Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I have a great suggestion, for the up coming HoT expansion which features Melee staff weapon for the new Revenant class.

Well since not all staffs look interesting for Melee weapons in the game,

I suggest that the pool of skins for Staves be merged with Spear skins.

Trident and Staff skins already share a common skin pool.

I believe Spear skins should also be pooled into the staff skins, but not vice verse, since many staff skins are used for Trident.

This gives Revenant more Melee themed staff skins to pick from when wielding a staff.

What’s your thoughts on this idea Anet?

Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ralanost.8913


I would like a larger variety of staff skins. I find the vast majority of staves incredibly boring and unimpressive.

Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

I think merging spear AND trident skins into the staff skin pool would be pretty awesome. I think Kraitkin would make a pretty neat looking staff.

It would also make sense if some of the speargun skins were also available as rifle skins too.

More variety would be awesome. Making underwater legendaries more attractive and generally useful would also be cool.

Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nonoka.7028


Yes, please, merge the staff pool with Tridents and Spears, but not vice versa

Suggestion: merge Spear and Staff skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crimson Clouds.4853

Crimson Clouds.4853

The only problem I predict is that a lot of people will complain that staff-users would end up with a lot more selection/variety than other weapon users.