Super Adventure Box [merged]
Open it with the old or last content during the September feature patch, close it when the LS 2 kicks off again.
RIP City of Heroes
or dont close it at all if they dont want to work on it…were fine as it is
the skins would always be available
and it would fit into their “permanent content” hype…
Instead of locking us out all the time allow us some form of currency that we can pay Moto to play anytime we want in the old worlds already completed. For example for 5 to 10 laurels you could buy an “SAB all day play coin” something akin to an arcade token. Also even though I did not buy one from the Gem store anyone who did get the Infinite Continue Coin allow them all day access once per week without the need to buy the SAB all day play coin as an extra benefit to the infinite coins current function. And if not once a week at least once per month. Re Release the ability to purchase the Infinite Continue Coin on the gem store as well.
This way Anet profits and we all can be happy.
hell id pay 100laures+ a few hundreds gold and gems to get playing sab
(and using my leftover colourfull tokens that are now over a year kittening in my bank space)
just the recepies to make colorufull weapons would lighten up my bank but… grumpy cat works for anet and ays no!
ok you might want to tone that down a bit seeing the rest of us poor folks don’t want to give them ideas that might make them go with that as one hell of an expensive solution. Besides I am not asking for an item you get from laurels that allows you permanent access.
One weeks dailies is worth 24hours play inside SAB maybe two weeks dailies, but no way 100 laurels, unless you are just saying make another coin that allows you perm access. Which I think my idea of adding to the functionality of the current unused Infinite Continue Coin would make for a better solution. Not to mention that some feel that this content needs to be behind a timed gate so as not to flood the game with skins so they are a bit more rare.
I don’t know if anyone has said this, and sorry if someone has, but they just said that it wouldn’t be released for Living World content. I mean, they mention a lot of not being able to put time in it, but Matt says repeatedly that he doesn’t see it being a “Living World season release” (because it doesn’t follow the story arch). Could it be possible that maybe they might bring it out as permanent content considering they already have everything set up…and it’s not like they deleted the SAB location in Rata Sum.
An interview got posted on GuildMag which says we won’t see SAB for a loooooooooooooooong time considering they want to ‘focus on other parts of the game first’ (we all know what that means, precursor crafting anyone?)
Sad day to be a SAB lover.
Do we know what those other parts are? or should we wait untill they have announced the entire sept 9 feature pack?
Before we all start a riot, oh wait O_O
I found it very VERY interesting how Devon Carver passed the mic to Matt Wuerffel with a sort of “Here, you can do this hard task”.
I would dearly love for Devon, who I know it active on the forum, to give us his opinion on this, but I doubt he would be allowed to.
I’m not a big fan of SAB myself, but I understand that people wanted to see it return this year. I sort of thought it would as well. Although perhaps, considering the bullkitten that spewed from people’s mouths during the last release, I can also understand Anet taking a step back and re-evaluating if it is something they want to spend additional time developing.
Remember, people ripped into the work done for the last release to the point where the dev that designed said he’d learned his lesson in regards to pouring so much effort into it. He was really hurt by what people spit out as “feedback” for his effort, so I really wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t want to do anything with it for a while.
This pretty much. We say we want SAB, but we’ve only ourselves to blame for taking a dump on the second release. I wonder if Josh even wants to work on it anymore… I do hope that he finds it in his heart to forgive us ungrateful kittens. Whatever the case, I do want it to come back badly. And if it does, I hope world 3 is even harder than world 2, like it was planned to be.
Once and for all, let’s vote.
Click the link and answer the question.
It’s not really a fair vote because it’s aimed at Forum users and possibly reddit users.
The best metric will simply be anets in game data on how many people played and for how long, which I suspect is what drove their decision.
i guess the majority of the forum active players will yote for yes but since arenanet just sees .. what so few votes thats not the majority of the gamers…
so assuming all the others would vote for no… ok lets just go on like we have been planning to do…
we will see…
but i like your idea and i hope anet will take this into consideration once/if it becomes A LOT of votes
well.. if.. xD
I’ve never had the chance of trying out the SAB because I made the account after April 2014 Feature Pack, but I think it’d be a shame not to bring it back. Not necessarily now, if they have other things they want to focus on, but at least sometime in the future.
