma Tree
Based on the Moods, Karma receives as Reward System a new Platform, the Karma Tree, that is split up by the Sections of Courage, Wrath, Placidity, Euphoria, Dignity, Charm and Ferocity.
On the Karma Tree you progress and unlock new types of Mood based “Buffs” and other things, like Finishing Moves, Emotes, Decorations, Skill Skins, Outfits, Minipets ect. that you then can buy for Karma in your Guild Hall, or your Home Instance.
Progressing in the Karma Tree’s sections of Moods raises also the chances, that NPCs might react differently or might give you different answer options based on how much progresse you are in a specific mood.

Some QoL and other small things, that EoS makes better:

WASD Movement + the Option of Click to Move
The game clearly shows, that both systems can work clearly together. EoS supports both movement Systems. You can run around via WASD, but you can also just right click on the ground and your character automatically moves to that position, so that your left hand is free meanwhile

Item Quick Use Slots
In EoS you can put all your items of your inventory, that are consumeables also into your Skill bar and use them there as Quick Use Slots, so that you don’t have to open up permanently the inventory menu …. a great QoL, that Anet should finally add to GW2 too so that wqe could have Quick use Slots for Buff Items like Food, Potions, (Moods), or Toys, Tonics and the like.
The UI there is based on 2 Skill Bars.
The first being F1 to F12, the other the numbers below from 0 to 9 + ? and ´

For GW2 it would be simply enough to have 1-0 for the Skill Bar and then a second Bar that can be shown up by pressing Control +Shift , so that you have then 10 Quick Use Soots via Shift + 1-0,where you can place in your thing,s that you want to use quickly, without havign to open the Iventory.

Crafting Job Spiritualist

An interesting thing which I found there, where I think it could be a nice new Craftign Job here in GW2 also. Spiritualists.

A Spiritualist would draw “Ether” from our used equipment, trinkets and weapons.
So more we use equipment in combat, so more Ether could draw a Spiritualist out of the items.. That gathered Ether is basically a new “Material”, which they can combine together with Spirit Shards to create various things, from Recipes for Scribers (another new Crafting that comes with HoT), to a new type of Upgrade Item, so called “Soul Crystals”, which are vessels of powers from the souls that they contain.
They work basically similar like Sigils, but just for Trinkets, so that you can receive additional powers (instead of stats) if you want to sacrifice more Stats for direct powers of various beings and their souls that you refined into a Soul Crystal.

They could like all other Craftng Jobs also create Sigils and Runes. With the help of Spiritualists you’d be able to create also the best Mood Buffs

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 4:

Dungeons & PvP

In EoS you have Solo Dungeons…
Rest assured, they are by far not what I would expect under a Solo Dungeon. But its the first MMORPG I have seen it being part of its game content.

I’m pretty sure, that if anet would come up with Solo Dungeons as new Game feature, that they would be a ton times better and far like what I would expect from something like that. A challenging Solo Instance that invites you to delve deep into and explore a place in a Zelda-like environment full of traps, riddles, challenging boss monsters and treasures to be found, which can be found nowhere else in the game…

Then theres “Battlefields” in EoS, something that works like like some kind of mixture between our WvW, where everyone gets mixed together and GvG like amount of player matcvhs (30 vs 30).
I hope we will see somewhen in GW2 somethign similar with a PvP Mode, where Guilds can battle against each other directly in different size formats like 25v25, 50v50 and 100v100 on different therefore fitting “Battlefield Maps”.
That would be absolutely some kind of different Pvp, that GW2 yet doesn’t have and kind of misses very much. It is that niche, which WVW nor the normal PvP or the upcominng Stronghold does fill in. PvP maps, that are especially designed for Guilds in mind to fight agaisnt each other in different member sizes on various battlefield maps.
I think this would be a real great benefit for GW2 to add something liek that in the near future.


EoS offers raids in a kind of dungeon crawling instance, called “Endless Hunting Grounds”. Something what I have suggested here some long time ago already, and now I find it exactly there (irony.) A place, simply, that changes everytime when you enter, that is full with daily repeatable tasks and dynamic raid events, where you go in as guild or solo to hunt there as long as you want, level there, progress there masteries ect. pp

Voiced and animated HELP TOOL
EoS offers a fully voiced and animated Help Tool, that is also very clearly sortated by its features, that you can open up when needed, which explains you everything of the game either by voice, or by showing you the features of the game. Somethign I feel ,that is totally missing for GW2 and if we would have had that fro mbegin on, then such crap like the NPE would have never happened…

Energy and Satiety
in EoS you have also Cooking as Craftign Job, but cooking is there a but more, than just consumeable buff items.
Food gives you Energy. Satiety tells you, when the point is reached, k*tten you can’t eat/drink anything anymore.
This system made made think about it, how Food/potions could be improved with this system.
Currently when you use Food of some type, it replaces the effect of old food you used before. Thats kind of stupid, because you lose on the effects. Food/Potions of the same type don’t stack their durations.
Thats something that should change. If you use Food/Potions of the same type, they should stack their duration as long your Satiety isn’t full.

