Suggestion: loading screen change

Suggestion: loading screen change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyron.7081


When sitting through a loading screen, after going through an Asura Gate, there should be a short movie that lasted as long as the loading screen would. This movie should look like going through a wormhole like in the TV show SG-1.

Even better, make the going through the wormhole a mini game. Dodge and avoid obstacles and earn karma and experience. Not a ton, but a little for fun. Maybe add an achievement. Basically, this system would replace the boring loading screen and add immersion while the game is able to load in the background.

Suggestion: loading screen change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashandar.2570


I usually have a loading time of 3-5 seconds. Clearly you have a different experience.

In due time, all will serve the asura.

Suggestion: loading screen change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

When sitting through a loading screen, after going through an Asura Gate, there should be a short movie that lasted as long as the loading screen would. This movie should look like going through a wormhole like in the TV show SG-1.

Even better, make the going through the wormhole a mini game. Dodge and avoid obstacles and earn karma and experience. Not a ton, but a little for fun. Maybe add an achievement. Basically, this system would replace the boring loading screen and add immersion while the game is able to load in the background.

I think has better things to do with their time than making better loading screens. Putting a mini-game there, when they have mini-games people have been waiting for in game, would really cause hard feeling among players.

Suggestion: loading screen change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


Borderlands 2 has something possibly like what you mean when you die.

Loading something like this and making a game of it could slow down players with lesser computers loading times even more than with a plain old picture.

After watching that Twitch thing it looks even Anet have terrible loading times. I’m lucky like Ashandar.2570 though. Guess while my account drops rng is cursed my load times rng are blessed. Swings and roundabouts