[Suggestion] User created content
I think the Devs have already commented on the idea, and explained why it has not, and likely will not, be implemented.
Good luck.
Star Trek online has alot of user created content. The Foundry as its called gives you all the tools to create your own missions and a rating system for the community to provide feedback. Its all accessible from in-game. Obviously nothing user created is considered canon, its just a way to add some mission content but some of them are very good. I’m not sure what the devs had to say about it, maybe technical restraints won’t allow it. The Foundry in STO is all player content and requires very little oversight by the staff.
This would save a lot of time for the team.
The thing is, Devs would have to go through literally thousands of different submitted mods just to check they don’t contain profanity, check for bugs and quality of life, before they even judge which would ‘win’ as a release. That alone would not save any time at all, but would use up a lot more developing hours than them coming up with their own content.
Some games are designed in a way that makes modding practical and some aren’t. GW2 is designed under the assumption that the game’s devs are the best stewards of the features, balance, and direction for the game. That definitely puts more pressure on them to deliver content and features, but it also ensures a level of quality and consistency that we might not see in a mod-rich game.
(I know: arguing that we have more consistency under ANet’s stewardship? Scary isn’t, it?)
I’d LOVE for this to happen. I don’t see it hapening now too, I guess such a feature would have to be implemented from start.
What COULD be possible (although it would require an add on) is to make custom quests using already existing elements, the secret world and WoW have such a thing. you can create custom items (that don’t do anything at all) and can edit NPC’s dialogues for your quest. the quests usually involve getting to a specific part of a map, killing a specific enemy or a specific amount or certain enemies, or getting items, be ir regular drops or custom created. Of course there’s no reward at all other than enjoying the story and the quest itself.
I think it’s more possible to get that, but with the strict “no addon” policy in this game, I wouldn’t have my hopes up either…
You can already make jumping puzzles in your guild hall.
As for the other stuff… I remember back when everyone was making Doom maps, and most of them were simply terrible. Probably best to leave MMO content to the professionals, IMO.
This would save a lot of time for the team.
The thing is, Devs would have to go through literally thousands of different submitted mods just to check they don’t contain profanity, check for bugs and quality of life, before they even judge which would ‘win’ as a release. That alone would not save any time at all, but would use up a lot more developing hours than them coming up with their own content.
I can’t agree with this. While properly checking something for bugs, errors and other aspects in fact require time, you don’t need to filter everything in full to judge if it is useable or not. That’s not how public contests work.
You use multiple layers for filtering, starting with the most broad and easy ones, (We are asking for a sword, that is a helmet, next) and leaving the more specific and hard for the final stages (These 5 are clearly the best ones, lets see if they are safe to use). This makes the process eficcient and fast, and yes, testing stuf this way is faster than producing content AND testing it (Which you HAVE to do anyway).
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I know they had contests in gw1 of who could design the best skins.
Some were chosen and became high demand skins
Would love to see something like that here.
other games manage to do it without devoting much time to having to police them. just put a report system and the devs can check only those specified ones.