Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


I have a suggestion that involves changes to the Friends/Contacts/Blocked list.

It is simply to give more control to the individual player to be able to remain unseen by others when pertaining to the location and other information that can currently be viewed even when a player is online or off by strangers.

In its current state any player can add anyone else without their express permission and be able to see their current location and thus be able to stalk, follow, and harass them in game. This shouldn’t be the case and should be changed to allow for a confirmation before allowing other players to have this information on anyone else.

Playing as a commander in WvW brings up a spotlight onto my characters and there have been many issues with other players having my I.D. and other information. Knowing when I log on, what map I’m on and playing conflictingly to that of what I want when I try to do something in WvW or elsewhere isn’t something I want others to be able to do so easily with just an add to the friends list. Even when I block people, players are able to find my map, then click on my character, see my account I.D. and knowing it’s me play in a counterproductive way in my vicinity which although elaborate should be fully avoidable.

When I log onto the game I want to be able to chat with my friends freely and allow them to do the same when replying. This requires me to be online, but being online will allow others to instantly see where I am and allow the floodgates to be opened to those that do not like me and their guild members, friends, and random strangers they want to pull against me.

Some of the things I want to see changed;
- Remove the followers list
- Add friendship accept functionality
- Hiding account ID’s from other players
So you can play freely on alts
- Remove location viewing for offline contacts in the games current state of offline activity
- Be able to sign into the game invisible and not online
- No one should be able to see your account name without you giving permission
- When you block someone they should not be able to see you online or your location

These issues do not just apply to commanders but to other players who are in guilds as well. Some guilds require you to always represent them and to do missions / guild runs with them. Having privacy like this would allow players to be able to not feel obliged when logging on to play how others deem correct.

I am sure there are other players out there that want these changes as the friends/followers list does not really do anything other than keep track of people even though its not mutual.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I fully agree and have seen threads like these popping up for a year and a half, with no answer at all from staff.

I don’t want people knowing when I log on and who my alts are. Nor do I want them seeing my account name (I sent a request to support to have my account name changed, as it is my real name, but it was denied, even though they have done it for others)

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

No one would know someone used their real name as their Display name if they didn’t announce it was so. Just a friendly tip. =)

There was a big thread on this a few months back, with some Dev responses. I don’t remember what ever became of the issue. But, the Devs are aware that some people would like a change.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MyGWAccount.7325


No one would know someone used their real name as their Display name if they didn’t announce it was so. Just a friendly tip. =)

Some people like to socialize and it can easily lead into a snowball effect. A safety net by Anet would be nice to protect some of these users like Mr Tom Lin over there.

There was a big thread on this a few months back, with some Dev responses. I don’t remember what ever became of the issue. But, the Devs are aware that some people would like a change.

Any chance you have a link to the tread, or something that I could use to search for it?

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Blink. Well, I would never have known it was his/her real name had she/he not declared it was so. I also know CS will change it if it poses a security risk. All he/she would have to do is provide proof.

As to the other, you could try Google. It was something to do with homophobia, or something, and why people could not effectively block others. Good luck.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I don’t mind telling people what my name is, but I want it to be on my terms, who I choose to tell. When I made the account, nowhere did it say that every person I party with or mail or whoever’s in my guild would see it, nor did it say (as far as I can remember) that it would be used as my forum display name. I’ve never played a game where the account name is on display for all to see, only character names.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I don’t mind telling people what my name is, but I want it to be on my terms, who I choose to tell. When I made the account, nowhere did it say that every person I party with or mail or whoever’s in my guild would see it, nor did it say (as far as I can remember) that it would be used as my forum display name. I’ve never played a game where the account name is on display for all to see, only character names.

Your display name seems pretty generic really. It doesn’t really tell me who you are in real life unless you are the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. :P

The Burninator

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tomlin.8204


Yeah it’s just a bit annoying, I feel like one of those poor suckers working in a shop that has to wear a nametag pinned to their chest all day.

It also felt a bit more personal when I went into my first ever dungeon and the raging nerd who had done it before was yelling at me by my real name.

Plus, it’s harder to pretend to be a girl.


“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Suggestion: Privacy Issues in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


Yeah it’s just a bit annoying, I feel like one of those poor suckers working in a shop that has to wear a nametag pinned to their chest all day.

If you hadn’t said anything, I’d have thought it a was a nickname.
It’s not like it’s an obvious name, like Patrick. or lets go a step further PatMurphy. You don’t have your full name out there for the world to see.