Suggestion: Missing Skills

Suggestion: Missing Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Can’t find the thread about this topic again, so I’ll post it now in an own one.
Personally I’d love to see it that every skill type should provide an equal amount of skills among all Classes.
Currenty all Classes havem’t for all Skill Types also Skills among the Utility, Healing and Elite Skills, there are even still some Skills in this Game, which have no skill category at all!! I’d like to see this getting changed, plus the added new skills to make all skill types in this game equal in amount, that they provide in all 3 areas skilsl would lead to increased build diversity also.

So I made my mind up, what kind of Skills I’d love to see gettign added to fill up the gaps. Filling these gaps is something, that Anet could do for example somewhen with another Feature Pack in the future, or via the next Expansion when they are already working also on Skills for the next Elite Specializations, then they can work also on filling the gaps to make all skill types equal for all skill categories, that are Healing, Utility and Elite Skills, while giving skilsl that have no category yet also a category, so that these skills get affected by traits also positively from that point on.

Heres my suggestions for skills listed per Class:


Conjure ~ Ether Blades
Conjures a a pair of Swords of pure arcane Ether Energy, which grants when used 5 Ether Sword Skills. Wielders of these Weapons are granted increased Concentration and lose 1 condition every 3 seconds when they hit targets with the AA of Ether Blades.

AA – Ether Strike – Strike foes, heal yourself and nearby allies when you hit foes based on the damage you deal procentually. Every 3rd strike you remove a Condition
2 – Elemental Lord Grant Buffs to yourself and nearby allies, based on which elemental attunement you have active for the next x seconds whenever you attack someone with your AA. Fire: Might, Water: Resistance, Air: Quickness, Earth: Protection
3 – Energy Prism – Attack all foes in line of sight with a ranged Energy Cross Strike of your swords that can’t be blocked and causes cripple, bleed and vulnerability, while it removes from allies all kinds of movement reducing conditions, if they stood in the line too and heals them for every removed condition.
4 – Energy Boon – Grants Retaliation, Regeneration and Vigor in a pulsing Ether Field as long as you charge this skill, but you become immobile meanwhile, as you ram your swords for this effect into the ground.
5 – Ether Prodigy – Instantly refills up for you and all your nearby allies their Endurance by 100% and heals everybody 50% based on the percentage of Endurance that has been restored. So someone who has 0 Endurance and receives 100 Endurance back with EP, will also get half of his health healed maximum. However, using this skill will instantly remove Ether Blades.

Elite Signet ~ Signet of Concentration
Passive: Increases Concentration by +180
Active: On Activation you receive All Boons for a brief time and the last Attunement that has been used will instantly recharge and the next 3 Skills used when attuning back to this Element will deal 20% more damage and can’t be blocked.

Elite Arcane ~ Arcane Barrier Elite version of Arcane Shield, which protects stronnger and also allies with a barrier effect that protects you and allies like Mass Invisibility, people simple block immediately after usage the next incoming kittens.
Whenever Arcane Barrier blocks incoming damage also a small portion of the damage is repelled back to the origin, makign this skill tactically especially deadly when used in midsts of tons of AoE damage. Arcane Barrier also gives everyone while being affected from it periodically stability and resistance.


Spectral ~ Spectral Chains
Send out Spectral Chains to tether you with your enemies. Receive a Heal on usage, from that point on you get periodically healed whenever someone of your tethered foes deals damage to anything and you gain a bit Life Force.
While being tethered to your foes, you gain also the passive effects that your tethere foes have. Example: Tethered foe is affected by a banner, you gain also the passive effetc of that banner as long as Spectral Chains is working.

Elite Signet ~ Signet of Lost Souls
Passive: Increases Toughness based on every Minion with you or nearby from other of allies by +30 per Minion. (Cap at +600 Toughness)
Active: Depletes instantly all of your Life Force to 0, therefore do you deal for the next 5 seconds +20% damage, are immune to CCs of all sorts and your Minions gain for 5 seconds all boons.

Elite Well ~ Well of Silence
Target area pulses, damaging foes over time, while foes inside of it can’t use any Shout Skills, aren’t affected by Banners and whenever this well gets placed somewhere, it will remove any Enemy AoE, it practically overwrites them and while this Well is up, can’t enemies place their AoEs in that area, this Well practically prohibites any other enemy aoes to be placed, where it has been placed.


