Suggestion: Option to Lock items

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

I would like to make a simple suggestion to let us lock items we don’t want to loose by, salvaging, selling, auto depositing, or even destroying by mistake.

Not sure how simple or hard this may be to implement, but you make a small locket available on all icons, just like the one u see on unlocked bank tabs or unlocked bag slots but ofc much smaller. By default the little locket would appear unlocked with the little latch sprang open and when u lock an item it would appear locked.

The lock/unlock is done by a default key bind for eg: Shift+L. You simply left click on the item to select it, then first use of Shift+ L locks the item, 2nd use unlocks it. This locking can be done even in the merchant’s interface when u go to sell items. Sometimes you may miss locking something important and see it there, you should be able to lock it in the same way just by selecting it.

The locked items always remain locked and they can be used as normal except: They cannot be sold, salvaged, merched. destroyed or auto deposited unless you unlock them first.

One of the reasons i’m suggesting this, other than those i mentioned above, is i often have come close to selling my (namely my engi’s and ele’s who don’t have a dual swap) weapons by mistake.
All my characters have invisible bags that i keep at the bottom of my inventory and store all their spare weapons, minis etc in there, always making sure there’s enough space for them. However, in case of those 2 classes, when switching from a 1H and off hand weapon to a 2H one, the off hand never gets put back into invisible bag. It always gets thrown to a first available storage slot in ur inventory and gets mixed up with rest of the stuff there.

Locking off all your valuables would prevent any concerns of selling these items or w/ever and keep them safe until u manually unlock them.

Please discuss, agree/disagree or whatever.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


Totally Agreed. This would be of great help!

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taku.6352


Get an exotic weapon box from fractals. Your extra offhand weapon will automatically go there when you swap to a 2 handed weapon.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KratosAngel.7289


Exotic weapon box is indeed pretty cool for that auto-sorting. However, it still does not prevent you from selling/salvaging the items.
Furthermore, ascended do not go directly into those bags so it’s getting less and less effective unfortunately …
So /signed

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well, invisible bags always worked perfectly fine for me. And also, I always look at what I’m selling/salvaging. You can also buy something back that you sold to an NPC by accident.

So I don’t really see a problem there myself.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


Maybe just the option to bind certain gear to a specific box – such as weapons to your invisible box so they go there when weapon-swapping.

The rest of it though, sounds more a problem of clicking like a madman and not paying attention. There’s already safeguards in place for the things you have worries about.
If you accidentally sell something to an NPC……it will sell it back to you. If you go crazy clicking while salvaging or simply misclick, a warning box comes up on anything rare-grade or higher asking if you’re sure.
These safeguards, along with actually paying attention to what you are doing, should be enough to prevent losing anything of value.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


There are many different type bags for inventory that help with auto-sorting.

From the wiki:

Basic — No special properties

Craftsman’s Bags — Looted crafting material is placed here first.

Oiled Packs — Looted junk is placed here first.

Equipment Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first.

Invisible Bags/Safe Boxes — Items in these bags can be sold neither to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. They do not move when inventory is sorted. Using ‘Deposit Collectibles’ will not affect items inside invisible bags.

So, in a sense, we already have these functions. As for salvaging, anything rare and above is supposed to pop a warning asking if you’re sure you want to salvage. Anything you sell to an NPC can be bought back immediately for what they paid you for it.

In the end, I understand and kind of like your idea, I just don’t think it’s necessary.

The only thing I do wish is that equipped items go directly to your invisible box/bag when you “unequip” them rather than having to fish them out of the first available slot when you swap weapons.

Level 80 Elementalist

(edited by Ashabhi.1365)

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OldSomalia.6180


My weapon swaps are specifically two-handed and dual-wield. If I want to equip a one-hand item, I do so on my dual-wield swap. If I want to equip a two-hand, I do so on my two-handed swap.

