[Suggestions] Guild Improvements
These are really good suggestions. It’s really inconvenient when I want to do large party events and such with my Guild and can only have five in a party. We usually have 9 to 10 members at once and trying to coordinate with two separate parties can be tricky. Also if party sizes are not increased, being able to see my Guild members on map will definitely help.
Much more comprehensive Guild Panel. Including:
Join Date
Repping History
Ability to change the chat colors by rank in guild chat!
The ability to give people guild permissions individually apart from ranks
MotD that displays upon log in. (like the borderland bloodlust announcement)
Ability to send mass guild mail
A notes section for each member
What accounts have Commander Tags
The separation of the Treasure Trove from the Deep Cave (by rank permissions)
More rank symbols
Guild Commander Tag functions for WvW
Guild Raid size parties available for WvW
Fix the guild bank; double click to add/remove items; allow drag n drop stacking upon deposit
More Guild Missions (specifically ones that can be accomplished by medium or even small sized guilds)
More ways to get Guild Commendations (for medium/small sized guilds)
More options at the Guild Commendation Trader
Contract Asuran Outsourcing changed to 2 upgrades instead of 1
Ability to make Guild Arrow Carts, Balistas, Trebs
Ability to make Guild Siege stacked at way more than 5 in panel
All Guild Buffs upgraded from 24 to 48+ hours (or at least more of them)
More accurate/detailed info in the Guild History Tab
New special abilities for guild Officers or specific ranks/ppl (someone somewhere suggested Guild Warping)
A recruitment board in all major cities (another great stolen suggestion)
add – not losing guild chat when switching toons
All great suggestions so far. I would really like to be able to see ‘Guild Instances’ purchasable with influence. This way Guilds could reliably plan large events like a Wurm kill or Teq.
I support this. Great suggestions to make social life in the guild better.
That would also be nice to have reworked version of all the buff in the guild. It would be nice that you could start and stop constant buff. Don’t know if i’ll be clear, but i’ll try.
A window that allow you to check or uncheck all the buff that you want your guild to have constantly. Each of these buff would have a cost of influence/day or something like that. So you can check more buff with a larger guild without all the work you need to do in the back ground to manage the influence, restart research in time or manage the time of research for everything. That a lot of job, when the guild is big enough and when i’m not in game for a couple of days, usually it hard for the other to take the lead and do my job since they rarely have to do that and its not easy to know what to do when you that the first time.
If you add a statistic panel to help you understand what is your average influence income, it would be really easy for a guild leader to see how much of these constant buff you can afford to maintain.
You could see, oh on average each day i accumulate 1000 influence, ok so i choose to spend 500 of these on constant buff and that allow me to take 10%MF and 15% Karma for example.
I would really like to either see all the guild members on the map, or at least a posibility of bigger parties. World exploration can be fun, but when a guild event happens and you have 7 people, it starts to become a pain to keep track.
I agree with most of this, except the Guild Party function. I think it’s redundant, and game breaking to allow more than the standard number of players in a party.
An indicator on the map and guild chat should be sufficient.
One thing I would like to see, tho, is Alliances. That way, Guild A and Guild B could unite to go do Missions, especially if they are both small guilds.
oh, and I second the idea that we need to do something about losing guild chat when changing characters.
add – not losing guild chat when switching toons
YESSSS This somewhat recently started happening and its very annoying!
A Leader and the webmaster of PACTGuild.com on Fort Aspenwood server
While most of these are good, as a guild leader, my top 5 are:
1) Last Repped date & Join Date (TIA for the last online date)
2) The separation of the Deep Cave from the Treasure Trove (by rank permissions)
3) Confirmation window like this: Do you really want to kick <<Playername>> from your guild? (Yes/No) & remove from Party Menu.
4) Fix the guild bank; double click to add/remove items; allow drag n drop stacking upon deposit.
5) Have a Rename Guild Contract that costs Influence.
Others that I would like to see next:
Ability to send mass guild mail
A notes section for each member
Ability to see guild members on your map
Alliance Guilds & Chat
Has anyone done an outside poll where everyone can add ideas and have them voted on? That way we could present at top 5 or 10 most wanted Guild Improvements so they can focus on just those.
If not, I made one real quick with what is posted here: http://form.jotform.us/form/40867422909159
Results go into
and I can tabulate in a week.
A Leader and the webmaster of PACTGuild.com on Fort Aspenwood server
Anet, can we plzzzzz get a GUILD CDI??
In game guild event calendar with sign up capabilities.
I’m crossing my fingers that one of the next blog posts has some nice guild updates.