Suggestions for next year's Dragon Ball Arena
people have suggested over like the last 3 years each time suggestions on how ANet could improve Dragonball.
Has ANet done yet anything for it? No…. its just like as if they don’t care about their implementet mini games at all… because the same scenarion/problem do we have with all other attractivities in the game…
it seems like these kindof minigames are for Anet nothign else but just throw away-content… that once implemented receives from that point on 100% ignorance, because fixing and actually improving gameplay mechanics of allready implemented stuff takes away time and other ressources from Anet, which they could spent otherwise on other projects, like gemstore stuff…
Thats the sad truth
Well, can’t give up trying! Who knows, maybe in a few years I might actually enjoy it enough to not just “stick it out” to grab the 30 or so Achievement Points in there.. :P