[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


As title reads, I have been playing this game since beta and have over the time acquired many character slots in the years I have been on. This does not in any way single out those who have been playing for years,months,weeks since people without a doubt purchase character slots at any given time. My problem is when swapping from alt to alt especially when I need to do so asap due to whatever situation i’m put in, in-game and go to do so simply to click the same warrior, or necro, or what have you. On some alts I have different armor stats equipped with different accessories, some I use to farm gathered goods or chest’s and this issue gets under my skin more than I would like to admit. Maybe we can have a drop down menu with 5 per row on a drag and drop type of style, or any variable way of preventing last used character to not appear as last used character.

Ideas? feel free to drop your opinions or variable as to how this can be implemented.

TL:DR Character select options would be nice to add when needing to swap fails due to not loading appropriately.

[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danielrjones.8759


Seen this post. Whats funny is I have been thinking this for some time. I didn’t post about it because I didn’t want to hear the usual. Get a life, get a job, go outside, get (fill in the blank) or you’re a liar comments. I did max out the amount one can have on my main account and it came to the point the last 30 alts I just gave the same name and put a roman number after them as well as color coordinate for easy recognition as to what they run gear/build wise. It made it a little quicker. Personally I wished anet would let us move character slots around like windows icons on my desktop.

One thing I suggest to those with lots of alts. GW2efficiency.com is great for when you lose an item. Nothing is more annoying that getting the error 44: from logging in and out to many time to quick.

edit had to take out a comment as someone may find it offensive so I just put fill in the blank.

(edited by danielrjones.8759)

[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


Seen this post. Whats funny is I have been thinking this for some time. I didn’t post about it because I didn’t want to hear the usual. Get a life, get a job, go outside, get (fill in the blank) or you’re a liar comments. I did max out the amount one can have on my main account and it came to the point the last 30 alts I just gave the same name and put a roman number after them as well as color coordinate for easy recognition as to what they run gear/build wise. It made it a little quicker. Personally I wished anet would let us move character slots around like windows icons on my desktop.

One thing I suggest to those with lots of alts. GW2efficiency.com is great for when you lose an item. Nothing is more annoying that getting the error 44: from logging in and out to many time to quick.

edit had to take out a comment as someone may find it offensive so I just put fill in the blank.

Agreed, I don’t think having the max character slots is a waste. It can provide many outlets for different builds styles, classes, gender, fashion wars you name it. I wish they would add anything that could make this easier for us, as it is now I log into 3-4 characters and since they get jumbled between my other slots I’ll forget who it is I was last on ( It does NOT always put the last character you were on first in line ), or accidentally sign in to the same character because the picture hasn’t loaded and i’m in a hurry to bring a different class for fractals, pvp, etc.

[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Despair.2374


Maybe an option like putting a star icon for favorite alts and making a “favorite” list with starred character alts. Quality of life sure, but I’d like a total rehaul of the login screen and character select screen, I want to see all of my alts standing on pedestals in the background and making it look awesome.

[Suggestion] QOL: Character Select Options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kfc.8170


It would be awesome if you characters where in one page and could to some extent interact with each other, or if you can purchase items via gem store… one can dream