(edited by CaboSoul.1204)
Suggestion: player camera improvements
can you use the new camera sliders while in 1st person?
Thank you for the update and all the work you guys put into this !!!!
Can you please add “look up” and “look down” key binds??
I use “look left” and “look right” already. They work GREAT !! Please add look up and look down key binds ! I play with a controller and really need look up and look down to properly setup right analog stick for camera movement.
Thank you for reading !
(edited by kaeru.7196)
It would be even better if there’s POV Toggle On/Off .I think it would be much of a help if players are able to see from their own character’s eye position for a better distance-judging and (ofcourse) better player experience .Since this is still beta for the camera , I’m highly certain the DEVs will add in this feature
Very happy to see the addition of an FoV slider and tweaked collision sensitivity, but I’m still having some issues tweaking the camera position to my liking. I think think the camera system as a whole could still use some more features as well. To begin with, two easy tweaks:
– Add 2 or 4 increments to Horizontal Position
– Add 4 to 6 increments to Vertical Position and increase max distance (I have a feeling the current values are not final)
To flesh out camera functionality, I have a few suggestions. This would be harder work.
– Add “Swap Camera Side” hotkey. Pressing this key changes which side of the player character (PC) the camera is placed. An additional function may be to center the camera if the hotkey is held down for ~2 seconds. Hitting the hotkey again with the camera centered returns it to the normal position. (This only works if the player’s Horizontal Position is not set to center in the Options window.)
– Camera position changes with zoom distance. Further zooming in at minimum camera distance enters a “centered mode” where the camera moves across both X and Y axes to focus on the PC. This “scroll centering” can only be triggered if the player stops scrolling for ~0.2 seconds before scrolling in again. The camera zoom thus has two “modes”: one where the scrolling zooms in and out normally and one where scrolling focuses the camera on the PC. (As in, you hit a “wall” at min zoom distance and must stop scrolling before you can enter centered mode by scrolling again) The camera within this centered mode may be bound to the PC’s chest, making it so the camera stays focused no matter the PC’s current animation. This would be handy for people who wish to take pictures of their character. This “centered mode” ignores the player’s horizontal and vertical camera settings. An additional function may be to center the camera at max zoom distance. If this is the case; at ~4 increments from minimum distance the camera position begins to shift into the player’s set Horizontal Position until it is positioned accordingly at minimum distance.
– If this “scroll centering” is enabled, further zooming in whist within this mode enters first-person camera. This has another “wall” before activation as previously described. Entering and exiting first-person may also have it’s own hotkey.
– These “walls” between camera modes may be replaced by a simple delay to make moving between max zoom distance and first-person more pleasant. These delays should probably be around half a second long.
– Additionally, there could be a separate option for adjusting camera to character height within first-person.
(edited by Snowskau.4369)
This is truly an amazing camera update! At first glance, everything I asked is in. It is possible to better look up. You can zoom out to a really, really wide view (I will use the max setting probably only for screenshots – for actual playing it is a bit too far). And you can position the camera more far away to top/bottom/left/right than I would use it, so it probably fulfill everyone’s desires, even for extreme people.
I ran around in Lion’s Arch a bit to see the camera smoothing, compared the maximum and minimum collision sensivity settings, and this really the best change of all. This works! Since I got headaches and illness more or less often with the old camera, this is probably one of the biggest game improvement for me ever.
thanks for the camera changes so far, I will test them out a bit.
Only 1 thing that bothers me: you cant move in one direction and look in another one while in FP mode. Is this intended? because you totally can do this in “normal” mode.
I would REALLY need this, as this is a requirement for cinematic shots like in this video for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoCAKRvYph4 (and that was done with owl tonics and some custom resolution tricks, before 1st person view enabled)
Finally! Now i can take this kind of screenshots! Good job, it feel like new game now. Fluid and smooth gameplay.
The effect bugs (like aegis are being addressed).
This patch was delayed for QA testing, surely the question has to be how did they manage to miss such a major bug?
The charr uses the same camera than norn.
Explanation: if I 1st-person-view from my charr, the “camera height” is not the eyes, but this horns.
This is very frustrating, because if I approach another charr, I can’t look at him right in the eyes, but to his mane, like if I were a norn (who has slightly higher eye height).
Could this be fixed or addressed?
On top of this, I would add more notches to the vertical adjustement, because horizontally you can move a lot, but vertically, you can barely move it.
