[Suggestion] box of potions
I absolutely love this idea. I’m really hoping to see this work its way into the game sometime after Heart of Thorns releases.
I kinda Agree. I have a bank access contract, to fix this somewhat (all my potions are in bank, but I can access them anywhere). It’s still a little awkward though, especially since you cant open bank on the move, slowing you a bit down. But realistically a bank contract is not a solution for everyone, so yours sound good.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
One possibility, which they obviously have the tech for, is to use them in a similar way to finishers… you open hero panel to access what potions you have and pop them when you want. Finishers come in the same two varieties as potions: Limited use ( so where 1 potion= 1 transform) and unlimited use (such as infinite watchwork, fractal, cat) This would save a lot of space for people and would be a good, and possibly easy implementation on Anet’s behalf