Example: Say your Max Satiety is 1000, Buff Food A has a Satiety Grade of 100. Would mean, you could eat that Food maximum 10x to stack its duration x10.
Say you eat now Food B, with an other effect, it won’t replace anymore Food A’s effect, it will just increase again the Duration of Food A.
As long as your Satiety isn’t full, you can eat.
But if you want to reset a Buff Effect now, to replace it by somethign else, then you have to use now instead a new Consumeable. A Digestion Pill
Using such a pill (craftable as cook as beginner recipe), will neutralize any food buffs, so that you can change the buff effect. It will reduce also slightly your Satiety.
Satiety will decrease automatically also over time while you are in combat or just standign around afk.

Energy would be something, that you receive, whenever you eat and drink.
Energy would become the new way for PvE only to increase your maximum health. The WvW related max health bonus gets removed, you have to eat now and get Energy to get the maximum 10% increase of your Max health for PvE/WvW.
Energy depletes again, whenver you use your Healing or Elite Skill and when you die.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 5:

Durability of Gear

And Improvement to the Repair System.
Currently ,how it works in GW2, the system is ttoslly obsolete and a pure annoyance.
It once was made with the intent of being a small gold sink.
I think it should become this again, but not as directly harsh, as it was once, but more of a slow over time little gold sink with the help of a Durability System.

Instead of breaking equipment with every death. our equipment should have Durability and with every death through combat, the durability of our equipment should get reduced by -1. Goes the durability to 0, then and only then does the item become broken, so that we have to repair it.
Armor and Weapon Smiths as armor Crafters should receive recipes for crafting Weapon and Armor Repair Kits, which can instantly refill on usage the durability of our gear, so that the silly NPC repair locations can be removed and Repair Kits just become the craftable little gold sinks, which you simply use on that gear of yours, thats near to get 0 Durability.

*Add then a new Equipment Stats for Legendary Armors/Trinkets/Weapons".
These items are “Undestructable” with basically INFINITE durability, so that these items get a little QoL out of it and more value, that you don#t need to repair legendary things anymore, never ever again …

Smart Matching
EoS offers this system, that simply allows you to enter Dungeons from anywhere via a simple menu, without that you need to travel first to the maps of where the dungeons are!! After enterign a dungeon for the first time, it should get unlocked for instant travel from a new Dungeon Menu.
From that menu you could then also decide if you want to activate7travel to instantly to all kinds of different Dungeons, be it:

  • Solo Dungeons
  • Group Dungeons
  • Raids
  • Fractals of the Mist
  • Guild Crusades/ Missions

Chain Specializations
In EoS you have Skilsl and Talents, Talents work there what is here basicaly Elite Specializations with HoT as the Classes there have basically each two Sub Classes with different Talents.
What do I understand now under a Chain Specialization you may ask?

A Chain Specilization would we special new Skills that each Elite Specialization should receive, which you unlock one after another and where the previous Specialization is needed to learn the next one.


Ranger = Main Profession
Druid = Elite Specialization (Sub Class)
One Chain Specialization of a Druid would be “Animorphism”.

You learn this special Chain Specialization, when having mastered Nature Magic as a Druid. Animorphism is a new Type of Utility Skills, which lets a Druid shapeshift into various Mystical Beasts. to fight in Beast Form.

One of this Skills could be for example the Arachnos Form, which transforms you into a huge Tarantula of the size of those giant spides in Orr, that changes your Weapon Skills into 5 Beast Skilsl of the Arachnos Form (basicalyl works like Engineer kits, just that its transforms you, having the Sklsl as long you stay in the form)

If you learned and mastered Animorphism, then you can learn a next Chain Specialization from this. “Shapeshifting”, which is a complete new Core Specialization thats based on that new Chain Spezialization.
That way Anet can add more progression later on top of Elite Specializations and give Elite Specializations even more depth.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Part 6

Not racial locked Tattoos for Character Creation/Style Kits

In EoS, you can give all your characters if you want some kind of Tattoos.
I find Tatoos shouldn’t be something special to Norn only as currently they are the only race, which can have Tattoos.
If find it only, when they have special and uniqe Full Body Tattoos.
But all other races should have also the option to haveTatoos. Nasturally not the same like Norn.
But I think this hsould be some kind of racial thing, Each race should have in the character creation the option to have racial based Tattoos.
Tatoos are imo too much of a visual character individualization tool, to make them a norn only thing, when all what Norns need are just unique tattoos, that are bonded to their lore, which simply no other race can have.