The charr uses the same camera than norn.
Explanation: if I 1st-person-view from my charr, the “camera height” is not the eyes, but this horns.
This is very frustrating, because if I approach another charr, I can’t look at him right in the eyes, but to his mane, like if I were a norn (who has slightly higher eye height).
Could this be fixed or addressed?
On top of this, I would add more notches to the vertical adjustement, because horizontally you can move a lot, but vertically, you can barely move it.
The “Character height” option seems to be generic for each race. Norns are complaining that their view is in their chest, but my Norn has the smallest height available and it is well above her head.
Although I still think most of the complaints at this point in game are people not realizing there is a character height option. Personally I am very happy there is a generic option for all races, so that I can play across alts without having to constantly adjust my spacial reasoning in relation to gameplay elements.
Loving it so far!
Many jumping puzzles shall be done this day.I did seem to take a framerate hit with the new patch. I never had stellar fps anyway, so its hard to tell.
Yep, definite frame rate hit. Nothing seems to make it better. I previously had the settings as high as I could get and not fall below 25 average. I can’t even get 22 with everything on low.
Getting really dizzy with the new camera (posted about it here). Tweaked the settings – no, same stuff…
I have a feeling that the point in space around which the camera rotates is somewhere behind the character now; might it be the case, or it’s just the FoV? If not, are the “reset to defaults” values identical to the old camera?
Irrelevant to useful feedback: Apart from that – walked around DR and the Grove with first person camera – so much gorgeous stuff I couldn’t see before! If only we could get a high-res texture pack now…
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Alright. This is now a feedback thread! I’ll be updating the list as thoughts and ideas come in.
Loooooooove the camera changes. Seriously, good work.
Troll’s End. On a Norn. First time. Oh Yeah.
Just to add on the first person camera on charr: it not only seems that the camera is above the head, but it seems it’s also not positioned on the eyes horizontally. This is not really the most helpful description, so I’ll say this: instead of the camera more positioned on the eyes in front, it’s more like it’s positioned on my backpiece instead.
The next, since it’s positioned this way, when I’ve equipped a longbow, I occasionally see the string of my bow popping up in front of my screen when running around, while that longbow is on my back.
This is amazing. I never though the world could feel old and new at the same time. On one hand the GW1 nostalgia is flooding back as I explore Tyria. On the other, there’s things in the world that seem new because I never noticed them before. Did anyone ever realize how good a gatherable herb sprout looks on the edge of a snowy mountain? Did anyone ever look down a tall cliff and actually feel how far down everything below was?
Simply climbing up and down stairs is a total “LETS DO IT AGAIN!” moment. Staring off in the distance at 7 players fighting centaurs on a bridge has never felt so real! Sometimes I look up and find out I’m not actually in a cave, and there’s neat trees and rocks above me giving way to the sky. I can tell if its night or day!
Brandon, you’re the best!
First person zoom did not turn out like I had suggested. It turned out WAY better!
The camera changes are great. I really like the amount of choices we have now. Though I’d like to voice my opinion that I’d still like to have a vertical camera height slider that is independent of the slider that lifts the camera up when you zoom out. Perhaps as two sliders, “Starting Vertical Position” and “Max Zoom Vertical Position”. If that can’t be done though, I’d at least like to have a bit more min/max on the current vertical slider. Overall though, I’m really happy with the additions.
So first of all, this camera update is really great, thanks ! I love how clear the battlefield is when completely zoomed out (Fighting Tequatl is a delight now)
here are some things that I think could be improved though :
- having to toggle the [adjust camera to height] on shouldn’t be necessary to have the FPV (first person view) placed on the head instead of the chest (or the hips for very tall characters)
I personally prefer having that option toggled off on my tall characters because of the offset, but I still would like my FPV to be placed on the head.
- Another thing that would be great if possible (not sure it can be done seeing how options work), is having the [adjust to height] setting character specific.
For example, right now, the [adjust to height] is great for my small asura but put my camera a bit off on my tall charr.
- I think maybe the vertical adjustment would benefit from a bit more leeway : being able to lower the camera a bit more when the adjustment is on.
(edited by Tabootrinket.2631)
I like the changes and adjustments. For me, I’m very sensitive to FoV and camera settings. I just can’t seem to get it set right. Every few minutes I’m stopping to tweak setting over and over. Seems the vertical adjustment is very limited when zoomed all the way in. Yet, when zoomed out there’s a lot of swing to it.
