[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheFool.4589


I don’t know about other servers, but the obsidian sanctum is always dead. Why not just change it to a king of the hill gaunlet for the 3 worlds to fight over? Just put the point at the top. When a world caps it, they get a world buff, let’s say a perma speed buff for an hour.

When the hour is up, to keep it fair, the point resets and can’t be caped for 30mins.
Can you imagine the mayhem in that place? Even if a Mesmer portals people, there would still be enough people to stop the cap.

Obsidian sanctum is such a dark, lonely, mysterious place that I feel isn’t appreciated by having little to no population. It’s there, why not use it?

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The problem is that the kind of people who enjoy doing JP’s are usually not the same people who enjoy PvP. (Or at least, not at the same time.) I like doing JP’s, and before EotM came out, I did Obsidian Sanctum every night for the Badges. But I really, really hated getting ganked or killed by cheap shots in there; when I’m in Obsidian Sanctum, I’m there to do the JP, not to fight. If I wanted to fight, I’d go to WvW or sPvP.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheFool.4589


The problem is that the kind of people who enjoy doing JP’s are usually not the same people who enjoy PvP. (Or at least, not at the same time.) I like doing JP’s, and before EotM came out, I did Obsidian Sanctum every night for the Badges. But I really, really hated getting ganked or killed by cheap shots in there; when I’m in Obsidian Sanctum, I’m there to do the JP, not to fight. If I wanted to fight, I’d go to WvW or sPvP.

BUT it is , in the end, a fair PvP grounds.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Zax pretty much nailed it. Those that wanted to do the jumping puzzle often get tired of getting ganked so they stopped. With no one to gank, the grievers have no reason to be there either. I’m shocked it took this long to empty out.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheFool.4589


Zax pretty much nailed it. Those that wanted to do the jumping puzzle often get tired of getting ganked so they stopped. With no one to gank, the grievers have no reason to be there either. I’m shocked it took this long to empty out.

So my point is, let’s do something with it. It’s empty.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


BUT it is , in the end, a fair PvP grounds.

PvP IS allowed in there, of course. But often, the people who fight in Obsidian Sanctum fight dirty. They use pulls to just yank enemy players off high places to fall to their deaths, from spots where it’s next to impossible for them to fight back, such as the well, at the platform just before the dark chamber, and at the arena. You can’t fight back against that unless you have numbers on your side (which, again, if you call for help from your server, most WvW’ers will decline because it’s a JP, and they HATE doing JP’s).

That said, going back to your original suggestion, I think it could be a good idea to make Obsidian Sanctum more worthwhile by having control of it grant a bonus to your server. The trouble there is, you’d need to do a lot of tweaking and balancing to make it work, because otherwise the server with the highest population would just assign people to camp there and use those choke points to prevent enemy servers from ever capturing it. And at the end of the day, I think that the number of people who like doing JP’s AND PvP at the same time just isn’t high enough for ANet to warrant spending the development time on it.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


So my point is, let’s do something with it. It’s empty.

I was about to shoot down the notion because pve and pvp just don’t mix but an idea just occurred to me. If players had to guard a golem going through the puzzle instead of doing it themselves while trying to destroy other server golems, it might work. To keep it fair, player skills are replaced with controls for the golems so they can’t directly fight one another. Also traps only work on golems. Have it so golems are constantly moving and players get teleported back to the beginning if they are out of range with their golem for too long. This way gankers can’t camp.

It’s just a rough idea and the area would need to be redesigned so players could more around easily but maybe it could work.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NTDK.4897


“Obsidian sanctum is such a dark, lonely, mysterious place”

well. that’s exactly what I like about it. There’s also the unknown danger lurking in it (from enemy that may or may not be there).

So yeah. I like it the way it is.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheFool.4589


So my point is, let’s do something with it. It’s empty.

I was about to shoot down the notion because pve and pvp just don’t mix but an idea just occurred to me. If players had to guard a golem going through the puzzle instead of doing it themselves while trying to destroy other server golems, it might work. To keep it fair, player skills are replaced with controls for the golems so they can’t directly fight one another. Also traps only work on golems. Have it so golems are constantly moving and players get teleported back to the beginning if they are out of range with their golem for too long. This way gankers can’t camp.

It’s just a rough idea and the area would need to be redesigned so players could more around easily but maybe it could work.

Problem with this idea is…golems can’t jump…

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Problem with this idea is…golems can’t jump…

They probably can. I’ve seen them swim and they have specialized finishers so I’m sure they have a jump animation. We just don’t have access to it.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The small golem forms you transform into using tonics CAN jump; it’s just the Siege Golems that can’t.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


ANet tried to get people to use Obsidian Sanctum by putting Living Story achievement stuff there (kites, anyone?). Of course, what happened was PvE players went there for the achieves, got killed and the kitten hit the rotary impeller.

[Suggestion]Obsidian sanctum gaunlet run.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

the gauntlet would work if it is a free for all.

even if you party up with a group of 5, there will still be friendly fire everywhere since everyone (including your 4 other party members) will be in red color.