[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoe.8310


It would be lovely if you could choose between your main-hand and off-hand Legendary footprint effects.

Right now, it always uses your Legendary main-hand to determine your footprints, but I’d love the option to use the effect from my Legendary off-hand :-)

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Supported. For all the work/money that goes into legendary weapons, you should be able to pick the footprints that you prefer instead of the main hand weapon taking priority.

And even though this isn’t easy for them to do (I recall a Dev saying something about them basically hacking together how Hope’s footsteps work with a weird image because actually switching the image for each footprint was really kittening hard to do), it would be really cool to be able to alternate as well, each foot has the footprint for the weapon held on that side of the body (as an option to turn on/off of course).

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rylen.2147



And while we’re at it… selectable sigils please!

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoe.8310


Supported. For all the work/money that goes into legendary weapons, you should be able to pick the footprints that you prefer instead of the main hand weapon taking priority.

And even though this isn’t easy for them to do (I recall a Dev saying something about them basically hacking together how Hope’s footsteps work with a weird image because actually switching the image for each footprint was really kittening hard to do), it would be really cool to be able to alternate as well, each foot has the footprint for the weapon held on that side of the body (as an option to turn on/off of course).

Yeah, I could see that creating the effect would be a challenge, but choosing which asset to display at runtime shouldn’t be nearly as hard (I would hope).

And with them apparently breathing some life back into Legendaries, it would be awesome to have this!

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewGuba.6195


This would be amazing. I want my quip footprints always, they make me smile.

[Suggestion] Selectable Legendary Footprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


been asking this for a long time + if u have 2 legendary equiped u should see both at the samtime too.