Suggestion: Standardize Item Tooltips

Suggestion: Standardize Item Tooltips

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I love the work you guys are doing, but there’s one thing that keeps bugging me. In my inventory, if I have a stack of items and I hover over them the tooltip will show me the number in the stack (i.e. 19 Dragonite Ore). But if I have a stack in my Material Collection UI and hover over them it just says the item name in the tooltip, no stack number there.

Normally, this would not be much of an issue, since the icon has the number on it, but in some cases the bright colored number text on a bright colored icon is hard to read, esp. for someone like myself with mild color-blindness.

Like I said, the way it works in my inventory bags is WONDERFUL, so if you could just replicate that tooltip logic to anywhere there is any kind of inventory management (materials collections, Trading Post, etc.) that would be AMAZING.

Thanks! Keep up the good work, love what you’ve done.