[Suggestion] Permanently Stow Pets
Ranger pet? Why not put it on passive?
I do, believe me, yet I always find it on a monster with my party getting aggrivated.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
In the ranger CDI this as brought up again and again. Basically the answer was that this would take too much effort and time to change rangers in this way.
Anet only wants rangers to use pets, this will never be just archers. That’s what I gathered from the CDI… Rangers will stay just the same as wows model.
The only way Ranger is going to change in regards to the pet mechanic, in my opinion, is going to be through a future Specialization that replaces it.
Eh, besides too much work the stance Anet took was that the pet is the core feature of the ranger, their gimmick is having a pet so they’re stuck with it.
I’d rather see Point Blank Shot permanently stowed.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Rumor has it that the option will be available to you in the expansion to deactivate your pet and will get damage bonus in compensation.
Now this is just a rumor I’ve heard from a guy that heard it from another guy in WvW.
The only reason I might believe it is that WvW rumors are often true
Maybe you can dig and try find an official statement somewhere.
The ability to stow a pet permanently is the single most often requested thing on these forums.
The blanket response has been “the ranger is THE pet profession. we know it’s broken – live with it.”
While I would love to see it, I can’t honestly see Anet doing it.
I wanna beable to ride my pet!!!1!!one!
Hey Anet how about giving Rangers something? Either let us stow our pets or remove that God awful name and health bar that won’t disappear above that pet? I mean you force us to have it out AND you force us to see it’s name and health bar even when we’ve turned off all other name plates. Please fix what would be a fun class.