Suggestion : PVP report player option

Suggestion : PVP report player option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeadReaper.6527


The other day, I started a pvp match and when the game started to by difficult (team got wiped at like 150 vs 210), one of the player simply stayed at the base (afk). The problem here, is that they’re was no way to report it. Could it be possible to add a report choice for pvp ? Something like a pvp player behavior with a box to leave a comment.

Or is there already a way to report these players ?

There was a thread about a year ago
but I saw no solution…

Suggestion : PVP report player option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naix.8156


That happens a fair amout in pvp so you’ll need to get used to it. Anet gives zero kittens about this type of behavior. Many have asked for additional report categories for a very long time and exactly zero have been added other than what you’ve got to choose from now. On the bright side though it could be worse. Players are free siege grief or take golems and walk them off cliffs to destroy them in WvW which another player paid with no report option or action taken.

Suggestion : PVP report player option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


The other day, I started a pvp match and when the game started to by difficult (team got wiped at like 150 vs 210), one of the player simply stayed at the base (afk). The problem here, is that they’re was no way to report it. Could it be possible to add a report choice for pvp ? Something like a pvp player behavior with a box to leave a comment.

Or is there already a way to report these players ?

There was a thread about a year ago
but I saw no solution…

Apparently, ANet want you to report it as boting. That’s what I’ve read on the PvP forums in a few threads.

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