[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
Weapons not locked in RNG boxes!
Or simply black lion keys. That whole black lion chest thing is ridiculous.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Serious suggestions?
We want stuff to force ourselves playing the game because of our look – not because every-day content thats not really exists.Here is a “Serious” one:
Gem Purchase track: The more real money you spend, the more nice rewards you get. Example of total money spent rewards:
- $10 – 1BL Key
- $25 – 3Bl Key
- $50 – 5BL key + Mini pack of choice + “Black Lion Partner” title.
- $100 – Ascended weapon box OR a free weapon skin unlock of any BL kit.
- $150 – Ascended armor box OR a free armor skinpack. + “Black Lion Merchant” title.
- $200 – AN Supporter Superpack (lots of choseable goods)
- $350 – “Black Lion Trader” title.
- $500 – “Black Lion Broker” title
- $1000 – AN Supporter Gigapack (Also unlocks stuff you wouldn’t bother to get anyway, like Glorious armor skins) + “Black Lion Millionaire” title
Something like this. With these kind of heavy rewards, people will less likely to buy legendaries from third-party sites I guess.
Who is going to spend $1000 on a game, lol.
Don’t go there.
Serious suggestions?
We want stuff to force ourselves playing the game because of our look – not because every-day content thats not really exists.Here is a “Serious” one:
Gem Purchase track: The more real money you spend, the more nice rewards you get. Example of total money spent rewards:
- $10 – 1BL Key
- $25 – 3Bl Key
- $50 – 5BL key + Mini pack of choice + “Black Lion Partner” title.
- $100 – Ascended weapon box OR a free weapon skin unlock of any BL kit.
- $150 – Ascended armor box OR a free armor skinpack. + “Black Lion Merchant” title.
- $200 – AN Supporter Superpack (lots of choseable goods)
- $350 – “Black Lion Trader” title.
- $500 – “Black Lion Broker” title
- $1000 – AN Supporter Gigapack (Also unlocks stuff you wouldn’t bother to get anyway, like Glorious armor skins) + “Black Lion Millionaire” title
Something like this. With these kind of heavy rewards, people will less likely to buy legendaries from third-party sites I guess.
Will never happen, but I like the idea, as long as it counts all the purchase made up until this point, not from this point on.
~Sincerely, Scissors
@ Windu The Forbidden One.6045:
Why do you think that it will never happen?
- AN wants income from GemStore – Check.
- Players/Costumers want good deals & “free” gifts – Check.
- Supporters has the opportunity to show-off – Check.
- It just happened – Awaiting…
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
2 items
- Account bag - basically a bag (20 slots) to share stuff between characters. Every character needs to equip one to work.
- heart boost - a boost to complete quickly (more quickly, like 50% for example) hearts in gw2 world. Very usefull for fast map completation.
2 items
- Account bag - basically a bag (20 slots) to share stuff between characters. Every character needs to equip one to work.
- heart boost - a boost to complete quickly (more quickly, like 50% for example) hearts in gw2 world. Very usefull for fast map completation.
Amazing items, i’d buy them multiple times for sure (and gathering tools too with an account bag more other stuff).
Rytlocks new armor.
Account bag. Most definitely. And 20 slots. I would prefer not to lose the number of inventory slots I already have.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I would like if there would be more bodytypes added to the total makeover kits.
I would like fat norn, slim norn, not muscular norn. Same for other races. Is no one in Tyria fat? Come on! (yeah, I know it’s a lot of armor rework)
Bring these back and take my money !!!!!
Please post in the designated thread for thigns you would like to see in the gem store:
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Do you think it would go over well now or better in the spring?
I’m happy to ask the team, but I imagine they’d want to schedule it properly.
I’d imagine that re-running it during the Easter season would go over just as well as any other time for those unconcerned with the holiday, but provide a bump of sales from those caught up in the iconography common to widespread advertising in the west.
That’s when I’d time its re-release for, anyway. I might even see about getting someone to come up with new colors of bunny ears between then and now. Pastel blue, fluffy pink and plain ol’ white would probably be fine.
The only somewhat exclusive item i had and now its going to be everywhere, time to start farming for that jetpack i suppose.
Glad I bought them back then,
+1 Account Bag slot. Could finally share my boosts easy.
+1 More Bodytypes. We need a Heeellll lot of customization…
>> Some more REALISTIC medium armor please?
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Please bring back Grenth’s hood, phantom hood, belinda’s sword skin and kasmeer’s staff skin.
I missed them out few times due to lack of gems and some other reasons.
And a suggestion: Samurai hat skin like the one on hexed outfit for females, although, it should be a standalone skin for helmet.
(edited by Grave Hunter.6418)
“Gem Store reward track”??? kitten did I just read? Most of awesome skins have only been available in GemStore and now cashers want more?
