[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


When switching between weapon sets that are main-hand/off-hand to two-handed, there are two items replacing one item in the inventory. This can cause small layout problems for people who use invisible bags or like to keep their gear organized. This is especially problematic when junk fills these slots and then valuable weapons end up with the rest of the junk in your bags.

Have the ability to dedicate up to 2 bag slots as “Reserve Slot for Off-hand”. These slots would get some graphical change to reflect their state. The selection of these slots would likely be from the right-click context menu on an empty slot. Once set, the slots can only accept off-hand items. The items can only be placed in these slots by user moving them (drag in inventory) or by equipping and removing items from the equipment panel. This is to prevent possible junk off-hand items from filling the slots.

If that is not possible, an alternative is to allow off-hand items to remain in the off-hand slot while wielding a two-handed weapon. This would obviously change the number of items people could carry, and so I feel the previous solution is better suited.

Thoughts and opinions?

[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I like both solutions a lot. There’s always an annoying amount of inventory management to do during such a swap and you’ve come up with an elegant answer that doesn’t give any advantage other than convenience.

An interim work around is to always equip from the drop down in the item slot in the hero panel. However that’s a lot harder now that we get the stats item rather than the skin item as the name, because you can’t tell anything other than rarity in the drop down. Besides, it doesn’t cure having your dedicated I-use-this weapon getting shuffled around to random places in your bags.

[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

hmm I like this idea – would safe me alot of issues while managing backpack

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[Suggestion/Vanity] Reserve Slot for Off-hand

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ammorth.3604


Besides, it doesn’t cure having your dedicated I-use-this weapon getting shuffled around to random places in your bags.

Yeah, this is the main problem. I currently switch weapons on the equipment panel by dragging or right-clicking and can’t tell if some other item has taken up the slot for my off-hand.