Supply Line Management - finding them?
I have no idea either, and no devs seems to want to help us on this subject :-( I don’t know, guess we’ll just all have to wait for some random person to find them :-/
I found one in Timberline Falls!
She is east of the Gentle River Waypoint at the Balddistead POI.
I don’t know what she sells though, still grinding out the mastery.
Good job! I still can’t find them, lol. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack.
Nice catch!
So, they are out there but moving around?
I saw one outside Wizard’s Fief yesterday. I’d have to check to see if she’s still there or if she moved.
btw. ones on the airship at fort trinity
btw. ones on the airship at fort trinity
Checking it out now I have the mastery unlocked expect results soon.
Alright so it looks like you can purchase a limited amount (1 at fort trinity) of items per day from them. The items are on sale for karma. The ones at the fort trinity vendor were :
Recipe: Zealot’s Orichalcum Imbued Insription
Pac Scout’s Mapping Materials (gives map reward point for current core Tyria map)
Torn Page from “tyrian Pact Survival Handbook” (gives a rare crafting recipe)
(edited by Mallis.4295)
kool ty for checking it out mallis
I’m looking for others. it looks like they have a specific map icon you can see but I don’t have full map completion. LMK if you see another.
sure thing i can do that
Just checked the airship at fort trinity – no merchant. Do they move around?
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Oh man, they made a sequel to project wumpus!
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest