[Suggestion] storing gold in the bank again
Look at it this way, if you are saving gold in your guild bank to keep yourself from making a spur of the moment or accidental purchase because you can’t control your spending, then the withdrawal limit is even doing you a bigger favor. It will make you think about it for a week or so.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Maybe what the game needs is a separate place to put gold in the regular bank. The first one I’ll call checking accout. All gold first goes in there. The second deposit line, under the first one, I’ll call savings account. You can withdraw gold from checkings and put it into savings and the withdrawal has no weekly cap.
This lessens the need to use unsafe guild banks as a savings account, as those are not rolled back if your accounts is hacked and stolen from.
ANet may give it to you.
Look at it this way, if you are saving gold in your guild bank to keep yourself from making a spur of the moment or accidental purchase because you can’t control your spending, then the withdrawal limit is even doing you a bigger favor. It will make you think about it for a week or so.
And by then the precursor/whatever I was saving for has gone up another 100-200g in price… and more waiting after months of saving and getting extremely hype for the final payoff, shut down completely.
I can control my spending but it’s easier and more fun for me to have it split up, it makes it more clear what is my saving money and what is my play/use freely money.
Use a personal guild for bank and gold storage.
Im with you OP for pretty much the exact same reasons! As for guilds banks, they arent safe if your account hacked and they wont be rolled back. We had it in the past, there isnt a reason for it to be gone now.
ANet has spoken on this topic a lot: they want us to store gold in the wallet; makes it easier for them (and for us) if the account gets compromised. They don’t want to support multiple mechanics (and deal with people who can’t remember where their gold is.)
If you are saving up for a big purchase and feel the need to curb your spending, put the money down on the item. So it’s only 100g for Zap — if it sells to you, great; if not (as is likely), your money is not only squirreled away, it’s stored exactly where you plan to use it later. As you end up with more gold, you can take down the original order and add to it.
tl;dr bank storage of coin might have been convenient, but since ANet isn’t likely to change things, we should use the relevant work-arounds instead.
Use a personal guild for bank and gold storage.
This. It’s not difficult to make a personal guild, and it’s very easy to make/buy enough influence to get a bank. I was putting gold away in mine while saving up for precursors.
I would only support the idea of putting gold into personal banks if the gold that was on any character was still account-wide as it is now, instead of reverting it back to the old system, and even then I’d still prefer to “hide” my gold (from myself) in my personal guild bank.
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
ANet has spoken on this topic a lot: they want us to store gold in the wallet; makes it easier for them (and for us) if the account gets compromised. They don’t want to support multiple mechanics (and deal with people who can’t remember where their gold is.)
If you are saving up for a big purchase and feel the need to curb your spending, put the money down on the item. So it’s only 100g for Zap — if it sells to you, great; if not (as is likely), your money is not only squirreled away, it’s stored exactly where you plan to use it later. As you end up with more gold, you can take down the original order and add to it.
tl;dr bank storage of coin might have been convenient, but since ANet isn’t likely to change things, we should use the relevant work-arounds instead.
Another line in the bank where you can manually put gold in, like I suggested above, stores gold in the wallet, people don’t have to remember where they put it, is secure, unlike a guild bank, and allows people to have a place to save gold up for purchases. I don’t think the coding is that hard to do and it’s been asked for numerous times.
People are currently using guild banks but they are not secure if your account is hacked and now have the problem with withdrawing large amounts of gold per week.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I would not store anything valuable in a Guild Vault. Should, heaven forbid, my account be compromised, I would lose everything stored there. It just isn’t a safe place for valuables.
As for storing Gold in the personal bank, I’m ambivalent about the issue.
I would like to set my own personal limit how much I can spend in a single transaction out of my wallet combined with a warning if I try to spend more.
(Disabling TP error like buying to many or to expensive items by accident)
Deposition of money in the guild bank is a really bad idea! Your personal wallet is restored by ANet if you are hacked, your guild bank is not.
Make a buy order for Twilight for 200g or whatever you want to store and for
what nobody with sane mind would sell it. And if somebody sells it .. i think
nobody would complain about that ^^
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Use a personal guild for bank and gold storage.
