[Suggestions] Gemstore Items
I’ll be sad with you
Bunny Ears, Wide Rim Glasses, Aviator Sunglasses, Human Female Idle Animations (Stretching, hands on hips, etc.), Armor sets from the old PvP reward system like Tribal armor and Stalwart – I WANT THEM BACK!! -slam fist on table-
(edited by JDilla.3150)
Invisible Shirt (so guys can go topless at last).
I’m not even sure I want bunny ears on my character, but I’d probably buy it anyways. Plus why not when you already have the skin and everything done…. All you have to do is put it in the gem-store. Not to mention you have a ton of buyers already.. The logic makes me a bit confused I guess. =P
How To Dance, Volume 2 – Guild Wars 1 dances (thriller, head bang, break dance, etc.)
Sport Sunglasses
This. As a helm skin, not some stupid “outfit” tonic or whatever.
Gaile could we please get a response from you? You gave us all some hope a while back!
Speaking since the stability patch, my ranger’s battlecry is usually “GET BACK OVER HERE YOU STUPID…”
How about a pet training manual so you can make your pets do funny tricks?
Roll over, sit, run around in a big hollow ball. maybe even have pet try to copy you as close as it can when you dance.
Gaile could we please get a response from you? You gave us all some hope a while back!
It’d be quite appreciated. Considering you’re actually around on the forums, you have been replying to others, but why not to us? Rude much.
nice thread necro
A moderator decided to merge a newer topic about bunny ears with this topic, so yea all the most recent posts came from the other topic that got merged.
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
Gaile could we please get a response from you? You gave us all some hope a while back!
Maybe they’re keeping it a surprise?!!?!!
Although most likely its not coming…otherwise that_shaman would have found something for it.
Maybe it will tmrw who knows, my hope is waning
GAILE, PLEASE. What is the 411 on the bunny ears situation. Fingers, Keyboard, Words! I’m dying for this head piece now that it is of some use. Now that they’re an armor thing we should get the chance to buy them one more time. Town only clothes blew.
I’ve probably already posted in this (now merged?) thread but it’d be nice to see the return of item(s) that are currently not available.
Regarding the Bunny Ears; Easter is over here in AUS but generally around this time ANet does updates so MAYBE… just maybe they might sneak it in if they’re generous. I don’t see why not… with the vast amount of demands by players for this particular item ANet would make a lot of gem store sales. For reals. There is no downside to that. I don’t think I’d ever think of a toon I’d use these on but if they were deemed available again I’d buy it in an instant anyway.
Hopefully tomorrow will be the day!
I’m really hoping it would be tomorrow, too.
Please Anet, don’t disappoint me~
Chibi Asura San (Engineer), Hikaru Masai (Guardian), Selene Minerva (Revenant)
Guild: The Bunnies [Bun] ~ Server: Jade Quarry
Please anet, bring the bunny ears, we want them so badly >:3
I hope Anet never releases the bunny ears again, thanks.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Too bad these were not released for Easter. At least the ears would have compensated just a tiny bit for the lack of launching a ‘fun’ event for Easter.
i has seen the new gemstore itemz. no bunnieduddies. abandone hope ye alle, hope is lost.
Considering how much cash Anet would make if these came back, one has to ask why they haven’t re-released them into the game?
Haha. Really Anet? Such disappointment. For shame.
Well its official Anet hate money, as I see no other reason they wouldn’t have added them. Yet they still push outfits, and black loin key so I am confused.
I boycott the gemstore until I get my bunnies..not that they would notice :P Boycott for Bunnies!
The official first day of Spring was, March 20th. They had Good Friday on April 3rd and Easter on April 5th. The opportunities were perfect. Being someone who hates how repetitively boring Champ/Karma trains and Dungeons are, I am one to buy gems. Losing faith and money in loyal players. Guess I’ll be renewing my subscription to FFXIV instead of supporting Anet. Welp.
I am so glad they didnt put them into the gem store today.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
They can fill the gemstore will all sorts of freshly made garbage, but they can’t be bothered to sell something people are actually asking for. Which they’ve already made.
(edited by Pockets.3201)
and once again disappointment. Unlike all of the stuff in the gem store today, the things people asked for in this thread would have taken literally no work to release….
no idea why they do things like this
can we please get a response on this so all us hopeful bunnies dont keep getting crushed
(edited by Nyx.7342)
I’d really like to know why….
How can they be so heartless?
I am so glad they didnt put them into the gem store today.
yes yes, we get it, you dont want them so none else should have. Unless you are just trolling, either way /!! bunny ears to you.