I voted “yes”, but I’m not sure how this is really a sensible vote. If more people vote “no”, why is that important. A lot of us want SAB back, and turning it on (in its current state) doesn’t cost development resources. Why should ANet be accommodating people who want to stop others having fun just because they don’t personally enjoy it?
Most players don’t play PvP. We don’t take that as a reason to switch it off.
It may not be fair or accurate, but it’s not supposed to simulate a real accurate vote. Since in many ways that is impossible to achieve. A good amount of players rarely, if ever visit the forums. However, if Anet made a vote in-game similar to this, then that would be more accurate and fair.
But this is at least a start, since we can now roughly get the idea of how many of us actually really want SAB to return.
In the recent light of the interview nulling the continuation (or put on hold) of the Super Adventure Box, many players have expressed great disgust with the comments in the interview.
This is a message to suggest that SAB be continued either as a addition to the GW2 Game, or as a Stand-Alone for the pleasure of the players who support SAB.
It appears that SAB was a success with many players (myself not included), meaning that it would make sense to have a small team, or developer continue this mini series.
I also understand the statement that affirms a priority in “Game Continuation”, not only with Living World, but with the Game World in general. To say the least, this game has progressed very slowly in terms of ‘new’ content (I’m not talking about base game mechanics here.) New skills have been lacking, the Precurser Build-Chain, etc.
That does not take away from the fact that SAB was a hit amongst many players.
Please take this is a message from a concerned player.
I don’t think it should be stand alone. Firstly, it basically is stand alone anyway. It’s locked away in one tiny fraction of Rata Sum. Secondly, because bringing characters into it from Tyria is fun. Thirdly, because the rewards system is probably the best the game has actually had (not RNG, whole(ish) weapon sets, differentiation of rewards by achievement, actual prestige items as well as identically impressive non-prestige ones, non-prestige versions can be bought on the TP but prestige ones can’t…).
SAB was a hit amongst players that’s true, so arenanet are using that team to help create an awesome living world. Im sure after their game is at a place they’re happy with then they’ll spend time on other filler updates like SAB. I believe they should be adding things faster than they are now tho.
All of the text in this post is my opinion and how I feel about the game currently
Content inside the super adventurebox feel more rewarding
Unlike the last living stories I have played SAB feels more rewarding and this is why I think so:
- There is a clear grinding goal for weapons, x ammount of baubles gives you a thing no other requirements wich gives people a better sense of time vs reward
- Doing harder content (tribulation mode) gives you unique skins not available to others that didn’t do it (Can’t really find any PvE examples to for this, most, if not all PvE content is either pure luck (aiming at precursors) or time gated (looking at previous living story, like the first halloween skins etc.)
Boss battles
With the last living story release I think Arenanet is going in the right way for good boss battles and should keep up the good work.
- Clear boss attack patterns that are avoidable
- Fun and unique boss skills (like how the king toad needed to get a few hits before going into a damageable state wich is similar to teq/evolved wurm/shadow of mordremoth)
- Making use of the fact that you can jump (For some reason I feel like that in the whole first year of guildwars this was rather underused in dungeons and pve)
Dieing feels worse inside SAB
I think this is the biggest problem in guildwars, especially with the last revamp of people no longer getting any armour costs when dieing. The minor setback of having to waypoint ingame doesn’t make dieing feel like anything at all wich I think is rather odd. While in the SAB it actually reverts you all the way back to your last checkpoint wich is usually alot of work.
I can’t really think of a way to fix this at all, but I still feel this is a problem.