The effect bugs (like aegis are being addressed).
Aegis might be annoying but there are some effects that I think are really cool in first person. Don’t turn everything off, please. :\
For we have held fast our ground and our loyalty to Tyria each and every day…
And it is time the Six show their blessings. Freedom for ALL doers of great and wondrous things!
Just to add on the first person camera on charr: it not only seems that the camera is above the head, but it seems it’s also not positioned on the eyes horizontally. This is not really the most helpful description, so I’ll say this: instead of the camera more positioned on the eyes in front, it’s more like it’s positioned on my backpiece instead.
The next, since it’s positioned this way, when I’ve equipped a longbow, I occasionally see the string of my bow popping up in front of my screen when running around, while that longbow is on my back.
I noticed what you’re describing, and from what I can tell, that position is based on your charr’s model when you’re just idly standing around, out of combat. Once charr draw their weapons, they’re hunched over and to the right, and that’s probably what’s causing your issue. I feel compelled to mention how ridiculous gameplay would be if first person camera was true to charr players’ eyes while running with weapons sheathed. (Boing! Boing! Boing!) :P
For we have held fast our ground and our loyalty to Tyria each and every day…
And it is time the Six show their blessings. Freedom for ALL doers of great and wondrous things!
Cranked FoV to max, entered 1st person camera and it’s like I’m seeing Tryia for the first time. Truly amazing experience! Thank you!
The effect bugs (like aegis are being addressed).
Please, don’t forget to also address various combat effects (you can see that quickly on a longbow ranger using Rapid Fire, there goes your instant epileptic seizure), including all the various autoattack “flashes”. As it is now, the current first person camera is an actual health hazard (to people more sensitive to these kinds of conditions.)
On a slightly related note – I realize it is most probably out of scope of the current camera changes, but do you maybe plan at some point to introduce a ‘real’ first person mode that would properly include weapons models, animations, maybe even an ability to – dunno – see one’s own boots when looking down? I realize the current engine likely wasn’t built for this at all (well, that is a common theme with Guild Wars 2, is it), but I’m just curious if this is possibly an agenda for some later point in time, or simply straight out impossible and not planned, ever.
I will now close it.” – Moderator
It would be even better if there’s POV Toggle On/Off .I think it would be much of a help if players are able to see from their own character’s eye position for a better distance-judging and (ofcourse) better player experience
.Since this is still beta for the camera , I’m highly certain the DEVs will add in this feature
I’ve realised the word ‘POV’ sounded inappropriate…I apologize for that…I believe the First-Person camera should have the function for us to be able to see our character’s upper and lower torso whilst placing the camera between our character’s eyes (or u can adjust it’s X-axis to left or right[for one-eyed characters] ) in future updates .Holding left click and move your mouse will move our character’s eyeballs instead of the head like Right-click just like how the 3rd person camera works.With this function , players are be able to judge the location where their two feet are about to land after jumping more accurately . In addition , it’s a better player experience ^^. Aside from that , GREAT CAMERA FEATURES !!! I believe there aren’t mamy games camera function which work like this.Keep it up !
(edited by MirandaWL.8125)
Can you please make a setting under options menu (F11, for most ppl) to enable/disable your own character’s boon effects when in 1st person view?
As a guardian, aegis completely ruins my experience, but I also see other people saying they have some boon effects on themselves that they like. So make it a configurable option, yes?
Thanks – all the other camera changes – love it!
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
First – bravo! Very excited about the changes, especially ‘Zoom Sens’, which was my only real need. It’s nice to play with FoV, but found I like the default.
-useOldFoV: I still use it! I tried without, but it’s still necessary, at least for me. I don’t care for how the game looks without it, and the camera doesn’t get close enough to a character without it, which then limits how flexible ZS is. So (hopefully) please keep!
Vertical: Much, much more. I don’t know how about ‘high’ it should get, but it should literally drop to the floor. You can’t kneel or sit and get a nice close up of you and a pet, for example.
Adjust Camera to Character Height: I thought maybe this would adjust dynamically depending on whether you were sitting or standing (as your ‘height’ relative to the floor is very different sitting and kneeling), but it doesn’t. It just seems to move everything up a half an inch or more. I resigned that this was made to solve something entirely different for other people, which is fine, and leave it off for myself.