Is it inconvenient? You might construe it as such, but I keep a very strict order of what weapons go where in my bags, so I never have to look at sigil to know what I am equipping. In this way, it would be more frustrating to simply equip something anywhere I felt like it, as things would require constant sorting and resorting; indeed, it is easiest to just pay attention to whether I am on a two-handed set or dual-wielding set and interchange accordingly.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

There are many different type bags for inventory that help with auto-sorting.

From the wiki:

Basic — No special properties

Craftsman’s Bags — Looted crafting material is placed here first.

Oiled Packs — Looted junk is placed here first.

Equipment Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first.

Invisible Bags/Safe Boxes — Items in these bags can be sold neither to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. They do not move when inventory is sorted. Using ‘Deposit Collectibles’ will not affect items inside invisible bags.

So, in a sense, we already have these functions. As for salvaging, anything rare and above is supposed to pop a warning asking if you’re sure you want to salvage. Anything you sell to an NPC can be bought back immediately for what they paid you for it.

In the end, I understand and kind of like your idea, I just don’t think it’s necessary.

The only thing I do wish is that equipped items go directly to your invisible box/bag when you “unequip” them rather than having to fish them out of the first available slot when you swap weapons.

I see what you’re saying and i’m aware of all of that, but trust me, I use the lock/unlock system in Lotro and it’s much better than this bag system. Consider this, ur locked items are always safe no matter where they are, including minis. They can go into any bag in ur inventory and they’re safe, this is especially handy for items u always keep in ur bags and if ur items get scattered, once u get rid of stuff u don’t want to keep, just use sort button and all ur locked items stack neatly together.

Anyway, this is not some flippant idea, im talking from experience here. Like i said, i use a system like this in Lotro all the time and it works fantastic. Once u get used to it u’d never want to go back to having a bag for this a bag for that, but if u got any space in those bags it dumps whatever in there anyway, defeating the whole purpose of them.

The only thing Lotro lacks is that sorting option (i think they’re working on that too) but even without that, it still works better imo than this cumbersome item-specific bag system.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

Well, invisible bags always worked perfectly fine for me. And also, I always look at what I’m selling/salvaging. You can also buy something back that you sold to an NPC by accident.

So I don’t really see a problem there myself.

i know u can buy things back, but u only have a limited time within which u can buy items back. so if u don’t realise it right away that u sold something important, too bad its gone.

Not only that, but to get ur item(s) you can only buy it back from the very trader u sold it to. So if u don’t remember where u sold it too bad.

Think of this scenario, you’re tired after long questing or w/ever, ur ready to log off but want to clear out ur bags first and you sell something u didn’t want to without realising it. You log off and then as ur about to fall sleep it hits you, hmmm too bad, its gone forever. You’d just want to hope it wasn’t that precursor that just dropped for you lol, as many of them look just like any other weapon in the game. I know they’re of exotic quality but seriously when ur eyes a bleary, its easy to mistake colours especially at night.

Anyway, I’m not suggesting we should get rid of the bags, they can stay as they are, but this would be an additional safety option for the community that want to use it. I for one would definitely use it and i’m sure many others would too once they saw the benefit of it.

Suggestion: Option to Lock items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well, if your eyes are all bleary and you would even sell a precursor by accident, you really shouldn’t be playing at this point. And if you are… clean your inventory next time you log in. It won’t run away. No amount of locking an item will help you with this, as you might as well forget to do so or lock the wrong item at this point. ^^

As for switching weapons; it works perfectly fine as long as you’ve got the same amount of weapons in each weaponswitch. Let’s say I run with mainhand+offhand and an offhand in the second weaponswitch. If I exchange the offhands, the mainhand, or if I exchange the second switch-slot for a twohanded weapon, the weapons always will rotate at the very same place in the inventory. Just if I decide to use two different mainhands or use two twohanded weapons, it will mess things up. That’s because weapons that you unequip usually try to switch places with those that you equip.

(edited by Saturn.6591)