(edited by The Path Finder.3197)
Suggestion: Make Multi-Guild Optional
No one is forcing players into several guilds. Personally, I’m in two, but really only technically – one is just a personal storage guild.
If someone wants a guild whose members are only it that one, advertise it as such and only invite others who want that kind of guild. You suggested option excludes people.
- This give the Guild leader the freedom to choose, his Guild’s own fate.
Wait, what does this even mean?
Guilds already exist that has a 100% rep policy or get kicked. That may not stop people joining other guilds, but the effect is the same from that guilds point of view. Either you’re a full time part of it or you’re not.
Trying to control players and who they can talk to (which is basicly what this suggestion is compared to a simple 100% rep guild on the current system) is just plain wrong.
I wonder how many people, like myself, have a personal storage guild (50 or 100 slot bank). There is no reason to even put in the development time on this.
Te Nosce [TC]
With cross Guild chat and no real bonuses from repping anymore (outside of WvW), why does it really matter that players rep multi guild? The game is specifically designed to encourage it, so what makes it such a problem.
Whilst I’m sure the OP may be good intentioned, it feels a little…controlling to have Guild Leaders misuse their power to set whether a player can rep others or not.
I’m failing to see much benefit to the overall health and cooperative spirit of the game.
- This give the Guild leader the freedom to choose, his Guild’s own fate.
Wait, what does this even mean?
Guilds already exist that has a 100% rep policy or get kicked. That may not stop people joining other guilds, but the effect is the same from that guilds point of view. Either you’re a full time part of it or you’re not.
Trying to control players and who they can talk to (which is basicly what this suggestion is compared to a simple 100% rep guild on the current system) is just plain wrong.
I have allied with a Raid guild, I can see both Guilds chats
Yes it is indeed some form of control: Now to be fair, I don’t want your* guild to force you* to do this.
I am talking about each Guild having the freedom to back up their “policy” with in-game controls/user rights. Just like providing rights to use the portal, start guild missions, etc. This is extra functions for the Guild.
Your Guild might not care, which you’d be happy with – but in the event that they do… then you’d most likely be angry at them and leave or stay, if you leave you will search for one to your preference and or you use peer pressure to keep their policy the way it is.
The thing that happens, people secretly join other Guilds to follow their chats, or other Guild leaders joins your Guild to recruit internally your members/befriend them(factions form/friends form in say groups of 5 and break away to either join his guild or in other instances make their own Guild secretly)
You spend time teaching them to raid, invest your time in them, them boom next thing you know they jump ship to form their own pack.
Which I do not have a problem with.
But I look at a Guild like a Family/Friends/But also a company or military – where we have competitor Guilds/rivals etc. I’d rather have someone leave completely than double dipping and only “using” the Guild but never really putting their heart and soul into it like a select few others do.
If you say that you’re ok that “some Guilds” 100% rep or semi rep, or what ever floats your boat. Will making the Guild Interface, with such a function not then be a good thing – since it only enforces what is already being done in most Guild via rules.
Thus, lessening the Admin on the Guild officers and they have more game time and time to do stuff that really matters.
- Function this ability does is gray out extra guild slots or,
- Allows access to join pre=approved allied Guilds or,
- Auto-kicks non-compliant members/asking them if they wish to stay in this Guild when the option is turned on-When they enter the Guild Tab.
- On the Guild’s Interface it could display the Guild’s setting: Open/Closed/Mixed/Allied, etc.
- Option to exclude or make exceptions.
*Option to write a note next to player’s name.
Change is good
You mean to say a person can’t join the boy scouts and mensa and be loyal to both? lol
I have a guild of 400 people with many loyal guildies, and many not so loyal. Ant that’s okay. This is a video game.
It may have escaped your notice, OP, but in WoW, people could join different guilds on different characters. Here you can at least see when people are in different guilds.
The truth is, if you want people loyal to your guild you have to give them reason to be loyal. That doesn’t require an in game mechanic.
No, this is a terrible idea. A complicated mess of features that would allow Guild Leaders to control other people, all predicated on the idea that people are incredibly untrustworthy.
If a Guild Leader wants to enforce these kind of rules then they’ll have to do it manually.
No, this is a terrible idea. A complicated mess of features that would allow Guild Leaders to control other people, all predicated on the idea that people are incredibly untrustworthy.
If a Guild Leader wants to enforce these kind of rules then they’ll have to do it manually.
You make it sound like every Guild leader would jump at the Chance to go full 100% option…
Here’s proof of a 400 Guild Leader who probly would choose the relax option. – Just above.
About control: Some Guilds do 100%, some semi, some open already.
Also about control, some Fractal or Raid Guilds use dps meters to determine membership to their teams.
Everyone has their own ways of running their Guilds.
This will just allow a fair buyer/seller market… atm it is feeling like comunism for some Guild Leaders where we have no say in the system, other than rules-as you know are meant to be broken, since its very hard to monitor non rep/reping people in a 100% rule Guild. Are they not repping cause they’re in another Guild? Or a New Character, etc?
With cross Guild chat and no real bonuses from repping anymore (outside of WvW), why does it really matter that players rep multi guild? The game is specifically designed to encourage it, so what makes it such a problem.
Whilst I’m sure the OP may be good intentioned, it feels a little…controlling to have Guild Leaders misuse their power to set whether a player can rep others or not.
I’m failing to see much benefit to the overall health and cooperative spirit of the game.
A guild leader who complains about “lack of loyalty” is a control freak…. and likely paranoid. If they attracted loyal followers, this would be a non-issue for them. But since they can’t, they feel the need to exercise draconian law, and hold their community hostage under thread of gkick.
I’ve been part of guilds so big, they used multiple guilds to roster everyone that wanted to join. Anyone being actively disruptive or malicious got kicked…. but the rest of the time it was never a problem. Once they got multi channel guild chat up, and since guild roster was slotted base on time zones, the regulars that straddled time zones could easily monitor them in case anyone needed help, or was starting a group.
If a Guild Leader doesn’t trust his/her Guild members, then I guess they have to option to kick them. This ‘feature’ sounds only like a way for the game to ‘spy’ on members for the Guild Leader. It also sounds like a heck of a lot of work, not only for Guild Leaders, but for Devs.
Good luck.
If a Guild Leader doesn’t trust his/her Guild members, then I guess they have to option to kick them. This ‘feature’ sounds only like a way for the game to ‘spy’ on members for the Guild Leader. It also sounds like a heck of a lot of work, not only for Guild Leaders, but for Devs.
Good luck.
Well I’d be willing to buy the extra feature/guild options in the Gem store – This is “Guild Wars” after all.
