[Suggestion] Repair armor QoL update
Man, I forgot that you had to go through a dialogue to get speed boosts in cities, although with the Leader of the Pact III mastery, those swiftness givers are useless for those that have it.
Anyways, I love this idea. It’s always been a bit annoying that you have to engage in a dialogue with a freaking anvil. It really should just be done immediately upon interacting with it.
The armor is repaired.
Thanks, anvil… I did not know that. ’:\
How about we just remove armor damage? It’s completely unnecessary by now anyway, the only place where you can’t actually repair is inside actual fractals.
Then again, that’s probably not going to happen with all the repair canisters flying around and the fact that they introduced a permanent repair-kit contract for whatever reason…
Armor damage is, indeed, a bit redundant without the actual cost to fixing it. It’s a time sink… sort of… if you consider waypointing somewhere to fix it and then rejoining whatever event you were in, but it’s not even really that. I’m not sure what the functionality of armor damage is anymore aside from a relic of the past.
I definitely agree with the QOL improvement of automatic repair when going to an anvil. It’s not a big deal, really, as you said, but it would get rid of one minor annoyance.
I definitely agree with SyllyReth in that armor damage in and of itself does feel like a dated and unnecessary feature. Like, what purpose does it actually serve now other than being a minor annoyance that really doesn’t even need to exist anymore? Unfortunately, it’s highly unlikely that they’ll ever remove it from the game entirely due to the reasons NovaanVerdiano gave. So hopefully a small simple update like the one I suggested will eventually make it into the game to make it a tad more convenient. I mean, it can’t be that hard to patch something like this, right?
Anyways, I love this idea. It’s always been a bit annoying that you have to engage in a dialogue with a freaking anvil. It really should just be done immediately upon interacting with it.
The armor is repaired.
Thanks, anvil… I did not know that. ’:\
Man, I forgot that you had to go through a dialogue to get speed boosts in cities, although with the Leader of the Pact III mastery, those swiftness givers are useless for those that have it.
i don’t have heart of thorns yet, which means i don’t get the luxury of having perma-swiftness in cities. so being able to just run by those swiftness-granting nps’s without having to talk about whatever it was they wanted to talk about (no one listened to them anyway) is really nice. i was pretty happy with that particular QOL update.
it would be cool to have repair merchants and anvils (especially anvils) work in the same way.
Usually there are 2 questions asked, either repairing or selling … So you only want one thing to do there? Sometimes it’s the only place that’s close by to sell things to.
Usually there are 2 questions asked, either repairing or selling … So you only want one thing to do there? Sometimes it’s the only place that’s close by to sell things to.
To clarify a bit from what I’m suggesting, the merchant would still do both. It’s just that instead of asking the player if they’d like to “repair armor or sell”, they should immediately repair the armor upon interacting with them and just say something along the lines of, “You’re all fixed up now. Is there anything you’d like to sell before you go?”
As far as the anvil goes, it’s not like you can sell your junk to it. So there’s really no reason for it to have any sort of dialogue window at all.
I like this idea.
The dialog made sense when it cost a few silver to repair. Now that its free there’s not really any situation where a player would choose not to repair, so it makes sense to just automatically do it, and only show the sell dialog at NPCs.
Just hook up an anvil sound and maybe a screen text ‘armor repaired’ element.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
How about we just remove armor damage? It’s completely unnecessary by now anyway, the only place where you can’t actually repair is inside actual fractals.
Then again, that’s probably not going to happen with all the repair canisters flying around and the fact that they introduced a permanent repair-kit contract for whatever reason…
Assuming your party members have http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noblesse_Oblige unlocked you could just jump off a cliff/into lava/etc. :P
Do we really need to interact with them? I like that the speed mushrooms in HOT activate just by walking through them. Would love it if an anvil just repaired by walking through it. Then anet can surround them with all kinds of inane npcs who spout repetitive dialogue when interacted with. I’ll just run through without interacting. Everybody wins.
The dialog made sense when it cost a few silver to repair. Now that its free there’s not really any situation where a player would choose not to repair, so it makes sense to just automatically do it, and only show the sell dialog at NPCs.
Just hook up an anvil sound and maybe a screen text ‘armor repaired’ element.
I agree, and as far as the armor repair merchants, I think Leviathan has the right idea:
…instead of asking the player if they’d like to “repair armor or sell”, they should immediately repair the armor upon interacting with them and just say something along the lines of, “You’re all fixed up now. Is there anything you’d like to sell before you go?”
Do we really need to interact with them? I like that the speed mushrooms in HOT activate just by walking through them. Would love it if an anvil just repaired by walking through it. Then anet can surround them with all kinds of inane npcs who spout repetitive dialogue when interacted with. I’ll just run through without interacting. Everybody wins.
For the longest time I kept pressing F when I ran by those mushrooms out of habit, lol.
You’re right, though, in that it would be even more convenient to just place an anvil next to a merchant that you can simply run by to automatically repair damaged armor (functioning just like the speed/adrenal mushrooms in the HoT maps). Then if you wanted to sell something, you could talk to the NPC. That would definitely be a win for everyone.
Either way, I’d just be happy if Anet simplified this minor annoyance somehow.
Armor damage is, indeed, a bit redundant without the actual cost to fixing it. It’s a time sink… sort of… if you consider waypointing somewhere to fix it and then rejoining whatever event you were in, but it’s not even really that. I’m not sure what the functionality of armor damage is anymore aside from a relic of the past.
Totally agree. Armor damage does seem like a dated function, but as was mentioned earlier in this thread, with all the repair canisters going around along with the recently added infinite repair item, I don’t see them removing armor damage entirely.
As it stands, just making the anvil a simple “press F and you’re done” interactable object would make armor repairs much more convenient. A small QoL update, but a nice one nonetheless.
i like the idea of replacing the repair merchants altogether with anvils and just putting a regular merchant nearby, but far enough to where you won’t talk with him when you’re meaning to interact with just the anvil. that way you don’t have to open up a dialogue window at all if all you want is to fix your armor.
if they don’t wanna do that, then i would at least be ok with leviathan’s idea of having the repair merchants fix your armor as soon as you start the dialogue.