This. It’s not difficult to make a personal guild, and it’s very easy to make/buy enough influence to get a bank. I was putting gold away in mine while saving up for precursors.
I would only support the idea of putting gold into personal banks if the gold that was on any character was still account-wide as it is now, instead of reverting it back to the old system, and even then I’d still prefer to “hide” my gold (from myself) in my personal guild bank.
“Since March there’s now a cap on how much gold you can take out of a personal guild bank, which I understand for stopping gold trading etc. But it means if I want to be able to use the gold I’ve saved I either have to withdraw it over the span of a couple weeks, or keep it all in my wallet which I find uncomfortable and unsatisfying.”
Literally the first post is about why using a personal guild bank has screwed me because of the withdrawal limit.
To those who suggested making a listing on the TP, i’ll consider it. You don’t lose gold to fees?
You don’t pay fees as a buyer, only as a seller. So, you can change your buy order anytime you want without penalty.
I like how you guys are asking the game to be changed because you have no self control.
I like how you guys are asking the game to be changed because you have no self control.
I like how we are asking for the return of something we had to begin with. Much like people want the original trait system back, and the original story mode.
I like how you guys are asking the game to be changed because you have no self control.
I guess you don’t have a savings account at your bank, only a checking account. And also that you disapprove of savings accounts because people who have them have no self control.
ANet may give it to you.
No, I store my cash in a way that earns me interest. Or investments that hope fully appreciate in value.
Good job equating a video game to real life though. Well done.
(edited by Fiennis.4387)
No, I store my cash in a way that earns me interest. Or investments that hope fully appreciate in value.
Good job equating a video game to real life though. Well done.
It is equating a video game to real life because it’s real life people who play it. The concept of putting money away in a separate section to save it, whether it is the envelope system or a separate bank account, is centuries old and is a fundamental way of how most people approach saving for purchases. It’s a basic part of human psychology to save money this way and any good game is going to work with an understanding of behavior to help people reach their goal.
It’s lovely that you don’t need it, but others do. It doesn’t make you appear to be a better person to post value laden judgmental statements about them.
ANet may give it to you.
I guess I’m just lucky that I don’t need to worry about spending gold. There isn’t much worth spending gold on in the TP, and what little there is so so stupidly over priced that I wouldn’t bother even if I had the money.
I like how you guys are asking the game to be changed because you have no self control.
I have self control, but I prefer being organized and keeping spending money and saving money separate. It keeps me from feeling like I can’t spend anything without having to keep checking if i’m spending too much in one day.
My previous system was to leave 10g in the wallet daily and deposit the rest. It built up quickly and with no pain or thought I had what I needed saved up without feeling I couldn’t buy anything. It’s the same system I use IRL and feels unnatural not to use in game.
Also we used to be able to deposit coin in the account bound bank as well and I don’t see how it would be more difficult for anet to refund in the case of hacking than the wallet, but I don’t know about the technical aspects of that stuff.
I like how you guys are asking the game to be changed because you have no self control.
Even if that was true (which, as explained by others, it isn’t for everyone), would that be so bad? The game has made other changes to make things more convenient, easier, or more comfortable for people. Seems to me that helping people to control impulse purchases would help a lot of people save up for bigger purchases, which in turn would reduce some of the whining about prices being too high.
That said, I doubt ANet will change this; they have been really clear they want us to use the wallet and recent changes have doubled-down on that decision, for good or bad.
What’s the difference between recalling items lost in the account bank and from the character inventory/wallet?
agree! bring back the ability to bank money in personal bank!
I would not store anything valuable in a Guild Vault. Should, heaven forbid, my account be compromised, I would lose everything stored there. It just isn’t a safe place for valuables.
As for storing Gold in the personal bank, I’m ambivalent about the issue.
Same here.
You all realize if your account gets hacked and your guild bank gets drained then you aren’t getting that gold back on a restore right?
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Want a character base safe way to “save” gold, here’s a work around? Put in low bids on high end items. The highest bid on Eternity is over 3500 gold. Max out each bid at 1000g and you will be safe from accidentally buying Eternity. You can get it all back by canceling. If you are saving for a particular item bid toward that item, upping the bid as you add to your savings.
But I imagine some of you Daddy Warbucks out there are also OCD about your TP and can’t bear to see unfulfilled bids more than X time units old.
As long as RMT use guild banks to move money around to avoid mail tracking, the 500g a week withdraw limit is going to stay. So adapt. The TP bid method I suggest seems to do the job of a per character method of storing money away from the wallet while providing instant access.
RIP City of Heroes
You all realize if your account gets hacked and your guild bank gets drained then you aren’t getting that gold back on a restore right?
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Want a character base safe way to “save” gold, here’s a work around? Put in low bids on high end items. The highest bid on Eternity is over 3500 gold. Max out each bid at 1000g and you will be safe from accidentally buying Eternity. You can get it all back by canceling. If you are saving for a particular item bid toward that item, upping the bid as you add to your savings.
But I imagine some of you Daddy Warbucks out there are also OCD about your TP and can’t bear to see unfulfilled bids more than X time units old.
As long as RMT use guild banks to move money around to avoid mail tracking, the 500g a week withdraw limit is going to stay. So adapt. The TP bid method I suggest seems to do the job of a per character method of storing money away from the wallet while providing instant access.
I do this, but its still annoying that we HAD the ability to bank gold in our account bank, and they removed that because they added the wallet.
The wallet IS the account bank. What they removed were per character banks.
RIP City of Heroes
The wallet IS the account bank. What they removed were per character banks.
Eh not really… they removed the BANKS Gold storage function. The per character gold was added to the wallet. At least thats how ive always looked at it. They removed the per character gold and added it to the wallet, and removed the banks ability to store gold in a separate location and made an accounts entire gold available at the same time. Something i have always hated. Just like i would hate if my bank got rid of my savings account and merged it with my checking account.
The point is, it was nice feature we had and while some didnt use it at all and dont mind it gone, the fact remains that there are players who are doing stupid work arounds to save their gold in a separate place when we had the ability to do so from launch. Not all because we have trouble spending gold.
(edited by Dante.1763)
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Why is your mind boggled over human nature? People store money they are saving up in a “piggy bank,” savings account, retirement account, under the bed, in a coffee can, etc.
I don’t blame ANet for reducing things to a simple wallet (which, as you note, is mostly much better than each character maintaining their own currencies), but neither do I blame people for wanting a reserve in addition to the main coin pool.
Still, I doubt ANet will act on the suggestion, because they have never offered much sympathy on the topic.
The wallet IS the account bank. What they removed were per character banks.
Eh not really… they removed the BANKS Gold storage function. The per character gold was added to the wallet. At least thats how ive always looked at it. They removed the per character gold and added it to the wallet, and removed the banks ability to store gold in a separate location and made an accounts entire gold available at the same time. Something i have always hated. Just like i would hate if my bank got rid of my savings account and merged it with my checking account.
The point is, it was nice feature we had and while some didnt use it at all and dont mind it gone, the fact remains that there are players who are doing stupid work arounds to save their gold in a separate place when we had the ability to do so from launch. Not all because we have trouble spending gold.
Characters use to have their own gold reserve but you could transfer it to your bank along with various dungeon tokens and such. ANet yanked these currencies out of the bank and made the account wallet. Doing so they also removed the per character gold storage and made the wallet’s currency instantly accessible on every character without need to visit the bank. Since this is account wide like the bank was for stored currencies I’ve always looked at it as losing the character’s separate gold storage, replacing it with a streamlined bank version.
We went from a billfold and bank passbook to a debt card usable at all times and everyone in your family got one as well. And it has overdraft protection so money will be pulled from your savings account, money market, etc.
RIP City of Heroes
We went from a billfold and bank passbook to a debt card usable at all times and everyone in your family got one as well. And it has overdraft protection so money will be pulled from your savings account, money market, etc.
Mine actually does not, my card gets locked if i spend over X dollars in a day, and if i go to low in my checking(Which i very rarely have) I cant use my card till i transfer money, it does have overdraft yes, but i can only do that once a month. My bank might not be typical but i prefer it over what my parents have.
I still would love the ability to store gold in the BANK again. You know, what a BANK is supposed to be for. It wouldnt be hard to implement, heck the code is probably still in the game.
But as the poster above said, ANET has shown very little care about this topic after the introduction of the wallet, which in my opinion was one of the best: No more hoarding tokens! and the worst: No more ability to have a savings account. and this probably wont ever happen despite us being able to have it in the past. But this suggestion will still be thrown around the forums, much like dueling and mounts but less rabid because this doesn’t affect everyone!
(edited by Dante.1763)
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Why is your mind boggled over human nature? People store money they are saving up in a “piggy bank,” savings account, retirement account, under the bed, in a coffee can, etc.
I don’t blame ANet for reducing things to a simple wallet (which, as you note, is mostly much better than each character maintaining their own currencies), but neither do I blame people for wanting a reserve in addition to the main coin pool.
Still, I doubt ANet will act on the suggestion, because they have never offered much sympathy on the topic.
I understand the desire to “hide” money from yourself for non RP purposes but a Guild Bank isn’t all that safe. And since you are limited to number of guilds and since guilds are account wide not character, they are simply one step removed from you character over the wallet. Or are you going to limit yourself to 4 personal guilds and the one you normally rep?
This was discussed to death when the wallet first came out.
True ANet was the one that suggested a guild account for a personal bank but as I said in my previous post, it’s obviously being used to funnel RMT gold to players as a way to avoid mail tracking so BAM 500g weekly transfer limits. I can’t imagine players with personal guilds hording so much gold and transfer it so frequently that this is really a serious problem for many and is simply complaining because a limit that they hope to reach one day got slapped on it.
RIP City of Heroes
We went from a billfold and bank passbook to a debt card usable at all times and everyone in your family got one as well. And it has overdraft protection so money will be pulled from your savings account, money market, etc.
Mine actually does not, my card gets locked if i spend over X dollars in a day, and if i go to low in my checking(Which i very rarely have) I cant use my card till i transfer money, it does have overdraft yes, but i can only do that once a month. My bank might not be typical but i prefer it over what my parents have.
I still would love the ability to store gold in the BANK again. You know, what a BANK is supposed to be for. It wouldnt be hard to implement, heck the code is probably still in the game.
But as the poster above said, ANET has shown very little care about this topic after the introduction of the wallet, which in my opinion was one of the best: No more hoarding tokens! and the worst: No more ability to have a savings account. and this probably wont ever happen despite us being able to have it in the past. But this suggestion will still be thrown around the forums, much like dueling and mounts but less rabid because this doesn’t affect everyone!
But we didn’t have personal banks before. We had a per character gold storage on our inventory that you could use at NPCs and the TP and an account wide bank that all characters could access and deposit/withdraw gold from but only at bank NPCs.
I never thought of the gold on my character as in a “bank”, it was my wallet. If I put it in the bank it mingled with the gold there from all my other character and I would have needed to track it manually. What we lost was our individual wallets, not individual savings accounts. We NEVER had individual savings accounts.
RIP City of Heroes
But we didn’t have personal banks before. We had a per character gold storage on our inventory that you could use at NPCs and the TP and an account wide bank that all characters could access and deposit/withdraw gold from but only at bank NPCs.
I never thought of the gold on my character as in a “bank”, it was my wallet. If I put it in the bank it mingled with the gold there from all my other character and I would have needed to track it manually. What we lost was our individual wallets, not individual savings accounts. We NEVER had individual savings accounts.
I see what you are getting about, and my wording sucks, i see that too xD No we didnt have individual saving accounts thank goodness. We had an account wide savings account. I used to take what i earned for the day in my characters wallets and put in the account wide savings account(Much like i do IRL when im doing odd jobs). That is what i miss. Sure there are ways to pretend to do that, but they are work arounds. It would be a nice QOL feature for players like me, its nothing important of course, but it was nice.
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Why is your mind boggled over human nature? People store money they are saving up in a “piggy bank,” savings account, retirement account, under the bed, in a coffee can, etc.
I don’t blame ANet for reducing things to a simple wallet (which, as you note, is mostly much better than each character maintaining their own currencies), but neither do I blame people for wanting a reserve in addition to the main coin pool.
Still, I doubt ANet will act on the suggestion, because they have never offered much sympathy on the topic.