Hard Mode
It exists there also for Dungeon Content. I see no reason, what ANet stops to brign this kind of content that also GW1 had back for GW2 to game content, where it would fit, like Dungeons, Guild Missions (which soon will be instanced), Personal Story (make pS finally replayable like LS please with an option to reset it and your character back to Level 1 if that must be to make it work) and Living Story instances.
So much potential also for new achievements, if there would be Hard Mode again

Achievement Suggestions
EoS also has an Achievement System, one, which I find nice and that offers inspiration for improvements here in GW2, that are the impressions I got from there.

New Achievement Sections for:

Level Achievements for reaching specific Levels the first time per Class.
So Level 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 per each Class. Seriously surprised me alot, that EoS has that, but we not …

Death Achievements.
When we have such simple achievements in GW2 for like drinking booze, I think there could also simply be an achievement for dieing lol (alot) In EoS theres 2 of the, 1 for your first death, and one for 100. So nothing special, but for dieign alot, it could give a title maybe in GW2 ^^

Gathering Achievements
For simply gathering materials, was also extremely surprised over it, that we in GW2 haven’t them, so simple, but so good to give people a little more incentivization to gather, instead of simply buying materials from others (at least as long you work on these achievements ^^)

Craftign Achievements for actually the amount of crafting. EoS has them ,not only for craftign ranks, but also actually for the amount of items you craft within the craftign job.
This would be a nice addtion, so that theres also somethign for crafting, when you already maxed out the ranks, that theres also achievements for the amount of crafting that surpass by far the required amount of craftign to max the rank.

Achievements, that have to do with simple things of game life, like

  • the amount of waypointing you did.
  • the amount of Asura Gates you used.
  • the distance that you traveled on feet
  • the amount of loot that you gathered from killed foes
  • the amount of items that you sold in the trading post
  • the amount of items that you sold to NPCs
  • the amount of items that you bought from the Trading post
  • the amount if items that you bought from NPCs.
  • The amount of items you got from the various qualities, like how many exotic items you found, how many rares ect. …
  • achievements for equipment a full set of gear of the various quality types
  • Inventory Achievments, for maxing out your inventory space, or doing somethign specific with the inventory, like the amount of deleted items from inventory or the amoint of salvaged/ identified items from inventory, the amount of items put into account chest
  • Lottery/Luck achievements (for those peopel who love RNG and luck games)
  • Companion Achievements (Companions are there the classical pets), but I would see under a companion more than a “Minipet” A companion for me would be more of a special “House Pet”, something that will travel with you, fight with you (pve only) and can be found in your House Instance. Maybe Anet could rework Minipets more into that or add a system, how you can make out of for your account unlocked minipets also “House Pets” that work as companions which you can give names also, like basically ranger pets

Dynamic Event Achievements (EoS has Quests Achievements basically)
An achievement for the amount of dynamic events done, EoS has one for the amount of quests done. So again surprisign that we have none for the amount of DE’s done

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Suggestion: Inspiration for Anet from EoS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Phew, that was it, quite alot of inspiration I draw there from my few hours of playing EoS today out of boredom

But as much as inspiration I got from it, GW2 is stil lthe far superior game, its just all the small things that come together that EoS did well and where you see the potential in GW2 to be in the future even much greater, cause GW2 is a AAA game, where the developers actually have all the ressources to make usage of all the potential, where a Eos will fail, cause of never having the same ressources, like a GW2

As a special side note, what I want to mention also is, that I especially like the unique quiver designs and capes in EoS.
Also when there is everything gender locked and there beign no different playable races, so that the reason why EoS has no problem with capes as much as I’d love to have capes again in GW2 and other similar things like long scarfs and the like that could be used similarly like capes.
Wish GW2 would ovver more unique quiver designs in the same way liek EoS, not havign them only on your back, but also at your sides at your hips. Makes quivers look so much better (for my taste) ^^, especialls when they are designed with nice physics and animated stuff that reacts on movement

oh and before I forget it, that Accessoires in this game are actually all also really accessoires and not total weird crap, like here in GW2.

Rings are there actually also all only Rings, Earrings are actually also all Earrings, ect. and what I find also nice there is, that you have there Gear SETS, which give a nice little Set Bonus, if you wear a complete Gear Set, so that there is also a little incentive to collect and wear a complete set over mix matching items together of different armors.

I think that could be somethign, that could work for legendary armor,s that they come as “Sets” and just give you that visual BANG, when you wear them as complete set.
i gues,s that way could work legendary armors wel for GW2

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside