[Suggestion] Utility switching via rightclick

[Suggestion] Utility switching via rightclick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danface.3671


I know it’s no real biggy, but I’d still consider it an improvement if utility switching was done by using right-click to open the utility menus.
Or just me? (curious of the reason it is the way it is all the same)

It would take quite a while to count the number of times I’ve tried to switch my utility/elite in a hurry, and accidentally activated it due to missing that tiny arrow above… landing my fat cursor with my fat fingers, straight onto the fat (by comparison to the target area) utility button and potentially removing my ability to switch the skill for the next <180s :<

I’ve even developed a kind of panic response to it, where I immediately spam the escape button if I screw up ^^ Most of the time I get away with it, but it feels unnecessary.
Any reason not to use right-click?

[Suggestion] Utility switching via rightclick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashendale.2165


As far as I’m concerned, this would be improvement. Good idea.

Eat, sleep, play video games

[Suggestion] Utility switching via rightclick

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RealCheesus.8563


Yep, thats a great and simple idea to fix that problem. +1