Ether Feast gets turned into a Glamour

Clone ~ Arcane Echo
Heal yourself and create a clone, which reuses on your targeted foe the last Skill that you have used and deals with it the same damage, as like the Original, before you activated Arcane Echo which wasn’t a Clone or Phantasm Skill.

Phantasm ~ Phantasmal Paramedic
Heal yourself, Summon then an illusion, which heals periodically nearby allies, and grants Regegerations, Protections and Vigor randomly on touch with allies/you

Elite Mantra ~ Mantra of Signets > Power Return
Meditate, charging a Spell, which instantly recharges Signet Skills and which grants a positive Effect that increases the passive Effect Efficiency of Signets by 20%, while you haven’t used the charged Spell to instantly recharge your Signets.

Elite Clone ~ Pantomime
Creates a Pantomime Clone of yourself, which performs exactly the same Skill as you and which deals the same damage as like the Original, while also having the same Health as like the Original. Basically, while you have this Clone up, will you perform all of your skills twice against a foe at the same time. However, while Pantomine is up and it receives Damage, then you will receive damage too, so this means, you receive also twice the damage while its up. Riskful, but rewarding when used at the right time and when you think its too risky to keep it, then you let it shatter.

Elite Phantasm ~ Phantasmal Nightmare
Creates a phantasm of your foes greatest nightmare, their absolute nemesis.
Attacks of this phantams will cause torment, confusion and periodically taunts the target foe. If the phantasm gets killed by the target foe, it will cause an AoE daze, and AoE torment, if it gets killed by anyone else.


Mending becomes a Physical

Banner ~ Banner of Motivation
Heals yourself when planting the banner to the Ground. When this Banner gets planted will receive allies in its AoE periodically Regeneration and increased Expertise
When wielding the Banner you have following 5 Skills

AA – Stab – Deal Damage
2 – Courageous Banner – Motivate your allies giving them Resistance
3 – Inspire – Grant yourself and allies Swiftness
4 – Sprint – Dash towards your target, removing movement impeding conditions
5 – Plant Banner – Plant the banner for its AoE Effect

Elite Stance ~ Soldier’s Stance
When this Skill is used, will the next 3 Shouts that aren’t the same Shout after another recharge instantly and grant you Might, Swiftness and Fury.
If this Skill is combined together with Soldier Equipment, then the Equipment will give you 5% more Attribute Points for Power, Toughness and Vitality ,when using the Stance

Elite Shout ~ *"I Will Revenge You!"
Revives a nearby dead ally instantly, if you kill a foe after you have used this Shout within a certain time limit and this skill has been used within a certain time limit after an nearby ally has been killed. You receive Quickness for a brief moment when using this Skill. Get healed also when you kill successfully a foe within the time limit after using IWAY.


Shelter becomes a Consecration

Spirit Weapon ~ Staff of Zeal > Command
Heal your self on summon. Command your Staff of Zeal to create a Healing Symbol which periodically heals you and allies while standing on it, that grants also Vigor when runing into its effect. While its summoned, are also your Virtues 20% stronger.

Elite Consecration ~ Inauguration
When using this skill, will you gain a consecrated aura, which reduces for your nearby allies the recharge Times of their Healing Skills by 20% and whenever nearby allies use a Healing Skill or get somehow else Health restored while th effect if inauguration is active, then you will receive 20% of the Health restoration too and a random Boon.

Elite Spirit Weapon ~ Greatsword of Wrath > Command
Summon a Greatsword of Wrath. Command it attack its target location and cause at that location AoE Burning to all hit targets, while removing also Boons and revealing targets. Basically Elite Version of Sword of Justice, just a bit stronger and, more effectful, while also better for cleavign, as it can hit 5 foes instead of only 3 at once.


Signet of Nature
Passive: Increases Healing Power
Active: Summons randomly either tamed beast for a while to your side that aids you, or summons a tree in combat, which grants for you and allies Regeneration periodically (Thief Steal Skill), whose attacks will heal you and you heal yourself also by a decent portion.