Wow. Just wow. Horrible idea.
Good Sir or Madam, does it really matter to you whether 5 skins are given separately buyable at cost X, or 4 at cost X and 1 for having the other 4? Because that’s generally what the suggestion was.
And now my monocle fell into my tea. Sigh.
For starters, I would like to see Belinda’s Sword and Rox’s Quiver to be back in the store.
Next, what I’d like to see would be Elder Dragon themed armor skins.
As much as a certain specific post launch change to the game has led me to be unwilling to spend money here, I do think a weapon coloring option would be a nice addition to the store.
-more armor skins with gusto (and no costumes)
-class specific (just for visuals) designed armor skins
-something other then darn medium trenchcoats for a change
-item to save your builds and switch em on the fly
-guild banner toy
-some more “rustical” and “subtle” weapon skins (think belinas sword..that direction)
-portable repair anvil to place down wherever you want it
-rytlocks (new) armor
Some more REALISTIC medium armor please?
This would be nice, and possibly some crossbow skins for short bows.
+1 on the account bag idea.
I want a Nunchuck mace skin.
It’d go with my assassin outfit and belinda’s greatsword.
“Gem Store reward track”??? kitten did I just read? Most of awesome skins have only been available in GemStore and now cashers want more?
Wow. Just wow. Horrible idea.
Wow. You just didn’t get it.
It’s about to apperciate real-cash transactions with bonuses, no harm done if you still converts golds to gems (as do I).
This can boost the rate of income by some percentage. Awesome idea.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Hi! Some really great suggestions so far all!
Please bring back Rox’s Quiver set soon. I suffer from now syndrome and my thief needs this aesthetic goodness in his life!
Second thing – exotic back items are hard to come by on TP!
@ Windu The Forbidden One.6045:
Why do you think that it will never happen?
- AN wants income from GemStore – Check.
- Players/Costumers want good deals & “free” gifts – Check.
- Supporters has the opportunity to show-off – Check.
- It just happened – Awaiting…
Because when things sound too good to be true, they usually are
~Sincerely, Scissors
Just throwing this out there.
An item that shows all gatherables on the map you’re in (not just those in range of your character).
How about a system similar to Everquest 2’s? The community makes items and if they’re approved by a large amount of people, they’re pushed into the in-game store and a percentage of the earnings go towards the player each time that item is purchased.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
I vote for putting all the items suggested here the bing put into the game itself to be obtained in fun ways. Rewards for ‘quest’, drops from mobs, drops from dungeon bosses and so on. You know, use it to make the game better in stead of added more junk to the cash-shop not having it in the game and making it yet another grind to get any of these things.
The cash-shop focus and so putting all that sort of items in the cash-shop in stead of in the game is the main problem of this game.
(edited by Devata.6589)
I vote for putting all the items suggested here the bing put into the game itself to be obtained in fun ways. Rewards for ‘quest’, drops from mobs, drops from dungeon bosses and so on. You know, use it to make the game better in stead of added more junk to the cash0shop not having it in the game and making it yet another grind to get any of these things.
The cash-shop focus and so putting all that sort of items in the cash-shop in stead of in the game is the main problem of this game.
thing is… as good as that sounds the devs gotta get income to keep the content coming and since there isnt a monthly sub there needs to be something to loosen the money from wallets…aka the gem store exclusive items cause new copies of the game certainly dont cut it fully. With the price for the copy of the game you got more then you paid for…compared to other games with the same or similar price tag in terms of content, playtime and basically free content…so if you pretty much want to be a “freeloader” (whats totally not a wrong thing, i just lack any other word to describe it so dont take it the wrong way please ) on the gem store with converting your in game gold to gems then ya should need to grind atleast. Nothing on the gem store is P2W and you technically dont need any of the items to be equal to other people. Boosters you can get from banners, harvesting tools you can buy from every vendor, salvage kits you get from any vendor aswell. Skins, makeover kits and other stuff like this dont make your char stronger then others so you technically dont need em. Dont wanna fork over some bucks for a gem card? Totally alright.. but atleast grind a little
Customizable idle animations.
I vote for putting all the items suggested here the bing put into the game itself to be obtained in fun ways. Rewards for ‘quest’, drops from mobs, drops from dungeon bosses and so on. You know, use it to make the game better in stead of added more junk to the cash-shop not having it in the game and making it yet another grind to get any of these things.
The cash-shop focus and so putting all that sort of items in the cash-shop in stead of in the game is the main problem of this game.
No, the gem store isn’t the problem of the game, it’s the thing keeping the game going, where do you think Anet get the money to continue the support for it?