- a Guild can have its Niche?
- Trust is earned, not given by random meet ups in life.
- Once trust is earned as said, there was proposed functionality to allow excemption to members:
- Family Guild
- Bank Guil
- Etc.
And the ability to make a note on them.
My question is not why some Guild leaders want 100% rep, that is not what is being debated here.
What is, is why does out of 10000s of Guilds, 1 way of doing things have to be the only way?
Are you afraid that all Guild Leaders will jump on this option?
(edited by The Path Finder.3197)
Well I’d be willing to buy – the extra feature/guild options – This is “Guild Wars” after all.
- a Guild can have its Niche?
They do. It just so happens a guild isn’t a cult.
It also so happens that being a jack of all isn’t appealing to all and some people would rather be around specialist aka a Niche. Imagine that.
With cross Guild chat and no real bonuses from repping anymore (outside of WvW), why does it really matter that players rep multi guild? The game is specifically designed to encourage it, so what makes it such a problem.
Whilst I’m sure the OP may be good intentioned, it feels a little…controlling to have Guild Leaders misuse their power to set whether a player can rep others or not.
I’m failing to see much benefit to the overall health and cooperative spirit of the game.
A guild leader who complains about “lack of loyalty” is a control freak…. and likely paranoid. If they attracted loyal followers, this would be a non-issue for them. But since they can’t, they feel the need to exercise draconian law, and hold their community hostage under threatof kick.
I’ve been part of guilds so big, they used multiple guilds to roster everyone that wanted to join. Anyone being actively disruptive or malicious got kicked…. but the rest of the time it was never a problem. Once they got multi channel guild chat up, and since guild roster was slotted base on time zones, the regulars that straddled time zones could easily monitor them in case anyone needed help, or was starting a group.
I like this divide Guild into time zones idea. Very cool indeed.
Well you’re welcome to come check out my “paranoid mess:” https://www.guardiansofthedarkmelody.com
Give my rule section a read, I don’t see why it bothers you so much that some people like doing things differently, from you. I embrace diversity and am all for open Guilds as the present setup is. But* I would like to create something different.
I don’t want to impose my methods onto you, this is not what this is about. I’d like to know if there are like-minded people or if the niche is so small, I might as well give up on the project and open the Borders. If there are no buyers to the concept then “meh” but if there are I feel it can create a better quality environment for those who seek it.
I only target Guildless new players, not in prior communities. I want to build a community, a niche.
So I do not intend/wish to break up people from their communities, I’d rather them leave the Guild if they had such ties. I do allow exceptions myself, and partner with a few Guilds, but that is beyond the point. The point is automated system/rather than baby sitting and more paper work.
(edited by The Path Finder.3197)
Niche guilds exist, that is not a problem. In fact many players have a main guild, with niche ones for specific activities. My guild is tiny and so we dont really have numbers to do much, so some rep to wvw guilds or farm guilds etc. This philosophy is a part of the game’s foundation.
Requesting the devs implement a feature which discourages a broader community is unlikely to yield anything, as it not the direction they would likely want the game to go in. However, you are free to set your own rules to a Guild within the already set confines.
A player can be loyal and heavily involved in more than one guild. Especially if the guilds are special, niche guilds. Like a raiding guild and a WvW guild.
What do you tell players who are looking to find a static group of people do something in game that your guild doesn’t really do? But there is either not enough knowledge for it (raiding comes to mind here) or enough desire within your guild to do it? Especially if it’s something like raids, where guilds are where you go to find static groups.
That’s what most people use the multi-guild system for. Not to have multiple PvX guilds (unless they’re trying to find the best fit for them)
Not to mention how do you handle it’s implementation? It gets put into place and a guild leader puts that active and 75% of their members are in more than 1 guild? If it auto kicks, that could destroy someone’s personal bank guild and if they’re the only member in it, there goes all of their stuff. All because one guild that they were in decided to set it to active.
If it’s not automatically done by the game (which it can’t be for the above mentioned post) how do you propose it happens? Make the player choose as soon as they log in? But what if that decision isn’t one they can make right away? Or what if they would fall under an exception policy (like they’re in 2 guilds, your guild and a personal bank)?
This system is exactly about imposing one method on others. If you want a guild that is 100% rep, then you can ask that of your members. You are not prevented from doing that with the current system. In contrast, if this system exists, it allows a GL to make that decision for the members of their guild.
Anyhow, it’s okay if you want to propose such a system. I am 100% confident that ArenaNet won’t invest any time into researching how it can be done. They err on the side of inclusiveness, not separation.
A player can be loyal and heavily involved in more than one guild. Especially if the guilds are special, niche guilds. Like a raiding guild and a WvW guild.
What do you tell players who are looking to find a static group of people do something in game that your guild doesn’t really do? But there is either not enough knowledge for it (raiding comes to mind here) or enough desire within your guild to do it? Especially if it’s something like raids, where guilds are where you go to find static groups.
That’s what most people use the multi-guild system for. Not to have multiple PvX guilds (unless they’re trying to find the best fit for them)
Not to mention how do you handle it’s implementation? It gets put into place and a guild leader puts that active and 75% of their members are in more than 1 guild? If it auto kicks, that could destroy someone’s personal bank guild and if they’re the only member in it, there goes all of their stuff. All because one guild that they were in decided to set it to active.
If it’s not automatically done by the game (which it can’t be for the above mentioned post) how do you propose it happens? Make the player choose as soon as they log in? But what if that decision isn’t one they can make right away? Or what if they would fall under an exception policy (like they’re in 2 guilds, your guild and a personal bank)?
Very good questions:
I was looking at it from a fresh empty Guild point of view at first, but the exemption function can handle the rest.
Just like profession are indicated, a gear or guild icon thing can be next to the player’s name on the roster for the Guild leader or Officer to see.
What can happen is that the icon changes colour, to indicate this player does not accept the auto kick, perhaps yellow. Whereas Red would be the player confirms or accept(giving the Guild leader a chance to maybe realise OH o, gonna take to much of a knock to convert the Guild) which is why this system is best for new Guilds. But conversion is not that hard either.
So lets say this gear is Red, and the Leader does decide to kick that player base on that, or whisper him and make a “deal with him” it might be his star player, or family friend etc. This give the Leader the ability to know whats up.
The yellow gear will mean there is a dispute, such as the player was presented with a choice of leaving his other guilds or… staying, the player wants to talk it over first. This gives the officer team a chance to whisper that player. The player might say well, his in a Raider Guild for a core team for Mondays as our Guild might on Raid on another day, or not at all. Or it’s his WvW Guild, and the present Guild is not a WvW Guild, Or it’s his family or Bank Guild.
