[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moony.5780


hello people of tyria

while running around with my main character in lower areas i came up with idea for aditional masteries for central tyria.

Huntsman masteries:
allows u to have higher drop rates of certain items..like leather and meat and such. You can choose which item u wanna increase..and switch out the one that is active. (so u can have leather active…but others not..so if u wanna have more blood now u need activate it but the leather goes away). Also…i think to avoid the stupid exp farm it would be cool to develop these masteries when u do these things….so when u r hunting wild animals u increase the masteries lvl step by step.

Secret/Chest Hunter (or something like this ;D):
increase the chance of finding chests in the world(such like in the end of JP´s) and make the loot better from them.
also finding new entrances of caves or such would be cool.

beeing able to summon a challange in the open world. Like suddenly appearing 20-30 monster. I really love running around the open world and finding these mini dungeons where r many monster just to lure all and kill them all. but i feel like the population of monster decreased since release..and events r not the same anymore…they r not a challange anymore..but its a challange to hit every monster at least 1 time so u get loot.
or any other challange is welcome something for soloplayer also..

[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercurion.5386


Fair WvW
No more Server vs. Server, make things fair, the teams should be the same size, because some servers is low poppulation, some don’t like WvW, you know the “your map is empty, join another”, use this system, “your team it’s too big, join another and receive a bonus.”

Loading Screens
The amount of Load screens is too —-— high, add a lot of arts for the same place, we know arena net have tons of it; Let us use the menus like Hero and Inventory; And low down the Lion Arch loading, I know it loads everything because the first time you enter, there is an animation, and then on, everytime you enter, all the city is loaded.

Legendary trail look like drops of poop.
Make look like an real trail.
I have an Asura so, my legendary doesn’t apper and the Norn 2-h Sword waves on 50% of my screen, while my axe look like an dart, so make the weapon size become the same size for all races, that’s fair, and they won’t magically chance size between characters. And it’ll be funny to see an Asura usa 2-h weapons

Cloth and Leather skins looks like dresses.
Seriously, all dresses, even for males.

Update the visuals for old content.
The older spells most of time undershines, did you see the necro and ranger pets? Most of horn and focus skills? And the Engineer turrets? Look! I have an old photograph tower! So ugly!
The area damage from opponents as a red lined circle. <- this!!!

Keys Stash – CASH chaching $_$
Writs of experience, stuff from spirit shards shop, doubloons, black lion chest, fossilized insects, vision cristal, agony infusions, boosters, anything that our stash character is holding.

Usefull NPC have priority to “say” NPCs.
Try to use an NPC, like shops, mystic forge, profession table or the auction house and there is a “hello” NPC beside. /kick the “hi” NPC

[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: moony.5780


these r intresting suggestions for masteries

[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DGraves.3720


I just wish there was a mastery where you get twice as many skill points from one skill challenge. It makes future elite specs more … enticing.

[Suggestion] more Central Tyria Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avarice.2791


None of this even pertains to the OP… I don’t even know why I’m bothering but I am…

Fair WvW
No more Server vs. Server, make things fair, the teams should be the same size, because some servers is low poppulation, some don’t like WvW, you know the “your map is empty, join another”, use this system, “your team it’s too big, join another and receive a bonus.”

This would completely destroy WvW. This is why servers are based on tiers. It’s not completely balanced but it’s pretty close. If you find yourself on a server such as Anvil Rock and you are looking for serious WvW play then I would suggest transferring.

Loading Screens
The amount of Load screens is too —-— high, add a lot of arts for the same place, we know arena net have tons of it; Let us use the menus like Hero and Inventory; And low down the Lion Arch loading, I know it loads everything because the first time you enter, there is an animation, and then on, everytime you enter, all the city is loaded.

I don’t even know what to say to this…

Legendary trail look like drops of poop.
Make look like an real trail.
I have an Asura so, my legendary doesn’t apper and the Norn 2-h Sword waves on 50% of my screen, while my axe look like an dart, so make the weapon size become the same size for all races, that’s fair, and they won’t magically chance size between characters. And it’ll be funny to see an Asura usa 2-h weapons

It would make zero sense to give a Norn and Asura the same size weapon. Are you playing on low graphics? Why did you make a legendary if you don’t like it? Zzzzzz

Cloth and Leather skins looks like dresses.
Seriously, all dresses, even for males.

This is so freaking far from the truth it isn’t even funny.


Update the visuals for old content.
The older spells most of time undershines, did you see the necro and ranger pets? Most of horn and focus skills? And the Engineer turrets? Look! I have an old photograph tower! So ugly!
The area damage from opponents as a red lined circle. <- this!!!

I’m still convinced you’re playing on the lowest settings possible. Great suggestion though they should definitely put all their focus on this…….. Zzzzzz

Keys Stash – CASH chaching $_$
Writs of experience, stuff from spirit shards shop, doubloons, black lion chest, fossilized insects, vision cristal, agony infusions, boosters, anything that our stash character is holding.

I don’t even know what you’re talking about here.

Usefull NPC have priority to “say” NPCs.
Try to use an NPC, like shops, mystic forge, profession table or the auction house and there is a “hello” NPC beside. /kick the “hi” NPC

Do you run into this problem often? lol

Fantastic post though, I’ll give you a 1/10. 1 for participation.