I am so glad they didnt put them into the gem store today.
yes yes, we get it, you dont want them so none else should have. Unless you are just trolling, either way /!! bunny ears to you.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
I log on every day and its the first thing I check for, the game is becoming a cycle of anticipation and disappointment
I really wants my bunny ears.
I could really start to hate Anet over this, if they don’t bring back the bunnies
Another sad day, log on to check for bunny ears and…nothing. Sad’sura with no bunny ears.
Anet, do you really have the heart to deprive this little cutie’sura of her bunny ears
She will cry.
Well, if not Easter Bunnies, Spring Bunnies! Free the Bunnies Anet, Free the Bunnies.
Please bring them back. Alot of us players are women who do want some cute things included in the game, not just sexy or evil things the boys enjoy. Bring back the Bunnies!
I’ll be sad with you
I boycott the gemstore until I get my bunnies..not that they would notice :P Boycott for Bunnies!
Gaile already said she will give the feedback to the team. Consider it done and stop bumping with meaningless posts.
After all its just a couple of dozen people posting here repeatedly and claiming there are massive amounts of players that want bunny ears.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
We’re both allowed to repeatedly state our opinions.
Although seriously what’s wrong with bunny ears :o cute stuff is the best stuff!
I am so glad they didnt put them into the gem store today.
yes yes, we get it, you dont want them so none else should have. Unless you are just trolling, either way /!! bunny ears to you.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
well this IS a thread about people who want them to be re-included so your commentary is a little out of place. why not start your own thread for people who don’t want the bunny ears to come back instead of hijacking this one? wow what a concept!!!!!
I’m holding out hope that they get released this upcoming weekend to coincide with Eastern Orthodox Easter. At least that’s my private hope lol
I really hope they’re taking this time to make cat ears to sell alongside. That way they can take even more of my money at the same time.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
We’re both allowed to repeatedly state our opinions.
Although seriously what’s wrong with bunny ears :o cute stuff is the best stuff!
Only that Lore and Story wise its game breaking, as there is no such race that naturally grows bunny ears in game, and never has been (accept for actually bunnies). So for we who like to immerse ourselves into the story and cling to whatever fraction of realism the game has left, to pretend and imagine that the world of guild wars is a real, palpable place, guided by its own laws of nature, science, and magic, we who like to roll play, and create histories and lifestyles for our characters; well things like bunny ears and black wings really ruin it for us.
But well, I think its far too late to complain about such thing. They are already here, and some of them are permanent, so for those of us who don’t like them, we simply have to ignore them, and play however we desire without enforcing our opinions upon others. GW2 tailors to many different player bases, from launch it was meant to satisfy a large variety of play styles and interest groups, so we should respect that policy and the wishes of other players even if we do not share them.
I don’t like bunny ears, so I wont wear them, and I honestly would prefer a game without. Yes, I do think they are cute, no, I do not think cute things belong on a battlefield where friends are dying all around you. But that’s how I play. If others want to wear bunny ears, then by all means, let them be bunnies. When we play together I will simply use my imagination to edit them out, XD
(edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679)
@Gaile Gray: 10/10
Great trollin, bro.
At any rate, I cant understand why they take anything off the TP, they are cutting their potential profits in the process. Unlike items in real life wherein if sales drop, production becomes costly and redundant, and the potential gains of moving on to new avenues of income, forces them to discontinue old merchandise in favor of new products; online items, once created, have no further production cost and take up no warehouse space, so even if the sale of a particular item is sparse and infrequent, you will ONLY make money by keeping it available. And while the ‘buy it now before it is gone forever’ may force some to impulse buy what they otherwise would have not, I think the long term profits of an extended sale will outweigh the short burst, as there is an indefinite stem of interested customers. Thus I believe it would only be to your benefit to have all TP items permanent, I mean, why would you refuse potential profits?
(edited by OtakuModeEngage.8679)
@Gaile Gray: 10/10
Great trollin, lass.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I am so glad they didnt put them into the gem store today.
yes yes, we get it, you dont want them so none else should have. Unless you are just trolling, either way /!! bunny ears to you.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
well this IS a thread about people who want them to be re-included so your commentary is a little out of place. why not start your own thread for people who don’t want the bunny ears to come back instead of hijacking this one? wow what a concept!!!!!
A great concept indeed, if you dont allow an alternative opinion to your own to be expressed, a constructive discussion wont happen.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
So you can repeatedly state that you would like them, but I am not allowed to repeatedly say that I would rather have a game without bunny ears?
