Suggestion to personalize standard animations

Suggestion to personalize standard animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schaffa Zeinadine.6342

Schaffa Zeinadine.6342

So I see we have this not-so-new Mail Carriers animations, which I think is nice but… I wouldn’t waste my gems on personalizing something that is really unnecessary (at least for me)..

I was just thinking that wouldn’t it be better if Anet introduce something like an “animation override” on the gem store. Just something for players to customize or personalize their animations ( jump, stand, run, etc.) rather than those Mail Carriers animations.. After all, much of this game focus on the cosmetic purposes..

I think it would be a better idea than the Mail Carriers.. Just a suggestion

P/S: Sorry for my bad English

Suggestion to personalize standard animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliksyian.7642


As long as the standard animations are used in PvP, I think this might be fun.

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Suggestion to personalize standard animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schaffa Zeinadine.6342

Schaffa Zeinadine.6342

As long as the standard animations are used in PvP, I think this might be fun.

Well, why not?

Suggestion to personalize standard animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aliksyian.7642


As long as the standard animations are used in PvP, I think this might be fun.

Well, why not?

Eliminates the chance of some animations being harder to read or faster, and thus providing an advantage. That’s why pvp should really use standard models/colors

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