[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thugann.5348


Hello there,

I don’t know if it is a good idea to suggest stuff about traits, and I don’t know if it have already been posted but I’ll give it a shot.

I have been playing my sword thief for a long time and I went through the nerfs applied to this weapon, the break stun cut and the cooldown on the second skill. I totally agree with them – I mean I understand why Anet have chosen to nerf it and I don’t blame it at all -, but now I wonder:
Sword on a thief is, if I checked well, the only weapon you can’t upgrade with a trait, among every classes and weapons.

What about a trait which would bring back the ‘break stun’ ability on the second skill? At a Grandmaster level, or maybe is there a way to build up something which would force thieves to lower their dps / abandon survival if they want to have it? Or even a trait which would improve damages / critical chances / something?

Second idea.
Although Anet keep upgrading / balancing turrets traits on the engineer, it seems I can’t find any engineer using them. And I’m not talking about zerg builds which use instant F1 with the rifle turret.

I don’t know if the idea have ever been mentionned, but I think turrets would be a lot funnier to play if there was a trait allowing them to move.
What about some kind of caster-mounted turrets? It would be perfectly logical with the engineers supposed ingenuity, and it would let them play turrets like a spirit-summoner ranger?

I didn’t find any idea like these ever mentionned, so… why not?

(edited by Thugann.5348)

[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: edgewalker.2903


In Regard to the questions to the engineer turrets and traits.
I myself am a veteran engineer player, and from the lauch of the game turrets had a lot of problems, as you mentioned there have been improvements. Turrets are slowly getting a better position in the game. I have been experimenting with all the turrets and several when traited for maximum potential become a decent asset to any fight. the problem being decent as the engineer has to many options that are simply better.
And many players like to maximize their damage and turrets wont help them do that.

But there is a big diffrence in what type of gameplay we are talking about, in pve turrets are a bit weak, long cooldown for some of them and at times they are destroyed the moment you put one down. In pvp however they become really good in attacking or defending a location since few players will have the massive firepower to destroy your turrets in 1 hit unlike pve dungeon and world bosses. as i tested a very lazy turret build i found myself being able to hold a capture point without really trying :P so for pvp turrets are in a good position.

and you should check out the engineer forum for their are many threads about turrets and the idea for moving turrets is mentioned in several of them.

Hope this helps a bit

[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Well I can say that the thief sword is not the only weapon with no traits, elementalists focus doesn’t have a single trait that applies to it. Though there are traits which apply to attunements regardless of what weapon you are using.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anymras.5729


This is part of why people don’t use Turrets:

They also don’t scale to non-Condition/Boon stats, have poor PvE survivability (and were completely ignored in the recent PvE Minion-HP Boost, for some reason nobody’s explained as far as I’m aware), are immobile, and every time something about them is changed, it breaks.

If you see an Engineer using a Turret, either it’s there as a Blast Finisher or for the Toolbelt, only very rarely for the Turret itself – at least, as far as I know.

I bought the game because I liked the Engineer, and I liked the Engineer because I liked Turrets and Gadgets. 5-80, and then some, using Turrets almost exclusively (out of bullheadedness)…but there’s a point at which it becomes intolerable.
At this point, I don’t use Turrets, on the rare occasion that I play to do something aside from volunteer bugtesting of Turrets – generally at the request of a friend.
I also don’t enjoy playing anymore, because I can’t even use what I want to without running into a load of bugs.
Why play, when I’ve apparently paid to beta-test something the QA team doesn’t even seem to look at?

[Suggestion] Trait with Thief and Engineer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thugann.5348


Hey guys, thanks for your answers.

Conncept you are right, I hadn’t seen you can’t upgrade focus skills on the elementalist either. Plus I wouldn’t consider the decreased cooldown based on attunement as a trait like what I described because it’s a partial upgrade, and you can also do that on the thief with the double-handed skills trait.

So… maybe is it a second thing to think too? I have to admit I glanced through the traits of the elementalist, the necromant and the ranger, so if it appears that I forgot any other weapon for another class I will start to think it was a bad idea to ask for a trait. However, 2 weapons without a trait to upgrade them still seem to be an exception, so I keep up the idea that thieves and elementalists should have a trait to upgrade sword and focus skills.

Edgewalker, you mentionned a really good point about PvP. I have to admit I didn’t considered the turret engineer in here, nor I have ever met one. In that field, I completely trust you, since I have no experience to rely on.
I was almost sure the idea of moving turrets had already been discussed, but I haven’t really checked this. I’m lazy and it was lame, my bad.

Thanks for you link Anymrass, I didn’t know turrets had so many bugs, this is kind of impressive – if I can say that -. I have played a turret engineer during the last beta but quickly moved on a grenade build when I realized I was having more fun with kits, and never really got interest in turrets since.

I guess the question about engineers is in good hands, thank you guys for answering me.
I’m still looking for feedbacks about thief (and elementalist), though.
I mean, for sword thieves, it seemed really important to Anet to stop some of them to evade fights too easily and I think they are completely right, but now that it have been deleted, I think it would be really interesting to be able to bring that back, with concessions.
In my opinion, it would create some sort of sword-based builds, which would be nice, and even if this idea can’t receive any support, a simple trait to improve something with the sword would be something to do.

Same thing with the elementalist, but I don’t really know what it should be.