All of this can then be exempted, when the Guild leader or officer click the gear icon, a window pops up with tick boxes to allow guild 1-4 or to grant a complete exemption. (This player might have earned it, as you know he/she is active in the Guild)
Then obviously the Green Gear Icon will be all the players no in other Guilds, and happy.
This way, if a Guild does decide it wants to build a wvw section, it can… I’d go as far and say, the gear can indicate which server the player is on too. Then the Guild will understand why his here for Raiding but not WvW.
This system is exactly about imposing one method on others. If you want a guild that is 100% rep, then you can ask that of your members. You are not prevented from doing that with the current system. In contrast, if this system exists, it allows a GL to make that decision for the members of their guild.
Anyhow, it’s okay if you want to propose such a system. I am 100% confident that ArenaNet won’t invest any time into researching how it can be done. They err on the side of inclusiveness, not separation.
They sure like to keep us apart in wvw hey and to pay gems to transfer.
Perhaps they’d like to add a gem store upgrade for advance Guild features.
Sounds like way too much work to program and implement for something that honestly only functions as a limitation. So I say no thank you.
A player can be loyal and heavily involved in more than one guild. Especially if the guilds are special, niche guilds. Like a raiding guild and a WvW guild.
What do you tell players who are looking to find a static group of people do something in game that your guild doesn’t really do? But there is either not enough knowledge for it (raiding comes to mind here) or enough desire within your guild to do it? Especially if it’s something like raids, where guilds are where you go to find static groups.
That’s what most people use the multi-guild system for. Not to have multiple PvX guilds (unless they’re trying to find the best fit for them)
Not to mention how do you handle it’s implementation? It gets put into place and a guild leader puts that active and 75% of their members are in more than 1 guild? If it auto kicks, that could destroy someone’s personal bank guild and if they’re the only member in it, there goes all of their stuff. All because one guild that they were in decided to set it to active.
If it’s not automatically done by the game (which it can’t be for the above mentioned post) how do you propose it happens? Make the player choose as soon as they log in? But what if that decision isn’t one they can make right away? Or what if they would fall under an exception policy (like they’re in 2 guilds, your guild and a personal bank)?
Very good questions:
I was looking at it from a fresh empty Guild point of view at first, but the exemption function can handle the rest.
Just like profession are indicated, a gear or guild icon thing can be next to the player’s name on the roster for the Guild leader or Officer to see.
What can happen is that the icon changes colour, to indicate this player does not accept the auto kick, perhaps yellow. Whereas Red would be the player confirms or accept(giving the Guild leader a chance to maybe realise OH o, gonna take to much of a knock to convert the Guild) which is why this system is best for new Guilds. But conversion is not that hard either.
So lets say this gear is Red, and the Leader does decide to kick that player base on that, or whisper him and make a “deal with him” it might be his star player, or family friend etc. This give the Leader the ability to know whats up.
The yellow gear will mean there is a dispute, such as the player was presented with a choice of leaving his other guilds or… staying, the player wants to talk it over first. This gives the officer team a chance to whisper that player. The player might say well, his in a Raider Guild for a core team for Mondays as our Guild might on Raid on another day, or not at all. Or it’s his WvW Guild, and the present Guild is not a WvW Guild, Or it’s his family or Bank Guild.
All of this can then be exempted, when the Guild leader or officer click the gear icon, a window pops up with tick boxes to allow guild 1-4 or to grant a complete exemption. (This player might have earned it, as you know he/she is active in the Guild)
Then obviously the Green Gear Icon will be all the players no in other Guilds, and happy.
This way, if a Guild does decide it wants to build a wvw section, it can… I’d go as far and say, the gear can indicate which server the player is on too. Then the Guild will understand why his here for Raiding but not WvW.
That’s a lot of work for the few guilds that would use it.
And personally, I wouldn’t join, nor recommend to anyone, a guild with such a policy active. To me it says that the guild leader doesn’t trust me to be a loyal member to the guild. That I will just be a leech or just use the guild as a glorified LFG. Or doesn’t trust when I say that their guild is my main guild and I’m not spying and that I’m not trying to steal members.
I’m not sure I understand the purpose of this thread. What you’re asking for is either already in the game (if you’re suggesting that guilds can ask their members to be a part of only their guild/100% Rep), or totally unreasonable (if you’re suggesting that guilds can enforce that players are unable to join any other guilds).
No guild has the right to deny membership into any guild except their own. If anything we need access to -more- guilds because of the number of niche activities that the game has. PvP, WvW, Raid, Fractals, RP guilds. Specific maps like Silverwastes and Auric Basin guilds, or Tequatl ones.
Wanting your members to be loyal is fine and dandy, but it’s a two-way street. You can’t mistrust them and expect them to stand by you at the same time. And to be frank, if a guild ever tries to threaten/persuade me to leave my other guilds because I wasn’t being ‘loyal’ enough, they’d probably be the first I’d leave.
A player can be loyal and heavily involved in more than one guild. Especially if the guilds are special, niche guilds. Like a raiding guild and a WvW guild.
What do you tell players who are looking to find a static group of people do something in game that your guild doesn’t really do? But there is either not enough knowledge for it (raiding comes to mind here) or enough desire within your guild to do it? Especially if it’s something like raids, where guilds are where you go to find static groups.
That’s what most people use the multi-guild system for. Not to have multiple PvX guilds (unless they’re trying to find the best fit for them)
Not to mention how do you handle it’s implementation? It gets put into place and a guild leader puts that active and 75% of their members are in more than 1 guild? If it auto kicks, that could destroy someone’s personal bank guild and if they’re the only member in it, there goes all of their stuff. All because one guild that they were in decided to set it to active.
If it’s not automatically done by the game (which it can’t be for the above mentioned post) how do you propose it happens? Make the player choose as soon as they log in? But what if that decision isn’t one they can make right away? Or what if they would fall under an exception policy (like they’re in 2 guilds, your guild and a personal bank)?
Very good questions:
I was looking at it from a fresh empty Guild point of view at first, but the exemption function can handle the rest.
Just like profession is indicated, a gear or guild icon thing can be next to the player’s name on the roster for the Guild leader or Officer to see.
What can happen is that the icon changes color, to indicate this player does not accept the auto kick, perhaps yellow. Whereas Red would be the player confirms or accept(giving the Guild leader a chance to maybe realize OH o, gonna take to much of a knock to convert the Guild) which is why this system is best for new Guilds. But conversion is not that hard either.
