[Suggestion] Slots for more custom armor sets

[Suggestion] Slots for more custom armor sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenpenny.6750


As much as I like collecting skins I recently found myself unmovtivated to continue to do so. Most of my characters have the armor sets I wanted them to have making grinding for new pieces rather pointless.

I have some ideas for new outfits but I don’t want to abandon the old ones. Transmuting them back and forth seems too much of a waste of charges (and money) to me.

Why not adding additional tabs/slots for more transmuted armor sets?

With the ability to add more transmuted armor sets things would get interesting again. My ranger could get some sort of ceremonial armor (not the one from the store) next to her adventuring armor.

You could create different armor sets to better suit the region you’re traveling through.

Guilds could use this to have uniforms when meeting in their future guild halls.

I attached a little “prototype” of how I could look in the game. It’s bascially an extension of the wardrobe tab. People could add more slots by buying them. Slots should be nameable so that players could easily organize their outfits.

Like all the other additional slots in the game this could be a nice feature to monetize. Not only could ANet sell the slots, people would propably buy more transmutation charges.

What do you think?


(edited by Tenpenny.6750)

[Suggestion] Slots for more custom armor sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Excellent idea, nicely presented as well.

I get the impression that the outfits were meant to address this need, but the lack of customization (beyond dyes) gives them a fairly limited appeal. Whenever a new one is released it seems like everyone’s wearing it, until the novelty dies down and they we go back to mix and match sets.

I’d take your idea a step further and suggest an extension of the equipment tab instead. This would allow for partial build saving (multiple sets of armor, trinkets and weapons with different stat combos on each tab, if desired) as well as the ability to transmute the gear on each page separately. Pretty solid opportunity for monetization, imo. Additional tabs could be unlocked via the gem store.

Here’s hoping we see some version of this feature released when we get the expansion.

[Suggestion] Slots for more custom armor sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenpenny.6750


Thank you very much!

I also think that this feature might bear a lot of play value.

Aesthetics are a big part of GW2 so having more ways to unleash one’s creativity would also mean having more ways to set personal goals within the game.

Players who consider a good outfit part of a character’s completion may want to continue playing, farming and crafting for new skins.

I liked your idea too! I took this into a more ‘crunch oriented’ direction.

(edited by Tenpenny.6750)

[Suggestion] Slots for more custom armor sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenpenny.6750


New Idea:
Another addition to this could be that one can link outfits to certain locations. So I – for example – could create a warm winter-esque outfit and link it to the norn areas. Each time I enter one of those snowy maps my character would automatically change cloths to better suit the climate of the region.

My younger brothers actually brought this up when I showed them a bit of the beautiful world in the game. ‘Why isn’t she wearing warmer cloths?‘, they asked. So yeah … why isn’t she?