[Suggestion]Representation Buttons

[Suggestion]Representation Buttons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raggzie.8721


Okay… So I hope this is the proper manor for making suggestions on this forum.

Anyways.. my suggestion is simple and cool! Do you guys remember when Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade went at it to win votes, and in order to show your support you had to activate special Representation Buttons, and then their image would show up next to your name for everyone to see who you represent?

Well… That’s a pretty swell idea, and to this day some people will use a button they hoarded to look cool, and it works.

The idea is simple: Sell us permanent Representation Buttons on the Gem store, but add cool cute pictures to them like a Quaggan Representation Button or a Panda Representation Button, each displaying an image of the corresponding creature… See where I’m going with this? Mad King Representation Button… the possibilities……. THE POSSIBILITIES!!!!