Having said that, besides having more vertical control ‘lower’, it would actually be nice if there was a setting (but not lumped in with ‘Adjust Camera to Char Height’, b/c I don’t like how high it moves the camera up) that would “follow the character relative to the ground (sit, kneel, sleep) independently, but respectful of the ‘ACCH’ setting”, if that makes sense. i.e., let the camera ‘follow you down’ as you do those things keeping the same parallel plane to the floor based on what it’s focused on for either the ACCH on/off.
For example, if ACCH on is 6’ and ACCH off is 4’, then sitting/kneeling might be 1.5’ for ACCH on and 1’ for ACCH off.
I absolute LOVE all these changes. It feels so nice playing Guild Wars 2 now … really Branden, you guys have done awesome work on this. Awesome!
I almost fear giving more suggestions/feedback, for fear the camera might change significantly from what it is now, because the way it is, is just so much better in every possible way. But alas, maybe a couple of suggestions:
- It would be nice if the vertical slider also gave the camera in increased height when zoomed it. I know some players like a full-body character on screen, some like half-body with more of the world to see over the character’s head … so increasing its effectiveness while also zoomed-in, might help giving players some choice.
- In essence, using the “camera height to character height” checkbox, gives you a very nice boost in height for all characters except Asura (where the camera is higher with this unchecked). Maybe this height boost can be applied to the vertical slider, giving us a bit more vertical control while close-up to our character.
I’m quite surprised how high you guys have allowed us to go on the camera while zoomed-out. I absolutely love it. I really never thought we’d ever see the day we’d get so much viewablilty. Just having so much forwards viewablilty and not having to stare at ground textures the whole time, is a huge plus.
I’ve not really seen a significant drop in FPS. I have a relatively old card (GeForce 580), and while I expected the FPS to drop quite a bit (because more are effectively rendered on screen when you increase your FoV) it still is surprisingly smooth.
Thank you again for all the hard work. The padding/collision issues are basically … gone. It’s amazing.
(edited by Makovorn.1706)
Loving the changes. Since it’s still in beta, I decided to leave some feedback for things that might be possible to change/tweak.
When I turn my camera to my character’s face (with left mouse button) and then zoom into first person, it makes my character turn. I’d prefer it if this only happened with right mouse button, giving us the option to freely look around with left mouse button in first person, without our characters turning.
This also means that when I run in first person, it’d be nice to look around with left mouse button without my character immediately running into that direction.
Simply put:
- In First Person
- Use left mouse button to turn camera freely without affecting character
- Use right mouse button to turn character along with camera
First person doesn’t seem to be entirely first person. At least, not in the sense of eye level. (When the camera is set to match Character Height.) The camera seems to float just a bit above the head, basically where the top of the character’s head ends. I noticed it the most on my norn, but when I ran into my girlfriend’s character, who is the exact same height, we both had to look down at each other, as if each was taller than the other.
Simply put:
- Go first person with camera matching character height
- Approach character of same height as your own
- Have to look down as if you’re taller (while you’re actually not)
Other than that, I’m absolutely loving this patch and these camera options. (Though is the green text in speech bubbles intended? I preferred black. It was much easier to read.)
Really good changes, but I do have the following feedback.
Horizontal Position – For me I feel the sensitivity is too high. I think the amount of movement on each position of the bar is too high. I would like to have a setting somewhere between center and the first position. So my suggestion would be to either have more positions to select from or adjust the camera movement for each position, so it does not move so far.
Vertical Position – This feels the opposite to the Horizontal Position, in that it hardly moves at all when moving the bar from one side to the other. Maybe the effect is more visible when zoomed right out? I did not try that. But when zoomed close to your character the vertical position setting hardly moves the camera.
All the other options are good and offer decent flexibility. Though I feel the zoom allows you to go out way too far for my liking, I understand that some players will like this.
Overall really good changes, I’d just like to see some adjustment to the above.
Sadly, this update has broken shadow rendering using NVIDIA’s 3D vision. It seems as though all shadows are being rendered on the same z-axis as the UI i.e. zero depth.
This game was the most beautiful and immersive I’d seen in 3D but I can’t play with it enabled anymore. I imagine 3D support is not a top priority but I really hope you can fix this problem sooner rather than later.
~ beep beep - paging anet ~
There is actually a really big issue with underwater combat (esp. WvW, for what has been left of the water there) and the new camera.
