Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derish of Darkness.4028

Derish of Darkness.4028

What if when you accomplished full map completion and were rewarded with the two Gifts of Exploration you use both of these gifts to create an Account bound item that could be used on another character to unlock all Waypoints on the map?

This would encourage map completion for players that have quite a few alts. It would also not give any advantage as it is requiring both gifts that you receive thus not letting them ‘farm’ map completion either, the character that the new Account bound item is used on would still need to complete everything else required for completion like hearts, vistas, PoIs, etc. Maybe call it Leyline Infused Discovery Map, or some other thing to do with Leylines.

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paulytnz.7619


If a player wants to use 2 of their gifts for such a purpose as this I see no reason to say no to it. Heck I have 20 of the gifts sitting in my bank right now just gathering dust. Mind you I would never use them myself for such a thing as I find doing map completes easy, fun and worthwhile personally.

But like I said, if another player would wish to do this then sure, why not?

Since when did this business of being a hero become being a business?

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

There is one reason now why this might not be a good idea for many people. With the start of the expansion, the exp you get after level 80 goes towards progressing your mastery line. That very well may include the exp from map exploration. If it does, then the person who uses this sort of shortcut could be losing out on a lot of mastery line progression.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Derish of Darkness.4028

Derish of Darkness.4028

There is one reason now why this might not be a good idea for many people. With the start of the expansion, the exp you get after level 80 goes towards progressing your mastery line. That very well may include the exp from map exploration. If it does, then the person who uses this sort of shortcut could be losing out on a lot of mastery line progression.

That is true but it is only waypoints, not hearts or anything and is up to the player if they want to use their 2 gifts for such a purpose.

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schaab.3819


I think this would be a great idea. For people that have multiple alts, not having map completion can really make playing them less attractive. I almost exclusively play my main in open world pvp, because, while I have an 80 of every class, the highest map completion of any of them is ~70%. I loved map completion the first time I did it, but I don’t have a ton of interest in doing it 8 more times. I think this would be a great way to help encourage people to play their alts more.

Also, I believe they already have the capability to do this fairly simply since beta characters already have this.

Suggestion: Unlocking waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I have so many characters I could start my own race! Ok, maybe a tribe???? Seriously though, I’ve forgotten how much of a nag opening maps and doing map complete’s are. I’ve been unlocking maps the past couple of days and doing some achievements across accounts to get everything up to date before HoT. It’s sooooo…… SUCKS!!! Grindy, annoying, boring, I just can’t say anything positive about the experience. It’s basically just asking me to do the same thing so many times over that it’s, ugh. So something that would make map completing account wide from character wide for veteran players would be appreciated.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.