Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaebriel.3754


This started as a different post in one of the title threads, but I think it would better be a separate suggestion, so here goes!

Since titles are a nice little bit of character customization, I would like to see a larger selection of them. And by large I mean ridiculously large!

The achievement system already registers many things you do in the game, such as how many bandits you killed or how many ales you drank. I think that adding tons of different new titles for different activities (both difficult and easy ones) would be fairly easy to implement (note that with my 0 programming knowledge I -think- such a thing would be fairly easy, for all I know it might not be) and certainly inspire people to hunt for them and feel rewarded as well. I can only speak for myself, but I would absolutely be all over it, to try and gain appropriate titles for all my characters!

For example, the different enemy Slayer achievements could each add a title similiar to the achievement name (‘the Wolfslayer’, ’Inquest’s Bane’ and such). Or perhaps fully exploring a city could give a related title (‘of Divinity’s Reach’, ‘of the Black Citadel’ and so on). Or acquiring a certain amount of skins from a race’s cultural vendor could give titles like ‘the Wolfborn’ or ‘the Seraph’.

Acquiring all the traits for a Guardian could give ‘the Stalwart’ or the same for a Thief would give ‘the Unseen’. Eating a certain amount of food would give ‘the Hungry’, or ‘the Ravenous’ perhaps ‘the Thirsty’ for drinks. Completing 100 daily achievements could give ‘the Diligent’ or ‘the Dutiful’. Getting the Swordmaster achievement could give ‘Master of the Blade’ or ‘the Swordmaster’. Killing a certain number of animals could give ‘the Hunter’.

I think such an expanded title system ties in nicely with the soon to be unveiled Collections panel, as it shares the philosophy of wandering around the open world with a purpose, to customize your characters in a minor yet satisfying way.

Also I think many roleplayers would love this.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


OK, this is pointless for me.
I have like 35+ titles and I use only one.
You could make titles for each 10 titles you got, but that feels pointless also.
NOTE that with this update collectors titles will be up, so I guess I will move soon next to around 50 titles…

My the best title is: Champion of the Gods
The best because less and less people who did 50/50 HoM still plays GW2, so it’s becoming very unique.
I haven’t saw one in last few 2-3 months and everyone can get current titles.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It’s rather funny actually. I see a lot more people displaying “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” than lower tier titles like “Chosen” or “Flameseeker”.

Suggestion: titles to hunt down in the world.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


It’s rather funny actually. I see a lot more people displaying “God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals” than lower tier titles like “Chosen” or “Flameseeker”.

Yes, but most of those did only GWAMM + 30/50. I know I heard it all the way before GW2 launch.

There was an info in Wiki at that time what achievements to do to get skins and GWAMM at the same time, and it was really easy.
From the start it took like 3 months when I did an account for my wife.