Option to make the levels harder
I find it fun to play hard content myself, when the tribulation mode was released I had a bunch of fun in it, even tough I did not get to complete it all. Especially with the extra rewards bound to it it didn’t feel like it was just harder for the sake of being hard, but with an actual extra reward that is not available without doing this mode. (Besides fractals I can’t really think of anything similar, fractals even has a timegate to doing harder content due to agony resistance instead of being it restricted to actual player skill)
Secrets feel more fun to discover
There were a bunch of very fun secrets in the SAB, even in the hub itself there was a bunch of nice things to jump to. Looking for the caves you could uncover, hidden ultimate skills and things you could find with the flute, bomb and spade felt nice. There wasn’t always an achievment bound to it, sometimes you would just get a good ammount of baubles and yet I can’t find anything in comparison for PvE, there are some caves with chests that give you some dust and greenies but those just don’t feel the same for me.
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Remember, people ripped into the work done for the last release to the point where the dev that designed said he’d learned his lesson in regards to pouring so much effort into it. He was really hurt by what people spit out as “feedback” for his effort, so I really wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t want to do anything with it for a while.
This pretty much. We say we want SAB, but we’ve only ourselves to blame for taking a dump on the second release. I wonder if Josh even wants to work on it anymore… I do hope that he finds it in his heart to forgive us ungrateful kittens. Whatever the case, I do want it to come back badly. And if it does, I hope world 3 is even harder than world 2, like it was planned to be.
I dare say that Josh recognises that he got that grief because “it’s the internet”; some people just can’t help being kittens. If not then I’m sure it was a valuable lesson for him.
The problems with SAB world 2 for me were just the excessive length (IMO) of the zones, if he had split world 2 into 5 zones or if the larger zones had checkpoints you could select then it’d be fine.
Tribulation Mode also attracted a lot of flak. I knew it wasn’t for me, but I can appreciate how some people like that kind of thing (I’m always impressed when I see some green or yellow SAB weapons around).
From the anger I can see that not everyone is able to make that distinction. Ultimately though it’s the internet, so two basic rules apply, one, most people are nice but the horrible ones stand out a lot more and, two, because it’s text quite often you’re the one who’s providing the “tone” for the posts.
If developers don’t take any action with this, I can see private servers poping up xD
Regardless, SAB is awesome! PLEASEE bring it back ><
This game has no endgame content at all :C
the problem with hidden caves in normal gw2 are there is NO CHEST AT ALL^^
even after jumping through a jumping puzzle u will get in 42 out of 1337 times something usefull.. maybe i should add another number to 1337 but u get what i mean.. fining hidden stuff never is of any use (usually)
while bombing a secret room and getting baubles does help u ingame
hard levels
big point this one
i loved the tribulation mode
the first time i spent HOURS inside the box (together with friends) and we did beat it
it felt just amazing
the weapon skin was just the cherry on the cake
after the first time trying to optimize our ways through was quite fun as well
and the weapon skins do have some value
id compare them to tequatl weapons or wurm armour
but both does not drop in 1/100runs
it does by chance…
that is something the SAB made better than anything else in the game so far
getting an exclusive reward of a weapon of choice… could there be anything better?
in normal mode (in a group at elast dieing didnt felt that bad id say) but if u died in tribulation mode due to something uve ran past a thousand times without being hit just to run all the way again…surely DOES feel bad so.. just dont step into spikes
in terms of boss battles i feel like anet is continously improving
more and more interesting (mostly great) bossfights coming into the game
some feel dull but the living world story bosses are at least 7 times better than everything thats soon to be 2years old^^
so the sab bosses may not be on todays standard but…
meh.. theyre still a bit better than personal story bosses
So… maybe an optional paid expansion pack with the SAB only? I would pay easily 30$ for w3 and w4.
The zone length was fine. Some people just wanted to be able to speed through a zone without any challenge in a matter of minutes like in world 1.
If developers don’t take any action with this, I can see private servers poping up xD
Regardless, SAB is awesome!
PLEASEE bring it back ><
This game has no endgame content at all :C
1) Good luck with private server of an MMO.
2) SAB is awesome in your opinion….I think it’s a rather lame attempt to carter to the nostalgia of an era of video games that is far to over-hyped (my opinion). I don’t have an issue with SAB as long as it doesn’t take away from the ACTUAL GW2 game development being delayed.
