(edited by Jaysian.8135)
Support to take away Guild rep feature!
Repping is really just a hold-over from a bygone era. Players no longer contribute to the guild they’re representing in everyday play. They can only increase guild favor during guild missions. So, who cares what’s rep’ed on a daily basis, right?
There are some logical considerations…
- If a player is not engaging with the guild or guild members much, she could be seen as uninterested in the welfare of the guild in general. Therefore, she could be asked to leave in favor of someone who’d be more invested in that guild.
- If a guild is set up as an R-mode group and it’s not getting enough player support in R-mode then something should change; the guild may take in more R-mode style players to support itself and let go of those who primarily play other modes.
- Some guilds want a player’s singular guild focus. These leaders are typically against multi-guilding in general. Know what the guild policies are going in.
- Anet currently uses rep to determine use of guild hall and services. They may be able to make a work-around and give players full access to all halls they are members of. Or, this may be really tough to do and not worth their time.
Obviously, I don’t know what your friend’s background situation is but just because she left this partiuclar guild, doesn’t mean you can’t still play with her, join her in a chat room or even another guild. I hope she finds a more welcoming guild for her playstyle.
I’m not sure why any guild cares about rep anymore. Mine doesn’t. Half the people rep at any give time, some people only rep sometimes, some people rep all the time. Does it change anything at all? Not one thing.
As a guild leader I don’t find myself looking at guild chat and worry about who’s repping or not, and I’d certainly never kick anyone out of the guild for not repping.
In my opinion any guild that kicks people out for not repping at this time isn’t worth being part of in the first place.
Someone is apparently not playing WvW because repping is an integral part of the game mode and cannot be removed without major changes to how claiming and tactivators work.
kittenty PvE or kittenty sPvP isnt the only mode.
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
ANet may give it to you.
Repping has certain advantages:
- It gives you a default chat channel.
- It is a toggle for participation, which is important on the off-chance 2+ of your guilds are involved in the same mission/activity.
There’s no reason to remove it because some guild leaders use it for other reasons. That’s their choice, just as it’s our choice to join (or not join) guilds that require a minimum level of participation.
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
While that is true it only requires one person per guild.
I think repping still serves a couple of basic functions, primarily for missions and WvW, as others have noted above.
I do agree that it is a little draconian and arbitrary for a guild leader to enforce rep rules now that influence and other such guild wide benefits are gone (and, speaking as the leader of a guild with 100+ active members, I say good riddance to them).
Maybe the answer isn’t to do away with repping, but rather to do away with the little marker on the guild interface that turns from a square to an oval when someone reps a different guild. Given that repping really provides personal, rather than a guildwide, value now, the guild and guild leader really don’t need to be able to tell who is and isn’t repping all the time anymore.
Really, the only time I look to see who is repping now is when we start guild missions – but only to make sure everyone participating gets credit. We’ve had a couple of incidents where someone accidently ran our missions repping another guild and didn’t, but again, that is about personal rather than guild value.
I think representing guilds is important for community building.
I love the game and the guild system come with it. But i really don’t see the benefit of only can represent 1 guild at a time but lets you join 5 guilds. the more you play, the more you will meet some awesome people and join their guild and meet more awesome people within the guild. But the problem is most of leaders of guilds would constantly pressure people and threaten to demote or kick.
Where is the source of your data to back up that statement? When looking at posts here there are some obvious megalomaniacs but that hardly a valid sample size.
Recently a friend in one of my guild has left my guild (actually she was pretty much ask to leave) because she wasn’t representing the guild. It just really sucked to see someone i know so long have to leave not because they want to, but been pressure into leaving. She was pretty depress over the situation to the point that she didn’t play the game for days.
At best you have provided an incomplete set of details for the situation. There are plenty of other situations that can end in the same result with repping being a convenient excuse.
Perhaps I am missing something but it seems pretty straightforward to not join a guild with a rep policy, or any policy for that matter, that you are not inclined to follow.
repping is still an important part of guilds in an internal or UI way. It decides which guild hall you go to, which guild’s stuff show up on the guild panel, to which guild’s storage an item goes (like the solid ocean fragments), and it also helps a bit with chat (you only have to type /g instead of /g1)
There will always have to be a way to swap between your guilds and I don’t see how it can get any simpler than repping.
repping is still an important part of guilds in an internal or UI way. It decides which guild hall you go to, which guild’s stuff show up on the guild panel, to which guild’s storage an item goes (like the solid ocean fragments), and it also helps a bit with chat (you only have to type /g instead of /g1)
There will always have to be a way to swap between your guilds and I don’t see how it can get any simpler than repping.
You can enter a GH you are a member of without repping the guild.
There are technical and philosophy arguments over repping, one need to understand the two differences before arguing about the needs of repping.