So let’s say this gear is Red, and the Leader does decide to kick that player base on that, or whisper him and make a “deal with him” it might be his star player, or family friend etc. This gives the Leader the ability to know whats up.
The yellow gear will mean there is a dispute, such as the player was presented with a choice of leaving his other guilds or… staying, the player wants to talk it over first. This gives the officer team a chance to whisper that player. The player might say well, his in a Raider Guild for a core team for Mondays as our Guild might on Raid on another day, or not at all. Or it’s his WvW Guild, and the present Guild is not a WvW Guild, Or it’s his family or Bank Guild.
All of this can then be exempted, when the Guild leader or officer click the gear icon, a window pops up with tick boxes to allow guild 1-4 or to grant a complete exemption. (This player might have earned it, as you know he/she is active in the Guild)
Then obviously the Green Gear Icon will be all the players no in other Guilds, and happy.
This way, if a Guild does decide it wants to build a wvw section, it can… I’d go as far and say, the gear can indicate which server the player is on too. Then the Guild will understand why he’s here for Raiding but not WvW.
That’s a lot of work for the few guilds that would use it.
And personally, I wouldn’t join, nor recommend to anyone, a guild with such a policy active. To me it says that the guild leader doesn’t trust me to be a loyal member to the guild. That I will just be a leech or just use the guild as a glorified LFG. Or doesn’t trust when I say that their guild is my main guild and I’m not spying and that I’m not trying to steal members.
Fair enough.
But, what would you recommend then for say 200 man Guild, that has exceptional groups, raids happening, etc. etc. No real complaints, but – for example often people would not rep for a long time, big groups. If the Guild needs its wvw defend, you might not hear the call since you’re busy in a raid, even though you also raid with your main, guild you’re now raiding with your alt guild… but you also like to do wvw missions, it just so happens that the Guilds you’re in’s schedules clash…
Why I like to form alliances with other Guilds or grant exemptions, etc… is more to do with events planning. This day that happens, that day this at that hour etc. Structure to allow possibly every content.
But if you’re in the main Guild mixed with each player having 4 other guilds, or not focused “really” it gets hectic. You start Guild missions, but no one shows, as they pitched earlier at their other Guild, next time they pitch for your event, now their alt guild loses out. This Chris crossing is not good for planning, and the game does not have an internal booking system like other mmos.
So we have to do it externally, to coordinate, etc.
If there are 10,000 Guilds and perhaps 1000 rep 100% and 3000 takes the mixed option and the 6000 other just open guild/multi-guild as always would that be problematic?
It would make more sense for massive Guilds to have 100% rep that offers everything than a small Guild. Are you afraid small Guilds might not have enough players to recruit or grow or train for themselves? It would, in fact, be better for small Guilds-they could partner with trusted guilds to outsource Raids, wvw etkittenil they have grown enough or decide to keep the relationships built.
this whole topic is why I want not one thing at all to do with guilds at all . when anet made all them changes and took stuff away from guilds and so forth . and just made them into noting more than node farms at best.
right then is when I went fully from wanting to be in a guild . to blocking all and any guild invite including thos put out in map chat . including thos sending out guild invites as now I see not one reason at all to join a guild at all
and guilds like op is suggesting get put on the blocked list. and never come off
this whole topic is why I want not one thing at all to do with guilds at all . when anet made all them changes and took stuff away from guilds and so forth . and just made them into noting more than node farms at best.
right then is when I went fully from wanting to be in a guild . to blocking all and any guild invite including thos put out in map chat . including thos sending out guild invites as now I see not one reason at all to join a guild at all
and guilds like op is suggesting get put on the blocked list. and never come off
What do you think is the ideal Guild and setup
- Is there a place for Guild’s in MMOs and how should they then be?
Fair enough.
But, what would you recommend then for say 200 man Guild, that has exceptional groups, raids happening, etc. etc. No real complaints, but – for example often people would not rep for a long time, big groups. If the Guild needs its wvw defend, you might not hear the call since you’re busy in a raid, even though you also raid with your main, guild you’re now raiding with your alt guild… but you also like to do wvw missions, it just so happens that the Guilds you’re in’s schedules clash…
Why I like to form alliances with other Guilds or grant exemptions, etc… is more to do with events planning. This day that happens, that day this at that hour etc. Structure to allow possibly every content.
But if you’re in the main Guild mixed with each player having 4 other guilds, or not focused “really” it gets hectic. You start Guild missions, but no one shows, as they pitched earlier at their other Guild, next time they pitch for your event, now their alt guild loses out. This Chris crossing is not good for planning, and the game does not have an internal booking system like other mmos.
So we have to do it externally, to coordinate, etc.
If there are 10,000 Guilds and perhaps 1000 rep 100% and 3000 takes the mixed option and the 6000 other just open guild/multi-guild as always would that be problematic?
It would make more sense for massive Guilds to have 100% rep that offers everything than a small Guild. Are you afraid small Guilds might not have enough players to recruit or grow or train for themselves? It would, in fact, be better for small Guilds-they could partner with trusted guilds to outsource Raids, wvw etkittenil they have grown enough or decide to keep the relationships built.
I don’t think it’s good for ANet to put forth effort into a system that would only be used by guild leaders with trust issues or do not have a good guild that need ways to force members to play with them.
A good guild doesn’t need a guild lock to inspire loyalty and get members to show up for guild mission day.
If someone was in a PvX guild that had a raiding group, but was in another guild for raiding, I would assume one of two things:
1. There wasn’t enough interest in the PvX guild to have enough raiding groups for all members to be in a static group (and not necessarily just because none wanted to only raid once per day).
2. None of the static groups in the PvX guild raided on a day that was good for the member. A 9 man squad can do raids or if there were 19 members doing raids, 1 was available for 2 raiding groups.
And just because a WvW call to defend gets pulled out, doesn’t mean a guild leader should expect all players currently logged in to immediately join in. That’s an unrealistic expectation. Especially in a PvX guild. You may have members who PvE and PvP, but not WvW. Or players who just don’t feel like doing WvW that day. And honestly, I’d only want members who wanted to be in WvW, in WvW.
And if the schedules clashed, then the player would know ahead of time and they would have chosen the activity that they would prefer to do on that day. I’m sure most raiding groups or WvW groups don’t mind the occasional not doing something that week or being short one person on occasional weeks when the other guild is doing a special event during the usually scheduled WvW play or raid time slot.
I much prefer the current system. If a guild wants 100% rep, then they have to do something about it. I would be against a system where they could use a toggle and remove a consequence of their choice.
