[Suggestion] Race specific Professions
Maybe except a golemance would work elsewhere. Asura ripping off other races, teaching them for a high price >:)
boom explained.
Maybe except a golemance would work elsewhere. Asura ripping off other races, teaching them for a high price >:)
boom explained.
Except that they don’t. The only golemancers in the game are Asura. Smart Asura sell their services rather than their technology. I’m sure after Scarlett they are even more guarded with their technology.
Maybe except a golemance would work elsewhere. Asura ripping off other races, teaching them for a high price >:)
boom explained.
Except that they don’t. The only golemancers in the game are Asura. Smart Asura sell their services rather than their technology. I’m sure after Scarlett they are even more guarded with their technology.
Probably, but it could change. All it takes is one to teach a small group of people (just because we can use it in lore doesn’t mean anyone can. Like some npcs do things we can’t). Anyway, I was just trying to say that it’s likely better if they just give a spec to each class only.
Asura – Golemancer
Charr – Fire Shaman (Fire ele on crack)
Human – COMMANDO . . . FOR THE LOVE OF GODS!!!! (would be like assassin/ranger/warriors rolled into one. Skills could be calling in mortar strikes. Possible elite skill could be calling in a super air ship strike ERMERGED!!!)
Sylvari – Dragon magic?? (Think an elite class, since Sylvair seem to be the closest to being affected by the Dragons, maybe they can some how harness the dragons power for good????)
Norn – Shapeshifter type class (think how engineers have their skills to use grenades, bombs, etc, but norn can shapeshift to bear, wolf, etc . . . similar to their current elite skills, but a regular skill and better . . . maybe current elite skills gives this class a super form of bear, wolf, etc . . . idk)
No doubt this would be fun. I’d love a charr specific class.
But it’d also be adding 5 classes to the game. That’s a lot of work!
Should never happen, and will never happen.
They would be in the end anyways just all totally obsolete useless flavor garbage, just like Racial Skills are and always were sicne release of the game.
In fact, it would have been better for the game – for PvE storytelling to be exacly, if the NPCs there would have all race specific elite specializations.
Example. Braham shouldn’t have becoming a DH.
They should have turned him for the story of HoT into a story related Norn Racial Elite Spec that ONLY should exist for Braham – that would have not made only Braham as Character more UNIQUE and believeable, but it would have been at the same time also the only working way to implement in some kind of way racial professions through NPCs which then could have been made playable through story telling in Bonus Mission Pack Style for PvE only at moments, where we as players take temporarely over the control of these characters and play parts of the story as them, while our main characters have to take for a moment a break…
Because then we could have Braham for example as “Shaman” who’s able then to shapeshift into all various kinds of Animal Forms, be it Bear, Wolf, Raven ect. pp
As Taimi, we would have had the perfect option to play her as “Golemancer”…
As Rox, we could play her for example as “Beastlord” with an outgrown Frostbite as ridable “Mount” maybe
As Logan we could be for example then some kind of “Paladin” with divine powers of the returned (for him) tyrian gods as some kind of reworked form of “Dervish”
As Caithe we could play her that way for example as “Maverick” with some new plant based unique powers to her
Rytlock would have been better brought back as some kind of unique “Psionic” instead of using him as pseudo reason for the implementation of the the Revenant which hasn’t been explained yet, how it is possible that they exist suddenly in the thousands, after Rytlock being officially “the first one”
But nothing of that has Anet done – the train has left the station, now something good like that won’t happen anymore retoactively and also wouldn’t make sense anymore to be done now, where its too late for all of that to be fixed essentially without creating gaps in the game design that would have to be explained and fixed somehow then.
33% of players are Human.
Most players played only 2 or 3 classes at any given time.
Your idea sounds like a statistical dream; everyone would flock to the best “race exclusive” class and then you’d have 80% of all players being that race.
This will never happen. There’s a reason why they purposely made racial skills crappy. They said in the beginning of the game that they didn’t want 1 race to have any advantage over the others. Race is just for aesthetics. And race/gender locking classes is a relic of the past that needs to die out anyway. Its terrible game design and I’ve always hated it in every mmo I’ve ever played.
OP: I’ve given this suggestion a few times before with a lot more content to it. I like the idea ^^-
Asura – Golemancer
Charr – Fire Shaman (Fire ele on crack)
Human – COMMANDO . . . FOR THE LOVE OF GODS!!!! (would be like assassin/ranger/warriors rolled into one. Skills could be calling in mortar strikes. Possible elite skill could be calling in a super air ship strike ERMERGED!!!)
Sylvari – Dragon magic?? (Think an elite class, since Sylvair seem to be the closest to being affected by the Dragons, maybe they can some how harness the dragons power for good????)
Norn – Shapeshifter type class (think how engineers have their skills to use grenades, bombs, etc, but norn can shapeshift to bear, wolf, etc . . . similar to their current elite skills, but a regular skill and better . . . maybe current elite skills gives this class a super form of bear, wolf, etc . . . idk)
Asura and Norn – I think that the shaman and golemancer should be able to use their shapeshift abilities and powersuit permanently and gain access to use healing/utility/elite skills while they do.
Charr – Flame sharmans are not a charr thing it’s a flame legion thing… If we get a charr spesific race I’d prefer something that allows us to use their claws and teeth in battle… And I think it would be more fitting.
Human – Monk or Dervish! xD (Pardon me for being hopeful, but I still want to see more of the human gods in the game, a racial class would make excellent grounds for this.)
Sylvari – yeah, or what we already know they have: The Pale reavers
Maybe except a golemance would work elsewhere. Asura ripping off other races, teaching them for a high price >:)
boom explained.
Except that they don’t. The only golemancers in the game are Asura. Smart Asura sell their services rather than their technology. I’m sure after Scarlett they are even more guarded with their technology.
If you pay a little attention to the arcane councils structure, the only thing keeping them from being as evil as the inquest, is paperwork. I doubt they’ll keep their secrets to themselves for long if they find benefit in sharing it.
A Golemancer class could be shared to all the races, if nothing else it could be done by looks and styles
A Pilot class could do the trick: While the golemancers are the one’s constructing the golems, we have seen other races pilot golems before.
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
This will never happen. There’s a reason why they purposely made racial skills crappy. They said in the beginning of the game that they didn’t want 1 race to have any advantage over the others. Race is just for aesthetics. And race/gender locking classes is a relic of the past that needs to die out anyway. Its terrible game design and I’ve always hated it in every mmo I’ve ever played.
No one said it should be locked to the class… Just that it should be themed by the race…
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.