3) Beyond the argument that there IS end game content in GW2, how is SAB in any way end game content? It’s available from a starter city and playable by ANY character level. If you meant to say “challenging content” rather than “end game content”, I can understand your point (but there is also challenging content in the actual game).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
it is going to come back. It is just a matter of when. I was looking for it yesterday only to find out it was timed content. My guess is it will be released before the year is out
The laurel idea is probably not the right route to take but I think most people would be open to the idea of SAB being open at least once every few months for a couple of weeks at a time at least.
If this did occur I would like Anet to make all weapons account bound from SAB so it would not effect the GW2 economy. Assuming of course they gave us the option of getting the blue colored SAB weapon skins available again.
I read the farcicle interview they gave on …. it’s like they were answering questions at gunpoint.
Not just SAB, everything that’s pertinent to the state of the game, ie. the most demanded parts that still haven’t been implemented.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
No, just spend there time to make new dungeons or pvp game modes pls
not a silly game, why even play GW2? you can play tons of that cheap game everywhere..
It was also probably a mistake to release W2 at the same time as ascended weapons.
The reason why the metrics reported a low number of players in SAB is because they increased the challenge and length of levels, and decreased the rewards. Josh blogged about it plenty at the time – and patches went in to try and reduce some of the more challenging parts. Out of excitement, the dev team simply got overzealous and overambitious with the project and made everything bigger and cooler – without realizing it would be at the expense of its playability.
The Rewards are probably the biggest factor, though – SAB 1 was able to be run over and over for chances at rewards, and with its reasonably quick length, players spent hours running through the levels and enjoying the content. SAB 2 time gated it, and adding in the length of the levels, there would of course be a huge drop in playtime.
So please, do not get the misconception that players don’t want Super Adventure Box. Players want to be rewarded for their time. SAB World 2 didn’t do that very well, both due to reward structure and length/challenge of levels, so it didn’t see the same numbers as World 1. Many players want it back – if these issues are addressed, World 3’s release could be as popular or even more popular than World 1’s release.
Actually, if development on SAB is stopped for good, world 2’s difficulty and length are just fine for being the final zone of the SAB. The problem, at least as I saw it, was mostly one of expectations – “why is world 2 this long/difficult if there are going to be 4 total worlds, with each one presumably harder than the last?” But, if there are only 2 worlds in total, having the second be substantially longer and harder than the first is completely within reasonable expectations, because zone 2 is now the final and ultimate challenge of the SAB.
My main problem with the zone length was the fact that you could disconnect and progress wasn’t saved. This was particularly problematic in trib mode. If they were actually going to develop SAB properly, I’d like that changed. As it is, I’m happy enough just to play it as it is.
The weapon skins from SAB have always been account bound aside for the very rare drops from the daily Zone boss chests or something like that. Sure it would bring the skin prices on TP down for a while if it was made more permanent or statically recurring but it would probably normalize to a reasonable price in the end.
Because as far as blue skins go (which are the only skins that can be bought from TP), people who actually play SAB have no reason to buy them from the TP whatsoever in the first place… especially not with the wardrobe since you only need to farm the baubles once now for every skin. Because there would be no pressure of the content going away for indeterminate periods of time people have no reason to do a mad rush for skins either.
The blue skins have no perceived value, unlike the green ones for example (but they are account bound regardless) the only reason the prices climb is because they have not been available and there is no reason why they would want to keep the value of the blue items the same as it is now. Because initially the expectation was that they would be available again anyways back when they became part of the economy.
+1 vote for SAB!
SAB to be permanent!
How can a company ignore so many players with content that’s already developed?!
Why kill fun?? For what?
Vote up if you, like me, want SAB to be a permanent game-in-game! Those who don’t wana play it, don’t. And those who do, will be able to! Why the grief?!
Some things are just plain fun and shouldn’t be taken away on a whim.
Thank you,
- The player base
Agreed Crise, although I do get the feeling that Anet will be stubborn about this and not re-release the blue colored skins again, irrespective whether SAB returns.
