(edited by TheFool.4589)
[Suggestion] bring back lucky/unlucky titles
This wouldn’t tell you a thing about “lucky” accounts, since it leaves out any context of how frequently people fight bosses.
Further, suppose it took absolutely no dev time to implement a perfect “luck meter” that measured an account’s “lucky drops.” Why would the devs implement it?
- Some would argue that the meter was wrong, that it didn’t match their perception of how lucky they were.
- Some would complain about the numbers, claiming they were unlucky and therefore unfairly penalized relative to others works less hard for their loot.
Thus, at best, it would generate further discord, especially by those who misunderstand how random numbers work.
Nonsensical idea, because at the rate of how many blues n greens drop everywhere in this game compared to rares, by your nonsensical suggestion here evewryone would permanently run around as “cursed by fate”, because for nobody in this game ever will drop so many rare items, that they outpace the drop rare of junk
The idea in itself is cute, but the suggested format will never work.
If ANet ever shoudl implement as Community Titles again the Lucky and Unlucky ones of GW1, then the mechanics should be based on this:
Gain Progression towards Luck Title, when you
- Successfully get out of Rare or Exotic their most valuable materials (+1/2 Points)
- Whenever you find a Rare or Exotic Drop from an Enemy or in Chests (+3/5 Points)
- Whenever you raised your Luck Meter for your Magic Find Account Bonus (10 Points)
- Whenever you use a Luck Essence of Exotic or Legendary Quality (5/10 Points)
- Whenever you craft or find an Ascended Item (+25 Points)
- When you win a PvP Match (2 Points)
- If you Win a WvW Match at the End of a Week and you participated at least in 3 Days in WvW for 1 Hour (+50 Points)
Gain Progession towards Unluck Title, when you
- Get Downed/ Die (+1/2 Points)
- Do not get successfully out of Rares/ Exotic their most valuable materials (+1/2 Points)
- You fall somewhere down and get at least 50% Fall Damage (all flat onto ground animation – splat)(1 Point)
- When you run into Enemy Traps (1 Point)
- When you don’t do a successful critical crafting (1 Point)
- If you lose a PvP Match (2 Points)
- If you lose a WvW Match and you participated at least in 3 Days for 1 Hour (2nd Place = 25 Points, 3rd Place 50 Points)
Lucky Tier Title
Tier 1: Req: 1000 Points of Luck = Mister/ Lady Luck (Glücksherr/ Glücksdame), Unlocks Tier 2
Tier 2: Req: 5000 PoL = Blessed by Fate (Gesegneter vom Schicksal), Unlocks Tier 3
Tier 3: Req: 10000 PoL = Shamrock Collector (Kleeblattsammler), Unlocks Tier 4
Tier 4: Req: 25000 PoL = Monarc of Fortune (Vermögender Monarch), Unlocks Tier 5
Tier 5: Req: 50000 PoL = Brilliance of Prosperity (Glanz des Wohlstands)
Unlucky Tier Titles
Tier 1: Req: 1000 Points of Unluck = Jinx (Unglücksbringer) , Unlocks Tier 2
Tier 2: Req: 5000 PoU = Cursed by Fate (Verfluchter des Schicksals), Unlocks Tier 3
Tier 3: Req: 10000 PoU = Mirror Shard Collector (Spiegelscherbensammler) Unlocks Tier 4: Req: 25000 PoU = Harbinger of Misfortune (Vorbote des Missgeschicks), Unlocks Tier 5
Tier 5: Req: 50000 PoU = Gloom of Doom (Düsternisvolles Verhängnis)
Not a fan of the lucky/unlucky titles because they simply wouldn’t work here in GW2. The original lucky/unlucky titles were associated with retaining lockpicks to open chests hidden around in the world. I could only see them bringing the titles back if they brought back the chests and the mechanic, perhaps in HoT.
As for the problem itself- it seems like a lot of people would like to track the amount/quality of loot they receive over time. Obviously, amount of kills (and level) would have to be measured too.
So… I have a suggestion, something a little different to lucky/unlucky, but bear with me.
Measuring/displaying drop data would probably too much work for Anet for something largely unnecessary, but would be the perfect project for an app or overlay for the game. It could display the results graphically, with a selection of filters for rarity, quantity etc over time. Perhaps it could connect to the TP servers and also value all your drops so that income could also be displayed.
I’m no programmer, so I’m not sure how such an overlay would be able to detect drops/mob kills… I don’t know how difficult it would be to program such a thing either.
It would be the most practical solution though. It would be neat to be able to compare drop-rate graphs- we could certainly learn a lot about DR, magic find and this mysterious “predetermined account luck”.