I think it’s a fine solution for a guild creator to be able to create an “exclusive” guild where the members are not able to join other guilds. There should be a very obvious automatic, notification in multiple places: when you join, in the guild panel, & in the guild notes. And a guild should have to be that way from the beginning – no changing the guild after the fact because a lot of people might have contributed to the guild who don’t agree with it going exclusive.
That being said, Anet might not want to do it simply because it could be a point of contention that they don’t want to deal with. Which I would also understand.
Instead of trying to force ppl to play the way you think they should, why not just make a guild that ppl want to be loyal to. If loyalty is problem, the problem may not reside with the member. I paid for my game, you for yours, being told how to guild by others was not included with the product. Ego is a tool of failure.
Dear Fellow Guild Leaders & People who enjoy being in Guilds,
Enjoying freedom of “choice” of up to 5 Guilds is great for players!
Especially if they want to join a family Guild, make their own Guild, join a friends Guild, or join wvw/pve/raid/RP/pvp focused only Guild.
Now, there’s something missing here… for the bigger all rounder Guilds & Guild Leader/Officers…
And that is loyalty!
I would argue that people can be loyal to multiple Guilds, just like in some “cultures” people are ok, with multiple wives or husbands
– I’m cool with that, its their choice.
But, GW2 has taken the choice away from the officers and leader of the Guild as to the way they’d like to manage their Guild.
Some Guild leaders may embrace open guilds, some might say rep us only! or some might not even care… and it shows in their effort towards their guilds too.
So… what to do, to make everyone happy?
Anyone can start a Guild and join one that they would like, if they can’t find one they like-they can start it
but to force a Guild Leader to multi Guild due to peer pressure or due to that’s just the way it is – is well, not fair.
If someone decided to make for instance an all aspect full services Guild, it is VERY hard for that Guild to manage or undue admin burden to keep members not secretly multi guilding, since they can still rep and have other guilds they follow…
Yes, I read all the arguments for both why and why not – I understand both sides of the coin, with an open and a closed system, but hear me out:
- What if, Guild leaders have the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild?
- This give the Guild leader the freedom to choose, his Guild’s own fate.
- Players who enjoy multi guilds can still do so, and players who prefer closed tight knit groups (possibly of higher quality) closed guilds, now have the option of doing so.
- Then also, if possible, to allow the Leader to also choose complete multi Guilding or only allowing specific Guilds to be allied with. That way agreements can be made, alliances, and more structure if say a guild does not want complete multi guilding, but outsourcing their raids to a raid only guild or wvw only guild etc.
What do you think?
[Edit: Good point – there are those who have storage or dormant guilds: Solution, the Guild leader can tick a box next to their name on case-bycase basis for exption to the global policy, or to grant x access to x Guild: Be it bank Guild, family guild, etc.]
It helps to “regulate” the market for the Guild leader of his own Guild so to say, it places a fair balance in the players hands and the Guild ledaer"s"
Players can walk with their feet and join up to full spectrum/open multi guilds, or they could make due with the rules, of x Guild’s policy-No one is forcing them to join that spesfic Guild. People can then either advertise Open Guild/Closed Guild/Semi-Opened Guild in map chat.
[Edit: Please indicate if you’re a Guild leader/officer or a regular member and tell us a lil bit about your Guild, and its setup-is it 100% rep, allied, mixed, free for all open?-When you make a post.]
Thank you for your input even if it is Yay or Nay.
I’d be fine with giving Guild Leaders the option to make their guild 100% Rep.
But, I’m going to be honest, with PvE being mega-server and WvW being Server Restricted, it would be very hard to pull off.
- What if, Guild leaders have the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild?
I have been a guild leader since head start and I have only 1 rule in my guild : 100% guild rep. I’ve tried having it free for all, partial rep and so on, and it just doesn’t work if you want to have even a mildly cohesive guild. I don’t have a big guild (by choice) and I’m lucky to have a bunch of loyal members that get on, but it took a lot of work and frustration to get it there. It’s still a constant struggle to keep it that way and I’ve cursed Anet many times over the unnecessary difficulties they’ve presented us with.
I’ve always hated the way the guild representation works in gw2’s multi guild system. It is really bad in my view and creates a lot of needless animosity as well as work for the guild leaders. I hate the fact members who are in my guild but not representing my guild, are still showing in the guild roster, but with that awful grayish/green oval icon that indicates non-representation that I and all my members can see.
They just dumped this half-baked, unintuitive, multi-guild system on us and shook their hands off it and left us, the guild leaders, to have to deal with the consequences on a daily basis. The representation system creates conflict and mistrust among both sides and it all could have been easily avoided.To be frank, I’m tired of having to explain this convoluted, loyalty system to new players that want to join my guild and you can see, they just can’t grasp the concept. It’s so alien to them and I don’t blame them.
What your are suggesting in your OP would be to too much work to implement imo.
A much simpler solution, I suggested years ago btw, but ofc anything to do with guilds falls on deaf ears around here, would be (as you may have guessed) to completely remove the representation system.
With the rep system out of the way, people can be in multiple guilds if they like, but can only be in one at any given time and only be seen in that guild they’re in for the day or w/ever. Any activities they do whilst in that guild, such as guild missions, would benefit only that guild, thus eliminating any conflict etc.
When they log in each day, they have their list of guilds and can choose which guild they wish to spend their day or however long with. What this would mean is, if a member is in a different guild to mine, I don’t see them on my guild roster, nor do they see my guild or have access to anything in my guild.
This would imo save us guild leaders a lot of management problems, animosity toward members not repping the guild and it would save members a lot of discomfort too, while having freedom of choice which guild they wish to be in without being forced into anything.
After all these years, my opinion on this matter has not changed and I’ll keep trying to push for this change as long as I’m still around.
Instead of trying to force ppl to play the way you think they should, why not just make a guild that ppl want to be loyal to. If loyalty is problem, the problem may not reside with the member. I paid for my game, you for yours, being told how to guild by others was not included with the product. Ego is a tool of failure.
Yeah in a perfect world your idea would work.
Or you can Just kick people who are not 100% rep.
It is your guild, it is your rule.
It is their choice.
A much simpler solution, I suggested years ago btw, but ofc anything to do with guilds falls on deaf ears around here, would be (as you may have guessed) to completely remove the representation system.
With the rep system out of the way, people can be in multiple guilds if they like, but can only be in one at any given time and only be seen in that guild they’re in for the day or w/ever. Any activities they do whilst in that guild, such as guild missions, would benefit only that guild, thus eliminating any conflict etc.
When they log in each day, they have their list of guilds and can choose which guild they wish to spend their day or however long with. What this would mean is, if a member is in a different guild to mine, I don’t see them on my guild roster, nor do they see my guild or have access to anything in my guild.