While having your camera as high as the system allows makes good sense on land, this completely breaks when you move under water - at one point you fight under water with your camera high above the water surface, making you see little more than blurry smudges, then the moment you move deeper, the camera suddenly bounces *against* the inside of the water surface, but with limited distance and unusual angle, pushing even your own character completely out of view.
Please make some diving tests with camera as high/far as possible, you should quickly notice what I mean.
I will now close it.” – Moderator
Lets try to keep this thread on topic please, so the Devs don’t need to waste their time filtering out all the non-related posts. I know you want to have your rant, but there is a time and place for everything. If your comment is not about camera improvements, this is not the place.
Hey all! Thanks for the feedback here and in other threads.
Here’s the current list of things to address with the camera changes.
(Please note this does not mean that any of these things will happen, won’t happen, are planned to happen, and or not planned to happen)
- Optimization to Camera
- Camera Head Height Consistency
- Underwater Vertical Slider Behavior
- Fov on Login Reset
- Fov on Pvp Map Load Reset
For me camera is now perfect. Just fix FOV reset bug and that’s it.
Camera Head Height Consistency i think it’s good, but if you going to change it to eyes than don’t change first zoom out camera pozition – don’t lower it, coz now is perfect.
Is there some way we can know what exactly was changed about the camera pre and post-patch? I’ve heard if you click “restore defaults” in the post-patch it sets the camera to pre-patch settings, but it doesn’t look quite the same. I’m playing Charr, if it helps.
Part of the issue is “adjust to character height” inconsistency. While playing Charr, the camera resembles (but not perfectly) how the camera appeared pre-patch only when you have “Adjust Camera to Character Height” enabled. However, for humans, the camera looks like it did pre-patch only if the option is disabled instead.
There are also additional issues that weren’t documented in the patch notes. While some attacks previously had some shake to them, there’s a massively increased shaking post-patch, to the point it’s nauseating. Turning camera shake off also removes environment shake, which was fine before the patch as well. So either something is bugged with current camera shake on attack, or it was increased and we need an option to disable that’s separate from the shaking in the environment.
(edited by Darmikau.9413)
After messing with the Beta Camera controls, the one thing that stuck out the most is the lack of camera height adjustment when scrolled in. When scrolled OUT, when you adjust the slider, it has a lot of movement. I’m assuming this is on purpose… it’s an exponential increase the further the camera is zoomed out… but I would say it could use a whole lot more movement on the vertical axis when zoomed all the way in.
As it is, I can move the slider from one end to the other and the camera looks like it moves from mid head, to the shoulder.
I would suggest that you implement (toggleable options for):
- viewing the player character and it’s weapons in 1st person. It feels too empty on the screen and it would give a nice way to show all the expensive equipments you’ve acquired.
- camera bobbing on walk in 1st person (camera should bob according to current player race’s walking style). Currently it feels like you’re driving a car instead of walking.
i’m really enjoying the new camera .
the first person view is perfect just the way it is for sight seeing and getting a closer look at distant objects .
the far away and above view is much much better . i can finally see around my own character !!
even with the FoV resetting on log in , it is still way way much more better than the old view .
having come form gw1 , the view you gave us now is the view i was expecting on day one of coming to gw2 .
thank you very much . sincerely
I like the new camera bug, I know it’s limitations and requirements, but zooming out and being able to see siege and attacking on walls makes Gw2 more dynamic. I can still stay alive when pew pewing down, though siege which cannot be defended through shields dies instant. Classes attacking on the walls are limited and skils as well. The game hasn’trt gotten any worse, except for the loss of ~20 FPS (used to run 160 withour others, 120-135 with spawns, 80 with allies and 18 in Blob vs blob with 2 high end graphics cards (2 times Nvidia GTX 780 SLi)..
Now I notice having 140, 110, 68 and 16 respectively which is a 15% drop. which is significant, but noit crating an unplayable game. Extending field of view though on highest view require me to tone down character limit or the client tends to freeze.
Adding to it
I’d prefer max height of camera not being at the height of my norn her bellybutton, but at eye level. I understand this could be difficult but it’s based directly on the character creation options IMHO…
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Increase the vertical slider range downwards, so you can move the focus point to your characters feet if you want. This would make it easier to take screenshots of your character, including those that are laying down (so your camera wouldn’t need to know when a character is laying down, as player could just adjust it themselves)
(Not related to above)
Being able to shoot arrow carts over a wall in WvW is nice and we should have been able to do that a long time ago. Besides, the guy on the other side of the wall has equal opportunity to shoot his arrow cart over the wall, so it doesn’t really give any unfair advantages to anyone.