Elite Signet ~ Archer’s Signet
Passive: Grants Precision and increases the Range of ranged Weapons for you by +300, if it wasn’t already maximum 1500.
Active: The ranged Attack of your next skill will bounce to nearby targets and deal 20% of the damage that the target enemy received to enemies which got hit by bounced arrows. With this used, will bounce for example the arrows of Rapidfire to nearby targets.

Elite Trap ~ Quicksand Trap
Set a trap, which when activated pulls slowly catched foes towards its center, while crippling and tormenting them periodically so more they move. Deals significant damage to foes, that got pulled completely into the center of the trap.


Signet of Craftmanship
Passive: Grants Concentration
Active: Recharges instantly Turrets with the exception of Elite Skills and heals you plus a Bonus for every recharged Utility Turret Skill.
Toolbelt: Certificate of Perfection
Grants your Turrets for some time complete immunity to incoming damage sources and repairs them by 20%

Elixier Gun becomes a Healing Skill, counting as the Healing Skill Weapon Kit from now on.
Elixier Gun as a Utility Skill will get replaced by a new Weapon Kit Utility Skill – the Pump Gun

AA – Scrapnel Blast = AoE unblockable Bleedings
2- Powerful Shot = Attack with increased range of 1500, which stuns foes when hit on nearby distance
3- Flak – Ranged attack, that negates projectiles that are flying towards you and deals more damage when it negates enemy projectiles by reflectiing them back to the origin.
4 – Desperado – Shoot quickly three times at your nearest three targets, dazing them for a quarter second. If theres only one nearby target, then you shoot three times at only this one target.
5 – Explosive Shot – Shoot with nitroglycerin infused shrapnel around which explodes on contact, causing burnings and vulnerability, while launching the hit target away from you.
Toolbelt: Penetration Ammo – The next 3 attacks become unblockable and cause additionally vulnerability.

Elite Signet ~ Signet of Technic
Passive: Removes periodically Conditions from you due to nano technic imolemented in your gear that cures you.
Active: Activates a Gadget Skill for you that is situationally based the most useful. For example, if you have an enemy thats targeted and far away from you, it will activate rocket boots, if you are blinded at the moment, it will intelligently activate for you instead Utility Googles. If none of these things happen, its a 50/50 between Slick Shoes and Throw Mine.

Elite Device Kit ~ Acid Kit

AA – Acid Rain – throw flasks of acid, that cause torment.
2 – Hydrochloric Acid – Throw a flask of Hydrochloric Acid, which causes a real strong vulnerability over brief time
3 – Cyanide – Throw a flask of Cyanide, which poisons foes periodically at its location of impact
4 – Hydrofluoric Acid – Throw a flask of Hydrofluoric Acid, which causes blindness and Cripple
5 – Sulfuric Acid – Throw a flask of Sulfuric Acid, which causes explosions that cause burnings, if any fire related skills get used in the near of it. whiel the sulfuric acids effect is in the air.


Ambush becomes the Trap Healing Skill and gets replaced by a new Trap Utility Skill.
Heal yourself, Summon a Thief Companion to your side whose attacks heal you over time, while he also removes conditions from you every 5 seconds.
When ambush activates the Thief ally will perform Backstab not as initial attack attacking the back of targets that run into the trap to give the skill somem ore impact and makign it really an “Ambush”

New Utility Trap as repalcement – Dust Trap – causes damage and Blinds foes that step into it while causing a Stealth Field for the thief for some time as long the dust is in the air

Elite Trap ~ Neurotoxin Trap
Causes Damage and injects some neurotoxin into the foes wounds, that cause the enemy to suffer on poison, torment and confusion at the same time.

Elite Signet ~ Signet of Twilight
Passive: Grants Condition Damage
Active: Summons a Shadow Clone of you which works basically similar like the Pantomime Skill of the Mesmer I suggest here, basically doubling all the skills effects for you as long it is up, while you receive also more damage, but lesser, because you can’t remove them on demand through shatter, once activated.
You get also stealthed, if the Shadow Clone survives its full duration of 15 seconds and this Stealth will overwrite even Revealed if you are revealed at that moment when the duration of Signet of Twilight ends.

If you have self ideas, or if you can find that one thread which I meant again for me, write them down here

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside