Suggestion to improve game client
The game client—that little downloader that you log into when you want to play—has a couple of persistent problems. 1. It doesn’t allow you to pause the download. If your computer crashes or falls asleep for some reason after before the download finished, the file is corrupted and the client has to review and repair the files before it finishes/redownloads the new update. The file repair can take longer than the actual download.
2. Another thing which causes frustration is that the updates don’t happen automatically. My brother noted that many of his other PC games automatically download updates, but Guild Wars 2 doesn’t. So, whenever he joins me once in a few weeks, he has at least an hour of download time. He’s busy over at college and doesn’t get to play with me that often. And, I get irritated whenever I try to fit in a quick session of GW2 between classes/appointments and realize I forgot about the update, so whoops, no gaming for now! I’ll just spend the next ten minutes downloading… It would be nice if we could have the choice to enable auto updates, so when our computers are running the client can search for and download updates on its own. That would also lessen the chances of #1 happening.
This one does automatically update. It is the same system as in GW1 and that is the technology most of the other companies bought from A.Net.
I have no idea what you are talking about. A.Net does stream the updates but since the game is one big map and zoned, that is what you get an update all at once. If it was instanced, like GW1, you could get in faster.