People who can’t tend to call the opponent troll, scream something utterly incomprehensible
and finally result to personal insults.
(edited by Fred Fargone.3127)
For engineers with Weapon Kits, you can see your backpack in First Person view.
I tried Trolls’s End with a human character, and I noticed that I was not always able to zoom to 1st person.
I started in 3rd person view, going to an especially tight place, and then tried to zoom to 1st person. 1st person view was enabled, of course. The character was still visible, half-transparent. I had to move around a bit to be able to completely zoom in.
I would suggest that you implement (toggleable options for):
- viewing the player character and it’s weapons in 1st person. It feels too empty on the screen and it would give a nice way to show all the expensive equipments you’ve acquired.
- camera bobbing on walk in 1st person (camera should bob according to current player race’s walking style). Currently it feels like you’re driving a car instead of walking.
I’m fully agreed with Mikuchan. It give some more excitement of 1st person gameplay.
Is it possible to also see our weapons while in 1st person? no i am not saying skyrim levels of 1st person, that is just a pair of floating arms, I’m saying as we say swing our greatsword we see that swing, i mean currently while in first person we can see the..don’t know what its called…slash direction effect thing(refer to the picture see that little blur), but not the weapon itself. Or as we fire our bows, you do not see the bow or the arrow, but you do see the arrow effect thingy, why not just make it so we can see them?
tl dr: Make a option so our character model does not go invisible during 1st person view.
(edited by Omega Zoa.3859)
The new camera is great,especially for exploring and sight seeing but when it gets shaky it gets bad.For example when there is an earthquake you just cant see.Watch this to better understand what i mean https://youtu.be/GnkvBNFJtS4 .I think a camera a shaking slider should be added to adress this.
Nope. FPV was created just to enjoy the scenery without any UI distraction, or characters.
Nope. FPV was created just to enjoy the scenery without any UI distraction, or characters.
Uh huh, why add the shake effect then, why make it so we see those blurs? remove those blurs, they take away from the “scenery”.
Much like the shake effect can be disabled the weapons can be disabled should they go with this.
I mean it should not be something hard to do since you basically put the camera in the character’s eyes, why remove the weapons and what not if anything can make some nice screenies while fighting monsters in that point of view.
(edited by Omega Zoa.3859)
It’s hard to say.
I’m enjoying first person immensely, but due to the 360 nature of this game, I find zooming out for serious fights necessary. It’s not a bad thing, because you realize your character still has really cool animations.
One time it bugged out while I was chopping a tree and my axe showed. It looked really neat. Though other times my own skill effects almost gave me a headache.
I think we have to take first person for what it is. Just (finally) a way for us to see the world from up close and also take nice scenic screenshots. While simple combat is surprisingly viable at that zoom level, combat is the one part of the game truly optimized for third person.
Basically what I’m saying is, I think the devs intended for us to see the world up close, but not fight up close. Now we CAN fight up close, but if the weapons are rendered, they may obstruct the view too much unless new animations were added for first person. That would be a lot of work to support a cool-but-unadvisable combat perspective.
It’s hard to say.
I’m enjoying first person immensely, but due to the 360 nature of this game, I find zooming out for serious fights necessary. It’s not a bad thing, because you realize your character still has really cool animations.
One time it bugged out while I was chopping a tree and my axe showed. It looked really neat. Though other times my own skill effects almost gave me a headache.
I think we have to take first person for what it is. Just (finally) a way for us to see the world from up close and also take nice scenic screenshots. While simple combat is surprisingly viable at that zoom level, combat is the one part of the game truly optimized for third person.
Basically what I’m saying is, I think the devs intended for us to see the world up close, but not fight up close. Now we CAN fight up close, but if the weapons are rendered, they may obstruct the view too much unless new animations were added for first person. That would be a lot of work to support a cool-but-unadvisable combat perspective.
I’m not saying 1st person should have its own animations, keep the weapons and animations where they are, but make it so they are there instead of going completely invisible. And so what if the weapons are big, that’s really immerse, be in the footsteps of your character, reason why i am suggesting this is the slight hope that this makes it through since the camera still says “BETA”