This would imo save us guild leaders a lot of management problems, animosity toward members not repping the guild and it would save members a lot of discomfort too, while having freedom of choice which guild they wish to be in without being forced into anything.
This meaningless change would imply that the person who joined the 100% rep 100% loyalty guild isnt 100% repping or 100% loyal.
So whats the point?
You’re suggesting a solution for a problem you have created by making a guild rule you want your guildmates to be able to break.
A much simpler solution, I suggested years ago btw, but ofc anything to do with guilds falls on deaf ears around here, would be (as you may have guessed) to completely remove the representation system.
With the rep system out of the way, people can be in multiple guilds if they like, but can only be in one at any given time and only be seen in that guild they’re in for the day or w/ever. Any activities they do whilst in that guild, such as guild missions, would benefit only that guild, thus eliminating any conflict etc.
When they log in each day, they have their list of guilds and can choose which guild they wish to spend their day or however long with. What this would mean is, if a member is in a different guild to mine, I don’t see them on my guild roster, nor do they see my guild or have access to anything in my guild.
This would imo save us guild leaders a lot of management problems, animosity toward members not repping the guild and it would save members a lot of discomfort too, while having freedom of choice which guild they wish to be in without being forced into anything.
This meaningless change would imply that the person who joined the 100% rep 100% loyalty guild isnt 100% repping or 100% loyal.
So whats the point?
You’re suggesting a solution for a problem you have created by making a guild rule you want your guildmates to be able to break.
Your first sentence doesn’t make sense.
Are you are guild leader? I think the OP asked ppl to state their position in a guild and most of the posters here haven’t done so.
You either haven’t read my post or fully understood what I was saying. The point is, I want Anet to get rid of the rep system full stop. lf the representation was removed and members could be only in one guild at a time and only visible to that guild, as I suggested, there would be no need for the 100% rep rule would it? I’m suggesting Anet removes this redundant system and stop these arguments once and for all.
I know there’s a lot of people out there that would hate my proposal as it would mean they could not raid 5 guild halls each day, only the one they’re in, but that’s a big part of my point as well. I resent that members who have not contributed a cent toward my guild hall rebuild to just use and abuse my hard work, while not even bothering to rep my guild. And as a guild leader, I’ve seen this happen too many times.
That’s a terrible idea.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
- What if, Guild leaders have the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild?
I have been a guild leader since head start and I have only 1 rule in my guild : 100% guild rep. I’ve tried having it free for all, partial rep and so on, and it just doesn’t work if you want to have even a mildly cohesive guild. I don’t have a big guild (by choice) and I’m lucky to have a bunch of loyal members that get on, but it took a lot of work and frustration to get it there. It’s still a constant struggle to keep it that way and I’ve cursed Anet many times over the unnecessary difficulties they’ve presented us with.
I’ve always hated the way the guild representation works in gw2’s multi guild system. It is really bad in my view and creates a lot of needless animosity as well as work for the guild leaders. I hate the fact members who are in my guild but not representing my guild, are still showing in the guild roster, but with that awful grayish/green oval icon that indicates non-representation that I and all my members can see.
They just dumped this half-baked, unintuitive, multi-guild system on us and shook their hands off it and left us, the guild leaders, to have to deal with the consequences on a daily basis. The representation system creates conflict and mistrust among both sides and it all could have been easily avoided.To be frank, I’m tired of having to explain this convoluted, loyalty system to new players that want to join my guild and you can see, they just can’t grasp the concept. It’s so alien to them and I don’t blame them.
What your are suggesting in your OP would be to too much work to implement imo.
A much simpler solution, I suggested years ago btw, but of anything to do with guilds falls on deaf ears around here, would be (as you may have guessed) to completely remove the representation system.
With the rep system out of the way, people can be in multiple guilds if they like, but can only be in one at any given time and only be seen in that guild they’re in for the day or w/ever. Any activities they do whilst in that guild, such as guild missions, would benefit only that guild, thus eliminating any conflict etc.
When they log in each day, they have their list of guilds and can choose which guild they wish to spend their day or however long with. What this would mean is, if a member is in a different guild to mine, I don’t see them on my guild roster, nor do they see my guild or have access to anything in my guild.
This would imo save us guild leaders a lot of management problems, animosity toward members not repping the guild and it would save members a lot of discomfort too, while having freedom of choice which guild they wish to be in without being forced into anything.
After all these years, my opinion on this matter has not changed and I’ll keep trying to push for this change as long as I’m still around.
I would also prefer that if the proposal is too hard to implement, or too hard “for lazy leaders to admin” – I mean its just tick boxes?
I agree completely.
Anet also does not provide smaller Guilds/starter Guild with many incentives either and if people can multi-guild, they’d hop over to the max level guilds first and spend their time with those, or those with established Raid teams, or established WvW etc.
It’s about growth, and you need to move mountains to have any decent amount of members compared to other MMOs. Which I have done.
Also, I’d much rather have people show as offline than not repping at all. When new people join a Guild they do look at the number of representations and also the last online count.
My Guild no eno is past two weeks or kicked, but I provide them a link back to my site if they went on holiday etc.
If the system was like you proposed instead then I could keep kicking people showing as offline for long periods and in time have grown a player base with the same cause and ideals.
Now I need to admin a very complex system to achieve that.
And, the thing is I also agree with the other people and understand why they want to multi guild.
That is why I feel a system, that allows the Guild leaders the choice as to the kind of Guild they which to make. It is them providing free services/effort to run a Guild after all…
I’d rather have the “Guild war” been an actual war be it wvw or guild PvP teams vs other Guild 5 man teams.
(edited by The Path Finder.3197)
Or you can Just kick people who are not 100% rep.
It is your guild, it is your rule.
It is their choice.
Yes, I do kick, not repping that is not in a eligible repping rank/or in a Guild I have not approved.
I’d just like this to be a bit more automated and if I say were a complete 100% guild, then to not allow a member to join or able to join another Guild if he has prior Guilds.
I only recruit new player, free to play people, and I spend time in dugeons with them teaching them, and I spend time holding Guild missions for them and hand holding.
Why should I grow Raiders, or WvWers I trained just to have them hop over to another max level rival Guild, by building friendships there too – the same time I am spending gold and time on them. – it sucks.
People are less like likely to hop around if they do not know if the grass is greener, especially for start up Guilds.
I am guild leader of The Descendants of Gwen [Gwen], We have 200 members, 50 very active, 87 have been on-line in the last week. We allow members to be member of several guilds.
I am surprised by the hatred against the idea of OP to give guild leaders the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild? It would just be an option available to the guild leader, not something that should be mandatory.
