[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Vendor Charisma
Maxium Vendor Charima would be like for Luck too 300%
What should Vendor Charisma do?
Very simple, so more Vendor Charisma you have, so cheaper you you buy in thingsfrom NPC Vendors and for so more can you sell your items to NPC Vendors.
Example: You have 300% VC and you get dropped that Spoon trophy from Tequatl, which you could sell normally for only 10 Silver. With 300% VC, you could sell that Spoon to an NPC for 30 Silver then.
You want to buy from a Crafting NPC those Ingredients, that cost like 15 Silver.
With 300% VC, you woudl get say 66% discount, allowing you to buy those crafting ingredients from the NPC for only 5 Silver then.

Ascended Item Exchange
You bought an Ascended Accessoire Item and you want to exchange it for an other Ascended Item.
No Problem anymore! Go with the ascended item you want to exchange to the Laurel NPC and change the Ascended item you want to change for an other ascended accessoire of the same type of your choose and pay the exchange with a karma fee.
Your old ascende accessoire wil lget then removed from your inventory for the new chosen ascenced accessoire.

Ascended Item Infusion via Karma
Implement NPCs, that allow to turn Ascended Items into their Infused Versions just by paying a large amount of Karma as an alternative, if you don’t want to grind for the required items to turn the item into the infused version via the Mystic Forge or hope for the Fractals of the Mist to reward you with infused items.
There should be also a way to get ascended items infused that doesn’t have to do with either Fractals or massive Item Grind for the Mystic Forge.
Lets say I have those rings, Lunaria and Solaria and I want to infuse both just with Karma, then this should be something, that I should be able to to as Jeweler 500.
As Jeweler 500 I should be able to craft with the help of my Karma the required Materials. In other words, Mist Essences should be craftable via Karma together with Luck Essences, and other cost free stuff like Augur Stones to have for this also a Skill point Sink say a crafting material like T6 dust maximum as 4th material

Improve the sortiments of all Karma Vendor NPC
Place in the Game somewhere NPCs, which sell kitten Materials via Karma..
Why only turn all the Karma into Money by selling the junk that you can get from those nearly 4,5k karma container items, which are mostly bought only for Obsidian Shards, Lodestones/Cores, that one untradeable Mini you can get from them, when you can get from karma also directly the materials, which you’d bought otherwise anyway with the money you made from other players via TP.
So why not scrap all that obsete stuff in between and let us directly get for karma, what we want, without all the waste of time between and the bet thing of it is, all that for a nice karma sink??
Like 10000 Karma for 1-3 T6 random Mats. Same could be done also with Lodestones, but just with higher cost, 25000 karma for 1-3 random lodestones.

A Title for spending Karma!
There is one title for having 200 Gold.
Why is there no title for spending millions of Karma???
Like spend 15 Million Karma = Title “Harbinger of Destiny
So that you get on course of working on your 300% VC also a title for all the spent Karma

Turn Karma into Badges of Honor/Dungeon Tokens
together with a Gold Fee.
This should basucally work like the Promotions, just only without the Mystic Forge.
It would Cost the player:

1 Token of what you want to promote, like Shards of Zhaitan for example.
xx Crystals as a Skill Point Sink
1 Gold per Promotion
50000 Karma per Promotion
Reward: 21-60 Tokens of your Choice per random

That way people would have a way to make with Karma more usage and it could help to reduce a bit the grind for the tokens just to unlock all those skins and get the collections done, especially of those long lasting dungeons and the promotion would help against all those pesky dungeon sellers, cause the promotion would be cheaper and could theoreticalyl net the player in more tokens with luck, plus its a real money sink ,so the game profitates, while dungeon sellign is no money sink at all, but only money transfers between players.

Reduce the Prices for WvW Siege Stuff and put in Karma Costs for the reduced Gold Prices

Supply Removal Trap:
Costs currently 15 Badges of Honor and nearly 5 Silver. replace the 5 Silver here with 2500 Karma and 1 Silver

Alpha Golem Blueprint, costs 1 Gold and 100 BoH, replace the 1 Gold with 50 Silver and 25000 Karma

If you have more ideas, feel free to add them to the list

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Or maybe there should be a tab under Traits & there you could set your personality with karma traits like vendor +% coins & such. Maybe even voice-overs depending on personality.

