Superior Sigil of Fire
It is just an AoE strike nothing more. Not sure where you got the idea that it did anything else than what it specifies. The wiki also incorrectly links to a skill that happens to have the same name.
It’s similar to Flame Blast in animation and effect, which is why someone probably thought to link it. However, as Khisanth said, the description on the sigil is accurate; the notes at the bottom of the wiki even say that it never procs (" The flame blast cannot critically hit.")
It’s similar to Flame Blast in animation and effect, which is why someone probably thought to link it. However, as Khisanth said, the description on the sigil is accurate; the notes at the bottom of the wiki even say that it never procs (" The flame blast cannot critically hit.")
It is similar to Flame Burst in animation. Flame Blast shoots out an orb/blob thing.