[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


This one is pretty self explanatory.

You take for example.. Guild 1, and Guild 2. You then put in a special chat command where the Guild 1 owner would type something like /GuildAlliance Guild 2. And then Guild 2 owner would type something like /GuildAlliance Accept. Thus combining guild chats together, where they could then use /ac (for alliance chat).. and talk to each other!

Having something like this in game would make a huge impact on coordinating certain events, and working together.

Regardless if you use it for raids or what not, it would still be a great feature to have in this game.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadySwan.8751


We had this in an old game I used to play, we used to have Guild alliances, and a chat for that. It was pretty fun especially for planning events and battles. im all for this idea, I think its a great idea to add a little more to guilds.

I’m all for this!

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Guild Wars 1 had alliances (the guild I was in had 5 other guilds in our alliance) and you could use alliance chat instead of guild chat (and most people did). GW2 sort of got rid of those because there was no longer a 100 user cap on guilds. So yeah… Might be nice, but don’t think they will do it.

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elitejelly.7462


I believe this was brought up when Anet did the Guild CDI’s a while back.

(/o_o)/ |_|
hype over.

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadySwan.8751


I’d like it in general if they did more for guilds, cause as it stands you join a guild but u can be in 4 (?) other ones as well and idk I just don’t feel the devotion as i did with other games because of that. but then on top of that, there’s no guild v guild which i think is rather fun.. in the old game I mentioned before they’d have battles where the winning guild would get to own a town and tax it and what not idk it was a nice reward for being the winning guild and the battles would be held weekly .

The sad reality is this is not the game I used to play and so I shouldn’t/don’t expect there to be the same things.

I’d be happy with any new changes tho, unless they’re just plain bad ones.

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


Lets take the guild I am in.. [TTS]

There are 12 TTS guilds total (so far). Only the leaders can be in multiple guilds at once for obvious reasons. Some of them have 3 accounts. So they can be in all 12. Having a guild alliance chat would greatly benefit something like this, but for everyone. That way we could talk between each other.

Some people may think… "there is no “need” for this" … Regardless of need or not.. its something that I could see a huge amount of the players utilizing and taking advantage of.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

[Suggestion] Multiple guilds sharing chat!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I believe this was brought up when Anet did the Guild CDI’s a while back.


We had a CDI on alliances you should check it out it had a lot of cool ideas. Im hopeful we will get alliances.

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