Suggestion to improve the Adventure

Suggestion to improve the Adventure

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bugnutin.1957


Personal Story – most new players are skipping this part and jumping directly to the core game, I suggest that putting a very cool reward on the end like [legendary material] is a rewarding way to play the story, it will also a stepping stone for new players to hunt the next legendary material like the gift of exploration

Dynamic Events – the coolest thing on MMO when GW2 was released back then, but now, it is ignored. merchants asking for escorts most likely ended up being left behind. I suggest to improve this feature, if you help a merchant or any dynamic events in the world, you will get a temporary unique item droprate buff for that region only. helping multiple events will stack the buff but going to another region will clear the buff, also, by helping the same region multiple times, the regional officer will give you a gift [skin,finisher,house,decoration,food,etc,legendary mats) and the citizens will call you hero if they saw you, kids offering flowers to you or idolise you. others even mimic you.

Wanted System – create a wanted system that lets player explore the world to search for a wanted criminal, helping dynamic quests will gain intel for the whereabouts of the criminal,
this system must sell the world of Tyria to the players, they must know the history, some scenery, some current events while searching for that wanted criminal. if possible, the criminal location and identity is random for each player and has a limit of 1 month. its possible also to gain intel by doing any stuff that promotes exploration. rewards must be sweet if you found the wanted. its also fun if your wanted criminal can escape the jail and find revenge on you while your exploring.

Exploration Relationship – if you explore the world or help a friend do wanted quest together , you will increase your relationship gauge with them. the more you travel together the more buffs you get. you can also accept the wanted rewards if you help a friend from start to finish instead from the one you have. having max relationship gauge will allow you to travel to that person location anytime.

Adventure to cover them all!!!
Create an adventure path that will force the player to experience all the content of GW2

I just want a happy adventure time with everyone

Suggestion to improve the Adventure

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I would suggest you read through the forums and look at the threads about both perceived and actual “forced” content and see how well those are looked upon by a subset of the game population.

Suggestion to improve the Adventure

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumion.7580


Personal Story – most new players are skipping this…

Dynamic Events – … it is ignored.

First, where are you getting this? “Most players” I know enjoy story and dynamic events. As a matter of fact, players who want to level quickly are often advised to do all the dynamic events they encounter, as they will be rewarded with XP and karma to buy leveling gear. Further, since they introduced special map rewards for any player doing four dynamic events, there has been renewed interest in these.

Second, the “wanted system” you describe is known as a guild bounty.

Third, what you call an “exploration relationship” is what I call finding a friend to game with. Every class has buffs and if you group together, those buffs are shared. The more you game with friends, the better your relationship, right? And teleport to friend is an existing item in the game.

Finally, as for “force the player”… yeah, that doesn’t go over very well with GW2’s player base. For a long time, the game was billed as “play how YOU want to play” and that’s what the player base generally wants to maintain. I hope you can enjoy the game for what it is.