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“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Another Idea

Unbreakable Armor
Pay 100000 Karma per Equipment Piece and you would be able at a new Armory NPC to let your Armors get become “enhanced”.
Once your Armor is enhanced. That term will be shown then under the Name of the Equipment , then the Equipment Part is basically from this point on then undestructable and cannot break anymore. A litte QoL Improvement that would work also as nice Karma Sink.

Uhm, yeah using Karma to unlock new Character Voices would be nice, with Personality becoming a new Tab in the Hero Panel, where then some of my other above suggestions could be shown then too
500000 Karma for a different Voice unlocked (but i guess, if somethign like this should happen, it will be a gemstore thing)

Skill Skins unlocked with Karma
Use Karma to unlock with it for your Account new Skill Skins.
For example to give your Necromancer Minions completely different Looks, or to your your Elementalist Summons different Looks or to give your Engineer Turrets different Looks or to your your Guardian Spiritual Weapons a different Look, or to give your Warriors Banners a different Look or to give your Ranger’s Nature Spirits a different Look or to give your Thief’s Thief Summons a different Look or to give your Mesmer’s Clone Explosions/Phantasms a different Look just as a beginning.
Skill Skins could cost all 100000 Karma

Traits unlocked via Karma
You don’t want to pay the Gold to unlock a Trait, good, then pay instead with Karma.
1 Million Karma to unlock all traits for your whole Account

Higher Quality Aqua Breathers for Karma
Why did you put into the Game for Karma only green Level 80 AB for Karma??
put in somewhere a Karma Vendor in Orr, which sells for 25000 Karma also rare Aqua Breathers and for the typical 42000 Karma also exotic Aqua Breathers

Buy Skins of items/items that aren’t receiveable anymore with alot of Karma
These bought Skins aren’t sellable, so they can’t be used to make an fortune from the TP, but they should still lead to the point, that some heavy overpriced items in the TP should fall a bit in their prices due to the demand becoming lesser, when there would be for example a way to buy that Jetpack Skin for example with 5 Million Karma.
Then would people have a choice, if they rather farm for gold to buy from TP, or rather farm karma while playing the game normally and losing no money.
on the other hand, the demand of those people will sta,y who want to buy from TP, just to resell the skin maybe to make profit from it, but those, who want just to have the skin unlocked would have at least an alternative of getting that skin, that doesn’t drop anywhere anymore in the game

So far my ideas I had right now in mind and wanted to add to the list

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ViralVarda.2739


A lot of these are good ideas, but there’s a problem. The changes to looks and voices would be awesome, but I think if ANet did anything like that, it would be a gem store thing. But then unbreakable armor and get skins for karma are just not good to me. The unbreakable armor would be awesome in fractals or a WvW train or something, but it makes the repair canister all but obsolete. And then why give rare skins for karma? Just make karma zergs way more common. Something ANet says they want to shy away from. I would love to be able to actually get the jet back or scythe skin or something for karma, I just don’t realistically see it happening. If ANet can get cash from it, you better believe they’re gonna get cash from it.

[Suggestion] Karma Improvements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Repair Canisters won’t be absolete.
Repair Canisters could get their Functions changed to become teporarely Armor Break Preventors instead.

Example: Use a repair Canister and your Armor becomes temporarely enhanced, so that an Armor Break , should it happen, gets prevented and your Equipment gets automatically repaired. When used on enhanced equipment, it could give players for example in PvE only a little boost to Healing Power, Toughness and Vitality temporarely and could work then like a “Potion Buff”
Or if ANet should think the Canister becomes obsolete them, they could remove it from the game anyway at any given time and replace it with a new and more useful item which could be sold from the Gemstore then.
Anet is free to exchange gemstore items whenever they want/need to do so anyways, thats just the advantage that you have with digital content – its always replaceable with new content, if something in the gemstore doesn’t sell so good anymore, then you replace it with something, that will sell itself better.

In my opinion the canisters have become anyway already obsolete at the moment, when Anet removed the repair costs and made repairs free, cause that let to the point, that the canisters are now nothign but a Qol to have a way to repair your stuff without having to run to a repair npc/place

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside