Suggestion: toggle spec symbols on/off

Suggestion: toggle spec symbols on/off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


I would love to see an option to toggle off the elite specialisations symbols and therefore titles.
The option should work like the Standard Enemy Models (SEM) or the Team Colours. Its effects are only client-sided.

How shall it work?
If I activate the option, the client will only show the symbols and titles of the 9 core professions in every aspect of the game (character information, if I click on a character in the open world; squad and group interfaces; guild member list etc.). The option will also entitle mine and others’ characters as a core profession (aka “Necromancer” in place of “Reaper”) only.

Why should such an option been added?
In some cases, all the specific symbols and titles can be confusing. And soon there will be 9 more, making it 27 in total. The elite specialisation defines the profession by only 33.3%. And since the option would be optional and client-sided, no harm will be done.

Is a similar option already in the game?
Yes, there is! The LFG tool and the PvP uses the symbols and titles of the core professions only. In PvP you have to figure out, if the player uses an elite specialisation, by watching the skills he uses.
But adding this option also means, that, if I toggle the option off, the LFG tool and the PvP will also finally identify the elite specialisations.

Suggestion: toggle spec symbols on/off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AllNightPlayer.1286


Am I the only one, who thinks, it would be a nice feature? Come on! 27 symbols? That’s too much.

Suggestion: toggle spec symbols on/off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Even with the new profession symbols on there’s no way for people to actually know what you are using as far as traits so I can’t imagine why this would be an issue.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Suggestion: toggle spec symbols on/off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Llethander.3972


I don’t think this will be a thing. Imagine the difference in skills and play style, in combination with the different approaches that should be taken to combat, a Ranger compared to that of a Druid.

In PvP, every little bit of information you can glean from an opponent is important. Being able to see that you’re fighting a Daredevil instead of a Thief lets you know that you’re up against an extra dodge, as an example.