ArenaNet did not make a lot of QoL improvements to guilds in the last five years. The improvements to guild chat were good, but beyond that little has been done. The tools available to a guild leader to administer a guild are poor. The attention ArenaNet recently has given to guilds is almost non-existent.
I welcome any discussion about guilds here on the forum. Anything that makes ArenaNet realizes guilds still exist and are in need of some care. Maybe this idea isn’t great, but the hatred I see in this topic is not justified.
Or you can Just kick people who are not 100% rep.
It is your guild, it is your rule.
It is their choice.Yes, I do kick, not repping that is not in a eligible repping rank/or in a Guild I have not approved.
I’d just like this to be a bit more automated and if I say were a complete 100% guild, then to not allow a member to join or able to join another Guild if he has prior Guilds.
I only recruit new player, free to play people, and I spend time in dugeons with them teaching them, and I spend time holding Guild missions for them and hand holding.
Why should I grow Raiders, or WvWers I trained just to have them hop over to another max level rival Guild, by building friendships there too – the same time I am spending gold and time on them. – it sucks.
People are less like likely to hop around if they do not know if the grass is greener, especially for start up Guilds.
Another possible solution would be to remove the account based guild membership. That way, people can join different guilds with their alts that specialize in particular content, or simply where they like to be in one guild for whatever reason.
I mean isn’t it weird that the guild membership is account based, yet representations isn’t? Why have that? It don’t make sense that if someone joins a guild, they have to tick the rep box on each character? Yet even if they don’t tick that rep box, their alt character will still appear in your guild roster. It’s a really strange system and no wonder there’s lot of confusion and hassle to deal with this every time u invite a new member.
I am guild leader of The Descendants of Gwen [Gwen], We have 200 members, 50 very active, 87 have been on-line in the last week. We allow members to be member of several guilds.
I am surprised by the hatred against the idea of OP to give guild leaders the ability to tick a box allowing or disallowing members to multi Guild? It would just be an option available to the guild leader, not something that should be mandatory.
ArenaNet did not make a lot of QoL improvements to guilds in the last five years. The improvements to guild chat were good, but beyond that little has been done. The tools available to a guild leader to administer a guild are poor. The attention ArenaNet recently has given to guilds is almost non-existent.
I welcome any discussion about guilds here on the forum. Anything that makes ArenaNet realizes guilds still exist and are in need of some care. Maybe this idea isn’t great, but the hatred I see in this topic is not justified.
Here’s a good example of a Guild that would tick the allow multi Guild box. See, not all Guild leaders will jump on such a system if it was made optional.
Or you can Just kick people who are not 100% rep.
It is your guild, it is your rule.
It is their choice.Yes, I do kick, not repping that is not in a eligible repping rank/or in a Guild I have not approved.
I’d just like this to be a bit more automated and if I say were a complete 100% guild, then to not allow a member to join or able to join another Guild if he has prior Guilds.
I only recruit new player, free to play people, and I spend time in dugeons with them teaching them, and I spend time holding Guild missions for them and hand holding.
Why should I grow Raiders, or WvWers I trained just to have them hop over to another max level rival Guild, by building friendships there too – the same time I am spending gold and time on them. – it sucks.
People are less like likely to hop around if they do not know if the grass is greener, especially for start up Guilds.
Another possible solution would be to remove the account based guild membership. That way, people can join different guilds with their alts that specialize in particular content, or simply where they like to be in one guild for whatever reason.
I mean isn’t it weird that the guild membership is account based, yet representations isn’t? Why have that? It don’t make sense that if someone joins a guild, they have to tick the rep box on each character? Yet even if they don’t tick that rep box, their alt character will still appear in your guild roster. It’s a really strange system and no wonder there’s lot of confusion and hassle to deal with this every time u invite a new member.
That was the first thing I noticed too. It is really weird.
Is the new guy in your guild, is he following your chats, did he read your motd, does he already have a raid guild, or wvw or something clashing with your guild?
Will he donate to help build the guild, if you provide him training, events and other services? Or is he already in a max level wvw Guild and feels there is no incentive for him to help build another Guild.
And, if you invite a lowby player, you do not know he has a high level alt. I’d rather prefer to know, then I can target free to play players rather or new lost in the woods loners, and provide them with a great experience and hopefully they’d buy the game – as people did in my Guild, people even transfer servers.
So yes guilds need some tlc.
Or you can Just kick people who are not 100% rep.
It is your guild, it is your rule.
It is their choice.Yes, I do kick, not repping that is not in a eligible repping rank/or in a Guild I have not approved.
I’d just like this to be a bit more automated and if I say were a complete 100% guild, then to not allow a member to join or able to join another Guild if he has prior Guilds.
I only recruit new player, free to play people, and I spend time in dugeons with them teaching them, and I spend time holding Guild missions for them and hand holding.
Why should I grow Raiders, or WvWers I trained just to have them hop over to another max level rival Guild, by building friendships there too – the same time I am spending gold and time on them. – it sucks.
People are less like likely to hop around if they do not know if the grass is greener, especially for start up Guilds.
Another possible solution would be to remove the account based guild membership. That way, people can join different guilds with their alts that specialize in particular content, or simply where they like to be in one guild for whatever reason.
I mean isn’t it weird that the guild membership is account based, yet representations isn’t? Why have that? It don’t make sense that if someone joins a guild, they have to tick the rep box on each character? Yet even if they don’t tick that rep box, their alt character will still appear in your guild roster. It’s a really strange system and no wonder there’s lot of confusion and hassle to deal with this every time u invite a new member.
That was the first thing I noticed too. It is really weird.
Is the new guy in your guild, is he following your chats, did he read your motd, does he already have a raid guild, or wvw or something clashing with your guild?
Will he donate to help build the guild, if you provide him training, events and other services? Or is he already in a max level wvw Guild and feels there is no incentive for him to help build another Guild.
And, if you invite a lowby player, you do not know he has a high level alt. I’d rather prefer to know, then I can target free to play players rather or new lost in the woods loners, and provide them with a great experience and hopefully they’d buy the game – as people did in my Guild, people even transfer servers.
So yes guilds need some tlc.
They do indeed need tlc, even lot of permissions are lacking, like how they lumped the both recruitment and kicks into a same permission, which is a blanketed permission for both actions. That is really bad, as it means i can’t give a permission to a lower rank member ability to invite a friend or girl/boyfriend into the guild without giving them also ability to kick someone which u don’t want.