I understand the desire to “hide” money from yourself for non RP purposes but a Guild Bank isn’t all that safe. And since you are limited to number of guilds and since guilds are account wide not character, they are simply one step removed from you character over the wallet. Or are you going to limit yourself to 4 personal guilds and the one you normally rep?
This was discussed to death when the wallet first came out.
True ANet was the one that suggested a guild account for a personal bank but as I said in my previous post, it’s obviously being used to funnel RMT gold to players as a way to avoid mail tracking so BAM 500g weekly transfer limits. I can’t imagine players with personal guilds hording so much gold and transfer it so frequently that this is really a serious problem for many and is simply complaining because a limit that they hope to reach one day got slapped on it.
Normally, your posts are on target and get me to rethink my ideas. This one… it didn’t respond to what I typed. Maybe you meant to quote someone else?
I asked why you were surprised that humans, who in RL separate savings from spending resources, would want to do the same in GW2? I didn’t say anything about guild banks, enabling RMTs, or anything else that you commented about. I spoke generically about the concept, not about any specific solutions offered to date.
I support ANet’s actions to simplify currency and to make things difficult for RMTs. I also am sympathetic with people who want an alternative place to securely store money. I don’t see those as incompatible ideas and I’m surprised that you seem to.
To those who suggested making a listing on the TP, i’ll consider it. You don’t lose gold to fees?
And if someone fills the order, then you can sell Twilight and use the profit to buy your precursor. Plus a lot of other stuff, I would imagine.
The lack of self control over gold in your wallet is mind boggling. But I understand, you want it out of site, out of mind.
Why is your mind boggled over human nature? People store money they are saving up in a “piggy bank,” savings account, retirement account, under the bed, in a coffee can, etc.
I don’t blame ANet for reducing things to a simple wallet (which, as you note, is mostly much better than each character maintaining their own currencies), but neither do I blame people for wanting a reserve in addition to the main coin pool.
Still, I doubt ANet will act on the suggestion, because they have never offered much sympathy on the topic.
I understand the desire to “hide” money from yourself for non RP purposes but a Guild Bank isn’t all that safe. And since you are limited to number of guilds and since guilds are account wide not character, they are simply one step removed from you character over the wallet. Or are you going to limit yourself to 4 personal guilds and the one you normally rep?
This was discussed to death when the wallet first came out.
True ANet was the one that suggested a guild account for a personal bank but as I said in my previous post, it’s obviously being used to funnel RMT gold to players as a way to avoid mail tracking so BAM 500g weekly transfer limits. I can’t imagine players with personal guilds hording so much gold and transfer it so frequently that this is really a serious problem for many and is simply complaining because a limit that they hope to reach one day got slapped on it.
Normally, your posts are on target and get me to rethink my ideas. This one… it didn’t respond to what I typed. Maybe you meant to quote someone else?
I asked why you were surprised that humans, who in RL separate savings from spending resources, would want to do the same in GW2? I didn’t say anything about guild banks, enabling RMTs, or anything else that you commented about. I spoke generically about the concept, not about any specific solutions offered to date.
I support ANet’s actions to simplify currency and to make things difficult for RMTs. I also am sympathetic with people who want an alternative place to securely store money. I don’t see those as incompatible ideas and I’m surprised that you seem to.
No, you were questioning about how I labeled the the inability to have the self control of not spending all the gold in your wallet as not understanding the desire to want hidey-hole for it. I do understand but all this commentary is about the 500 gold per week restriction from a guild bank and the need for some kind of account wide unlimited storage that could be used to protect your hoard from TP errors as well as enforced savings for something. I just think there are bigger fish to fry than the guild bank limit or holding all your gold in your wallet and NOT spend it.
But all the “but I was using it as a savings account” nonsense, don’t you use a savings account IRL? Yes but why do you have one in RL? It’s normally because you can’t help yourself from using it if you don’t hide it from yourself and/or the bank pays better interest on a savings account Vs your checking. But you can function without a savings account in RL. You just need some fiscal fortitude.
Like I originally said there is an easy workaround with posting bids on high price legendaries or even precursors. Especially if that’s what you are saving for.
RIP City of Heroes