[Suggestion] Personality Animations/Voices

[Suggestion] Personality Animations/Voices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Animations for the personalities of the characters are pretty much generic across all of the races there is even the same voice.

I’d love to see new personalities that specifically affect the voice events during combat as well as the idle animations.

I’ve noticed there’s a real lack of reaction to the world as well.

Rain doesn’t cause anyone in the game even NPCs to pull out umbrellas or even put on ponchos to try to prevent getting wet.

Thick foliage doesn’t cause the more grumpy characters to say something about how it’s annoying to move around.

Just some thoughts I had this morning.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

[Suggestion] Personality Animations/Voices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


Simply put…. voice actors are expensive. With amount of Dialog this game has, even in the incidentals, is hours of audio. Producing even 5 seconds of usable dialog can take up to 30-45 minutes of a studio time with a VA, over multiple retakes, to get the desired tone and characteristics for the sample.

To produce a personality shift for combat and ambient dialog, they’d have to go back and redo everything that isn’t story dialog. To include story dialog (for consistency) would take several weeks, plus well into 6 figures additional to the above costs, AND would have to be included in all new content, as well as all new voice packs having to retroactively redo dialog for all past content.

So while it seems like a “simple” bit of content, you can’t just ignore the need for consistency with the way the game’s story content has to be presented, and the massive costs required to maintain that much audio that can’t be compartmentalized to a specific story arc.

Theres already another thread discussing the VA change for the Female Charr between Pact and Heart of Thorns story lines. This alone shows VA changes can massively stand out to even casual observers, and serves to high light a few major problems that exist with content production that has to span multiple years.

Even if we go the easy route to add dialog to the library, using the same VAs and personality archetypes, thats still going to cost studio time and VA fees. Given the amount of work and cost that goes into creating these recording sessions, its actually way more efficient to incorporate this into the scheduling for an expansion or LS arc, and add it to the core game, rather then bespoke paid content.