SAB should never have been added to this game, its a complete immersion breaker, I will be happy if I never see it again.
Could mods please be as efficient in merging all the SAB threads and throwing them in the suggestions section as they usually are at hiding away wvw related topics (merging or deleting them).
Personally I’d just make it available full time now with the completed worlds, just add a line of dialog to Moto saying that he though that with all the problem with mordremoth and vines and such, people could use with a little distraction so he decided to open it again while he worked on further levels.
Wouldn’t be unrealistic in game for something purely entertaining related to pop up in rata sum while mordremoth is attacking, here in Venezuela there were huge mudslides in 1999 that almost wiped a very populated city and several towns ( ), several weeks after it happened some amusement parks, movie theaters and the like offered free entry for a few days on the places where refugees were temporarely relocated. There could even be an extra line of dialog added saying that Moto is donating part of the proceeds to the war effort or something.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Want to know what else is a complete immersion breaker?
The Gem Store
Mail that is delivered instantly wherever you are
for that matter, mail that is delivered by a dove containing a complete set of plate armor, that is delivered to you underwater
Armor taking up the same amount of inventory space as a pebble
Charr Backpacks
Quaggan Backpacks
Boxing gloves
Halloween by another name
Yule by another name
Minipets of main characters
Want me to go on?
SAB is a silly, fun thing that people enjoy as a side game. It’s not, and I doubt it ever was, intended to be “narrative” any more than the gem store armor is.
lol @ immersion in gw2. Good one.
Stop giving ANet a hard time, do your job, and buy some gems.
What Imperatora said.
Fun > all. Otherwise there is no game.
Oh, and Rox and Braham are not immersion, they are juvenile 1-liners who are stuck to my character by force.
I wouldn’t want SAB “permanent”, as in always here, but it should be like the pavillion, ….once a year, we should be able to know it’s going to be around, even as a complete rehash/not changed in anyway.
they’ve already created it, surely there’s no reason not to bring it back for 2-4weeks?
It had lower numbers because SAB 2 sucked. I’m glad they stopped wasting resources on that kitten.
Ah yes, the classic “objectively bad” argument. My mistake, I must have forgotten that your opinion was actually the correct one.
My main problem with the zone length was the fact that you could disconnect and progress wasn’t saved. This was particularly problematic in trib mode. If they were actually going to develop SAB properly, I’d like that changed. As it is, I’m happy enough just to play it as it is.
If playing a classic video game and the power goes out, is your progress saved?
SAB is not over it is just at the bottom of the things to do list. I hope A-net will improve on the pvp side of things more after this feature pack too. WvW has been lacking since the pve zone Eotm. A small update to WvW every 4months does not help.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
If playing a classic video game and the power goes out, is your progress saved?
No, but that isn’t the fun of playing a classic video game. Moreover, power cuts aren’t nearly as common as internet drop-outs. Punishing people for having unstable connections (often not their fault) isn’t enhancing the experience.
It was also probably a mistake to release W2 at the same time as ascended weapons.
Yup. That’s problematic. And SAB being up for a limited time meant there was a real scramble for figuring out where to put resources.
Tribulation Mode also attracted a lot of flak. I knew it wasn’t for me, but I can appreciate how some people like that kind of thing (I’m always impressed when I see some green or yellow SAB weapons around).
I LOVE trib mode. x5 green weapon skins! Two were duplicates cause no wardrobe at the time. I wish it had stayed up so I could grind out the rest.
Also, for W2, I don’t understand why they didn’t just buff the rewards to match world 1. If it’s harder, shouldn’t it be more rewarding? But then, anet has a long history of adding fairly meh ingame rewards compared to gemstore purchased stuff (still want moar armor sets and weapons that can be found in-game!).
The zone length was fine. Some people just wanted to be able to speed through a zone without any challenge in a matter of minutes like in world 1.
No, it wasn’t, it was too long. Outside of endurance races or some kind of survival or “horde” mode, I don’t think duration itself presents that much of a challenge.