Suggestion: Merge Discussion & HoT Discussion
It would make sense yes.
I think the reason they are still seperate and might stay so, is in the case of people that don’t have HoT, but might choose to, don’t encounter too many spoilers. Only reason I can see for it anyway.
I like it separate. Forum move fast some time and more easy to see post not about HoT this way. When I want to read about HoT thing I go to that forum. It take just one click to go there. Hope by next expansion Anet use new forum software with work search and hope also an ignore feature.
This is the GW2 subforum, the other one is the Heart of Thorns subforum. No need to merge.
I agree that merging them would make sense. It’s all one game really and some stuff like gliding is now across the whole game anyway.
kitten , post wrong thread
anyway, the section indeed is confusing sometimes since players themselves dont even care to post in the righ section, might as well just merge everything
Henge of Denravi Server
I like it separate. Forum move fast some time and more easy to see post not about HoT this way. When I want to read about HoT thing I go to that forum. It take just one click to go there. Hope by next expansion Anet use new forum software with work search and hope also an ignore feature.
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