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
thing is… as good as that sounds the devs gotta get income to keep the content coming and since there isnt a monthly sub there needs to be something to loosen the money from wallets…aka the gem store exclusive items cause new copies of the game certainly dont cut it fully. With the price for the copy of the game you got more then you paid for…compared to other games with the same or similar price tag in terms of content, playtime and basically free content…so if you pretty much want to be a “freeloader” (whats totally not a wrong thing, i just lack any other word to describe it so dont take it the wrong way please
) on the gem store with converting your in game gold to gems then ya should need to grind atleast. Nothing on the gem store is P2W and you technically dont need any of the items to be equal to other people. Boosters you can get from banners, harvesting tools you can buy from every vendor, salvage kits you get from any vendor aswell. Skins, makeover kits and other stuff like this dont make your char stronger then others so you technically dont need em. Dont wanna fork over some bucks for a gem card? Totally alright.. but atleast grind a little
Sure, they can and imho should use or turn to the model they did use for GW1. So in stead of releasing an expansion once every 3 years what now seems to be the case they push out an expansion every year and earn money that way. The numbers suggest they would have earned even more money.
(Every GW1 expansion generated about 100% of it’s original income, if GW2 would have managed to do the same and with a yearly expansion they would have earned more money then they did now. I most say that the game did suffer the last years so I do not think that they will now be able to reach that 100% with an expansion but the ratio compared to the cash-shop income probably stays the same as a less popular game does not only sell less expansions but also less cash-shop sales).
As you might remember this game was released as B2P game so then expansion sales are more in the line with that model Cash-shop focus is more in the line with a F2P game.
This way those items can increase the quality and game-play of GW2 while at this moment imho they do the opposite by having turned the game into a gold-grind (Like you say yourself , while the expansions do not only add new stuff but are generating the income for the game. Win, win.
Coming back on my statement of how the current approach makes it more of a gold-grind you say it yourself “so if you pretty much want to be a “freeloader” on the gem store with converting your in game gold to gems then ya should need to grind atleast.”. Well I do not want to be a ‘freeloader’, I am very willing to pay for the game (by buying an expansion every year) but I don’t want to buy cash-shop items, I want to play the game (you see that’s what a game is for.. playing) to earn those items. And grinding gold is in no sense a fun way of playing a game, that makes the game turn into a boring job.
But it is indeed what the game is now about. Buy your stuff (and so the stuff does not really add anything to the game-play / game) or grind gold to buy it. Both not really good for the game itself imho.
“Nothing on the gem store is P2W” It kinda depends on how you define pay to win. This game is mostly about cosmetics. Getting the coolest items seems to be the main goal in this game so getting those is ‘winning’ in this game and many of those items are on the cash-shop.
So from that perspective it very much is P2W. But in the end, that is not an important question, the question is if and how it effects the game itself and we already concluded (you basically saying it yourself) it turns this game into a gold-grind, at least if you are not willing to buy items from the cash-shop but would like to have them.
In addition they are not in the game itself and so effecting the game-play also in that way. Looking at a famous other mmo out there like WoW that game has a flying carpet just as GW2 does but there it’s a reward for a craft, it has a flying broom just as GW2 does but there it’s a reward from a dungeon, it has many mini’s but 99% of them are rewards from quests, mobs, dungeons and so on. All stuff that adds to the game-play. Giving you incentive or a reason to do specific content. Making it also more fun. All stuff that in GW2 is mainly cash-shop so gives incentive to grind gold or buy it but not adding to the game-play itself.
I do not buy a game to then being able to make it a job or to buy items to be able to customize things in the game, I buy a game to play it.
I vote for putting all the items suggested here the bing put into the game itself to be obtained in fun ways. Rewards for ‘quest’, drops from mobs, drops from dungeon bosses and so on. You know, use it to make the game better in stead of added more junk to the cash-shop not having it in the game and making it yet another grind to get any of these things.
The cash-shop focus and so putting all that sort of items in the cash-shop in stead of in the game is the main problem of this game.
No, the gem store isn’t the problem of the game, it’s the thing keeping the game going, where do you think Anet get the money to continue the support for it?
Oow at this moment it’s getting that from the cash-shop but thats a choice, it’s not a requirement. Like I said, GW1 seemed to get most of it’s money from the expansions / complains it released. What would have been a better choice.
Just being able to keep a game running does not mean it’s doing much good for the game from a game-play perspective. And for that last part it’s a problem for the game.
This thread is for suggested gem store items. It isn’t for rants about the gem store and how you think you could improve the money making model Anet uses. Please don’t derail this thread. There have been plenty of other threads related to your concerns and you have posted in them often.
This thread is for suggested gem store items. It isn’t for rants about the gem store and how you think you could improve the money making model Anet uses. Please don’t derail this thread. There have been plenty of other threads related to your concerns and you have posted in them often.
