I came up with a suggestion in the thread “New Party Kicking Mechanic Is Unfair”- I had a couple of responses there and thought it would be more suitable discussing it on its own thread, rather than going wildly off-topic!
Issues with dungeon rewards:
Currently, the main bulk of a dungeon reward is right at the end. This gives rise to dungeon selling (and consequently instance stealing), so a buyer can avoid the initial tasks and save some time.
Arguably, speed-clearing is another problem that the current system motivates and isn’t the way dungeons were intended to be played.
Milestone “keys” should be given to players throughout the dungeon, as they complete tasks. The keys would drop from the gold “event chests” that appear after an event has been completed. These keys would then be used to open a chest at the very end of the dungeon.
These keys would be specific to the dungeon (and possibly path)- for example “Ferrah’s Key” for CoF P1. The end chest would only be able to be opened a specific number of times, according to how many event chests there are/that have spawned in that dungeon run.
Instead of the current system of a bulk reward from the end chest, dungeon reward and daily reward, the rewards will be divided equally between each opening of the chest.
The keys would be accountbound on acquire and would have a 24 hour timer on them (that starts counting down as soon as it has been looted). After these 24 hours, the key becomes broken, or simply gets removed from your inventory.
-Instead of one chest that can be opened e.g. 5 times, there are 5 different chests at the end of the dungeon. These could perhaps scale differently depending on how many previous chests have been opened,
-Instead of having a 24 hour timer, each key that would be dropped throughout the dungeon would be named differently. Similar to how the Matrix Key works, you can only have one of each type in your inventory at any given time. Otherwise, any duplicate keys also get consumed when opening the chest. The only negative implication this might have is on inventory space. (Thank you Palador for this suggestion!)
-There are no keys, the game data keeps tabs on which events a player has completed. Although this means that there are no keys to fill inventory space, simply disconnecting from the game is likely to make the game forget your progress, and thus has an impact on overall dungeon reward.
-Daily reward is kept separate, but all other rewards are combined in the chests.
In order for a player to get the full dungeon reward, they must complete all primary objectives through the dungeon, as is intended. This means that end-boss dungeon selling is pointless along with exploitative methods of getting to the end chest.
Consequently, this means instance stealing is also pointless. Overall, this would reduce the number of reports/support tickets sent to A-net about dungeon selling/scamming and instance stealing. Of course, this would be considered “killing two birds with one stone” for A-net, but many players in the community would be upset that their method of earning gold has been removed.
Dungeon selling may still happen, just in smaller quantities. A few people may buy a dungeon spot for dungeon completion, rather than the reward.
New joiners to the instance are only rewarded for the time they have spent in the instance. This could be considered fairer than the current system, but it might mean that some parties will struggle to find a replacement for a lost part member.
By limiting key-use in the instance and key type in the inventory, it would be very difficult for somebody to find an exploitative method of farming them. My primary concern was that people would enter a dungeon instance, complete the first task for the key, leave (rinse and repeat) and then spam all of their keys at the end chest. This is not possible with this suggestion.
There are already features/have been features in game with similar methods. The Matrix Cube Key has already been mentioned (for preventing duplicates of the key). Timers/countdowns on items already exist in-game (Banker Golem, etc). Although I’m not a game designer or programmer, I would imagine that this idea wouldn’t be too difficult to implement considering a lot of the technology is already there.
Thank you for taking the time to read. Feedback and suggestions are more than welcome. If you dislike the idea, please state why