We’re both allowed to repeatedly state our opinions.
Although seriously what’s wrong with bunny ears :o cute stuff is the best stuff!
Only that Lore and Story wise its game breaking, as there is no such race that naturally grows bunny ears in game, and never has been (accept for actually bunnies). So for we who like to immerse ourselves into the story and cling to whatever fraction of realism the game has left, to pretend and imagine that the world of guild wars is a real, palpable place, guided by its own laws of nature, science, and magic’s, we who like to roll play, and create histories and lifestyles for our characters, well things like bunny ears and black wings really ruin it for us.
But well, I think its far too late to complain about such thing, they are already here, and some of them are permanent, so for those of us who don’t like them, we simply have to ignore them, and play however we desire without enforcing our opinions upon others. GW2 tailors to many different player bases, from launch it was meant to satisfy a large variety of play styles and interest groups, so we should respect that policy and the wishes of other players even if we do not share them.
I don’t like bunny ears, so I wont wear them, and I honestly would prefer a game without. Yes, I do they are cute, no, I do not think cute things belong on a battlefield where friends are dying all around you. But that’s how I play. If others want to wear bunny ears, then by all means, let them be bunnies. When we play together I will simply use my imagination to edit them out, XD
Yeah i respect that viewpoint. For me i like the silly things in this game. Since gw1 ive loved all the game breaking things xD and i missed a couple of the ones i really wanted like bunny ears, hipster glasses, and aviators. And i dont mind getting edited out ;D
No idea where to ask, so I’ll ask here…
What’s happened to the supply of Black Lion Chests!?!?!?
I was looking at GW2TP and noticed a 75% decrease in stock… It went from around 2.7M to 210K in a matter of around 3 hours…
No idea where to ask, so I’ll ask here…
What’s happened to the supply of Black Lion Chests!?!?!?
I was looking at GW2TP and noticed a 75% decrease in stock… It went from around 2.7M to 210K in a matter of around 3 hours…
That has happened before. Someone buying up large numbers of them to resell a little bit higher and make a profit that way.
ANet may give it to you.
- An account wide shared bag slot for account bound items only for 1000 gems. (One char puts something in, any other can take it out, e.g. To transfer the asc armor/weapons to another char)
- More max bank slots.
- A character instantiated bank slot (each char sees it’s own content) where only soul bound items can be stored (e.g. the exo armor/weapons of my now asc wearing chars)
- More weapon slots where you can store additional weapon pairs. you can declare your main slot(s) – for usage in combat – out of them only while out of combat. ( I hate that the 2nd dagger of my dd Ele goes into the loot bag when I switch to staff, would be nice to buy a special storage place for the pairs I like to play in specific situations.)
- A nice animation for humans holding great-swords.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
I guess many people use their nickname on their main character, and also would like to play under the same name on different character without distorting it … so… what if name change contracts allowed you to use names already take by your other characters?
It’s quite an incentive to buy name change contracts.
No idea where to ask, so I’ll ask here…
What’s happened to the supply of Black Lion Chests!?!?!?
I was looking at GW2TP and noticed a 75% decrease in stock… It went from around 2.7M to 210K in a matter of around 3 hours…
That has happened before. Someone buying up large numbers of them to resell a little bit higher and make a profit that way.
Yes, but more than 2 million? That’s over 8000 stacks…
I would love to have the Bazaar Quaggan Mini Pack back in the gemstore. I missed my chance to get it and now I really want Poowulpi. She goes with the backpack and fuzzy quaggan hat I have :c
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”
No idea where to ask, so I’ll ask here…
What’s happened to the supply of Black Lion Chests!?!?!?
I was looking at GW2TP and noticed a 75% decrease in stock… It went from around 2.7M to 210K in a matter of around 3 hours…
That has happened before. Someone buying up large numbers of them to resell a little bit higher and make a profit that way.
Yes, but more than 2 million? That’s over 8000 stacks…
I don’t remember how many it was before but it was a lot. If you have good internet speed, it will take a some time but I guess it’s worth it, since they do this. Of course it could be several of them doing it together. If you check, the price has doubled.
Here is one of the threads about it back then. Black Lion chests. Artificial scarcity
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Still not a word, huh. Figures. I see you removed a post by someone but still couldn’t mention anything about them? :/
was really hoping the bunny ears would be brought back for Easter. I hope they realize that not many people bought them originally as they were only town clothes and the lack of wardrobe was an issue. Please bring them back Anet along with all the other items which were removed around the same time. People are willing to buy a lot more items after the addition of wardrobe, space is no longer an issue.