I’ve been asking for years to have permissions for each guild bank tab, so we have better control of it. We don’t even have a mass guild mail-out system, so each time we have to send a schedule out or some notification to members, we have to mail to each member individually. With the mail spam restrictions it means you can only send 2 mails b4 u hit suppression. Instead it would be nice to be able to send one mail and have tab in the mailbox UI “send to all members”. People on this forum who don’t run an active guild have no idea what we have to deal with and how little tools we have at our disposal compared to other games. I’ve played games that are 12 years old that have better guild features, it’s sad, which is really surprising, considering Anet is pretty good at providing us with conveniences and nice QoL’s.
Could not have said it better myself. I have Three officer ranks, junior up to senior. Each admin admins a higher tier of players, new, casual and hardcore.
Then I provide officers for each game category type, pve, pvp, raid, rp, wvw, etc.
I actually would like to allow either a junior officer to invite people only for example, as it’s less risky (some people do, I have seen it, abuse the kick function like a prank) then kicks a whole Guild, then leaves.
I think they should really split the “officer abilities”
I also have an entry rank, that I allow people to multi guild a short while in or not rep. In order for them to decide after reading our T &Cs if we’re the guild for them.
This works.
However, in WoW I could mute my most bottom rank, I called it the Dungeon rank. If rules were abused or broken, and senior officers were not on. Junior officers could demote a player down to that rank in order for the trouble maker not the cause any more havoc in the Guild.
I really wish Anet would give us some tlc. I hear they’re busy with a Guild timer reminder/reminder calendar system soon for events.
But I would still love to have the ability to decide how I and my fellow friends/officer like to run our Guild and spend our time* offering services the way we wish and we’d like players to join us who enjoy our system freely. Not have it mandatory.
The system is really simple, to be honest, my 13 old brother could admin it lol. Figuring out the right builds these days are much more complex.
PS: This is a complexity for the Guild leader, not his players. And, only if he/she so chooses to use it.
Also the argument is like armour skins on the gem store, or any content not everyone* useses…
Something does not need mass appeal to be implemented or a feature. Heck, they even sell mail avatars, or odd things most people won’t buy.
Why not sell on the gem store, say for 5000 gems advance Guild features. Then, very few Guilds would use it and only the most dedicated to making it work would and they’d make money out of it.
I’d pay that much for better Guild tools, or for those who don’t buy gems their buddies can pool gold together to save up for the purchase of such upgrades.
(edited by The Path Finder.3197)
Better guild tools should not be on the gem store.
But your idea is one that to me shows that either the guild leader is:
1. Distrusting of his members to be loyal to his guild. People can be in multiple guilds and still be loyal to them all.
2. Doesn’t have a good guild and so has to create artificial loyalty.
3. Lazy. Doesn’t want to put forth the effort to police a 100% rep guild.
4. Extreme control freak.
You sound like you’re in the fourth category. You want your members to do everything guild related with your guild. Not some other guild. And you want it so much that you want to prohibit them from doing things with other guilds. Unless you approve it. You may have some of #1 though, given that you cite players choosing to do guild things with their other guilds instead of yours and thinking that means their not loyal to your guild. It could be that their guild mission day falls on a day and time that works for them, whereas yours does not. Why should a player have to ask to get permission to join another guild to do anything? That’s not play how I want. That’s play how my guild leader wants.
I wish there were ways for the game to help track representation %’s. To make it easier for representation required guilds to track the representation. That way guild leaders of guilds can kick those not following the rules, especially if they are near or at the 500 guild member limit.
It would be too much work for the few guilds that would use it and it would cause too much headaches with implementation and current guilds.
And guild drama when you have one member who was denied an exception guild but another one was granted and then one who was denied claims favoritism.
It sounds to me that the OP doesn’t run the kind of guild that makes people want to rep, and is frustrated by people joining and not repping.
My advice would be to create a guild environment where people want to rep and be part of your guild, rather than spending effort trying to make it so they can’t do anything except that.
If should be their choice on guilds, and it’s your responsibility to make it so they choose yours.
It sounds to me that the OP doesn’t run the kind of guild that makes people want to rep, and is frustrated by people joining and not repping.
My advice would be to create a guild environment where people want to rep and be part of your guild, rather than spending effort trying to make it so they can’t do anything except that.
If should be their choice on guilds, and it’s your responsibility to make it so they choose yours.
I do have an entry level rank which I don’t mind if people do not rep for x amount of time to check us out first and to see if our way of doing things is a “fit” for them. Nothing is forced.
Then I have middle ranks where I choose to focus most of my resources and time to develop those players “as full members” they’re showing 100% rep and giving their heart and souls, and I do in return for them.
Then once loyalty is earned I allow the higher level players to be with an allied Guild, for something we’d not offer. If that guild reaches their max say they only have 3 or 4 raid officers and can only have 4 teams, I ask my members to advise me on any other guild they’d like to recommend for an alliance. I talk to those guild leaders beforehand and they agree not to solicit to my members for their events and I won’t for theirs.
I do have a “few” guildies who do alt banks or have family guilds etc. I made those deals/exceptions with them pre-them joining.
I just try my best to keep x amount of players per game category together so that there can be teams and enough players for x content, in a civil environment.
Some people like lawlessness and freedom, some like order and higher quality. Nothing says that they’d need to lose out – in fact, alot of people I have recruit played gw2 for years, been in MANY guilds and never found their match, until now.
I am finding the Niche players who prefer an old-school type of Guild way. That is all. I just miss the GW1 allied system in a way, and I also think the above poster idea is awesome where guild participation xp can be earned per player to indicate guild loyalty.
Then instead of kicking, a guild leader could decide 30, 40 or 50% with his guild is enough – and if it would be possible to break it down into wvw, pvp, pve, raids, etc.
Still, if a Guild leader decides to make a certain guild a type of exclusive guild in his own way, who are you to demand him to open it, why not – just not join him? why be bothered at all, that such a feature could exist unless… you don’t trust your guild leaders?
Two-way street?
I just want different guild chat colors so I can, read everything more easily. And no stop suggesting to make different tabs for them. It’s a work around that exists, but isn’t helpful for what I want to see.
I just want different guild chat colors so I can, read everything more easily. And no stop suggesting to make different tabs for them. It’s a work around that exists but isn’t helpful for what I want to see.
So in game chat – each rank has a different color chat and it could indicate blue chat is wvw, orange normal chat, green pvp and purple raids? Yellow Guild missions? And gray for off topic/nonsense talk? :P With the ability to mute the ones you don’t want to follow (well that can already be done, not following chat channels)
across your multi guilds or internally in the guild it self(if it is an all aspect/all rounder guild?)
Become a better leader and fix your superiority complex and you wont have problem with people not representing your guild.