My only suggestion was to put these in the game what seemed 100% appropriate to this thread.
The only ‘rant’ as you name it in my original comment here was 1 sentence.
The comments talking about the cash-shop in more details where comments to people commenting on that. If they ask or say something it’s polite to give them an answerer don’t you think.
Anyway, wasn’t planning to go on about this because I have said enough about it, even tho as seen in the comments people still wrongly seem to think the cash-shop is the only way to keep the game running and the current state of the forum does also not really allow for an ongoing discussion about any subject.
Gaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
“For those of you making serious suggestions, thanks and keep ‘em coming. *For those posting off topic comments, please don’t. This is a good thread – let’s make it work.”
In other words, if you want to discuss the gemstore please make your own thread. They want this thread for suggestions only.
@BasaltfaceGaile Gray
ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead
“For those of you making serious suggestions, thanks and keep ‘em coming. *For those posting off topic comments, please don’t. This is a good thread – let’s make it work.”In other words, if you want to discuss the gemstore please make your own thread. They want this thread for suggestions only.
The thread’s name is “Suggestions Gemstore Items”, I was making suggestions about the cash-shop items so perfectly on topic. Your comment on the other hand… So in stead of trying to be the police in here (and derailing it into what is allowed and what not) just stay on topic and suggest things about Gemstore items. And like I said before, I said enough so you won’t here me about it anymore unless maybe if I would get a question or something about it.
How about this? If you spend a certain lifetime dollar amount of cash on gems (including past purchases), you get a very small bonus to your gold-to-gems conversion rate. Plus one Black Lion Claim Ticket (not scrap) as a bonus per $50 spent.
Seriously, Anet, we are giving you real life money for virtual items. Making a slight increase in the amount of virtual items that can be acquired would not hurt your bottom line.
We are derailing here if we start talking about the gem exchange and “VIP” plans. This is about new items the store can offer and we all know types we find there so can’t we stick to that.
RIP City of Heroes
I would like a mini Hero-tron please. A toy item that looks like a shock rod for custome brawl and a small sized golem that is a mount but does not give speed buff and is just for show. Thank you.
Could you add some dialogue to the ghost mail carrier, I love the guy but something like. “At once sir/ma’am” when you send something and “letter for you sir/milady”. Would be awesome.
I would like a Mini Flesh Golem.
can please bring back old items every week ? i miss the toxic parts
also you could add all the human gods mask or complete armor. they look great.
Here’s what I want:
More toys
More instruments ( violin pls violin i’ve been asking for violin for ages)
More finishers (pls cooler finishers like spectre, death avatar, sanctified and more funny/cute finishers like lama and quaggan)
Yeah that’s about it. It’s all I ever buy: toys, finishers and instruments.
Would it be possible to bring back Scarlet’s Spaulders/Gloves?
I didn’t end up grabbing them the first time around (was hoping they would be re-released around winter) but I wanted to make a new character (with those two pieces in mind).
It might be nice to re-release those as well as other previous LS related items as a way to commemorate the wrap up of the LS seasons and in preparation for the new “info”. With lots of returning/new players it would be a way to reintroduce them to some of the cool items they missed out on the first time around.
Thanks in advance!
Serious suggestions?
We want stuff to force ourselves playing the game because of our look – not because every-day content thats not really exists.Here is a “Serious” one:
Gem Purchase track: The more real money you spend, the more nice rewards you get. Example of total money spent rewards:
- $10 – 1BL Key
- $25 – 3Bl Key
- $50 – 5BL key + Mini pack of choice + “Black Lion Partner” title.
- $100 – Ascended weapon box OR a free weapon skin unlock of any BL kit.
- $150 – Ascended armor box OR a free armor skinpack. + “Black Lion Merchant” title.
- $200 – AN Supporter Superpack (lots of choseable goods)
- $350 – “Black Lion Trader” title.
- $500 – “Black Lion Broker” title
- $1000 – AN Supporter Gigapack (Also unlocks stuff you wouldn’t bother to get anyway, like Glorious armor skins) + “Black Lion Millionaire” title
Something like this. With these kind of heavy rewards, people will less likely to buy legendaries from third-party sites I guess.
Will never happen, but I like the idea, as long as it counts all the purchase made up until this point, not from this point on.
I’m way over $160 in gems already since I started GW 2 on day one with gem cards alone! That is real money even if its cards… I hope they take that into account too.
To be back on topic though: I want to see more sales on storage. Maybe you guys should do a spring cleaning sale or have Black Friday actually sell storage and stuff related to home instance at discounted price?
I got 4000 gems from Christmas ($50 in two $25 2000 gem cards) and I still haven’t spend a single gem because I am waiting for sales on bag slots, character slots, bank tabs, and material limit expansions.
Please make it happen!
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)