The technical arguments on repping is simply the programming perspective, for the system to identify which guild the user is currently utilizing the guild services. As a added bonus, gw2 dev added features like favors, commendations, guild tag etc. to build around this limitations. Likewise, players argue the needs of repping exactly base on this technical limitations.
To ask repping to be removed technically is to ask the system to recognize the guild not as a singularity but as a collective, it will not happen because every guild hall are different in many things. Likewise, are you going to show all 5 guild tags?
The philosophy arguments have nothing to do with the technical arguments. Philosophy arguments goes along the line like
- if a person has 5 guilds, is the person even capable of contributing in all 5 guilds?
- if a person join a guild that do both wvw and pve, yet only joining it for pve then has a preferred guild for wvw. now you multiple that kind of person by 100, what will happen to that first guild?
- etc.
Philosophy arguments can be way much than technical arguments but at the end of the day, there is only one thing people need to absolutely know and that is…..
Guild leaders can decide what kind of people, rules and etc. for their guilds. Players can decide to join or not join the guilds and if they do join, players are all subjected to the rules of those guilds. If players do not like the rules, start their own guilds and perhaps, one day, you will become wise enough to see why different guild leaders do things differently and come to understand their decisions.
Henge of Denravi Server
Was kicked from a guild recently for violating the 100% rep policy. It’s salty because they didn’t need any of the benefits from rep’ing (100% maxed out guild hall).
It would be nice if the guild rep system was changed so all guilds benefit from a players membership — not the one guild that’s currently the rep’d guild.
In other words, it becomes a player-only setting (not visible to guild) for the player to set default guild channel, which guild to claim objectives in wvw, which guild for guild missions, etc.
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
While that is true it only requires one person per guild.
Don’t you have to rep the guild to get personal credit for doing guild missions or your guild gets credit if you claim a WvW structure? (not sure about WvW as I don’t play that part of the game).
ANet may give it to you.
I am probably too oldschool but I can’t stand this weird attitude nowadays.
It’s a problem of the smartphone society to me that is speeding up everything for no reason, have to be at all places and think they are center of the universe, always ready to drop stuff for the next, more shiny thing they see. I am somewhat disgusted by this attitude.
“Recently a friend in one of my guild has left my guild (actually she was pretty much ask to leave) because she wasn’t representing the guild. It just really sucked to see someone i know so long have to leave not because they want to, but been pressure into leaving. She was pretty depress over the situation to the point that she didn’t play the game for days.”
So she was in a guild that she apparently liked (that’s why she didn’t play for days due the impact, so she really liked it there?) and instead of representing and go like “Okay, I will do in future”, she did not bother to represent at all and would have been forced out? Sounds just right to me.
Not being forced to represent your guild is a kind of fluctuation to me. How are you supposed to be a guild with this attitude towards it? I really do not understand the support for the multi-guild feature and all the weird behaviour it comes with, as seen in the quoted part of this post.
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
(edited by Zedek.8932)
Finally someone noticed, It did be weird if I am the one saying it but yes, why doesn’t she just comply and rep the guild if she really like that guild?
Gw2 vocal community seems to be more towards individual freedom while ignoring the fact that the the organizers too are sacrificing to organise things. People are completely oblivion to the fact that organizers are not paid to organise. I find it hypocritical for people criticizing the ones who are putting things together and not the ones leveraging the benefits.
Henge of Denravi Server
I am probably too oldschool but I can’t stand this weird attitude nowadays.
It’s a problem of the smartphone society to me that is speeding up everything for no reason, have to be at all places and think they are center of the universe, always ready to drop stuff for the next, more shiny thing they see. I am somewhat disgusted by this attitude.So she was in a guild that she apparently liked (that’s why she didn’t play for days due the impact, so she really liked it there?) and instead of representing and go like “Okay, I will do in future”, she did not bother to represent at all and would have been forced out? Sounds just right to me.
Not being forced to represent your guild is a kind of fluctuation to me. How are you supposed to be a guild with this attitude towards it? I really do not understand the support for the multi-guild feature and all the weird behaviour it comes with, as seen in the quoted part of this post.
Finally someone noticed, It did be weird if I am the one saying it but yes, why doesn’t she just comply and rep the guild if she really like that guild?
Gw2 vocal community seems to be more towards individual freedom while ignoring the fact that the the organizers too are sacrificing to organise things. People are completely oblivion to the fact that organizers are not paid to organise. I find it hypocritical for people criticizing the ones who are putting things together and not the ones leveraging the benefits.
Ad Hominem anyone?
It’s possible to have multiple guilds that a player “really likes”. It’s also plausible that these guilds have different purposes like WvW vs. PvE for example.
The bottom line is there’s no good game design reason to allow joining multiple guilds but then let just a single guild benefit from your membership.
In that case, aren’t you assuming then? In my case, I am not even assuming, I am questioning base on what is written. Logical and sound.
If you wanna assume, we can start assuming that the person herself has issue therefore the leader does not want to give exception, logically thinking that she was asked to leave which means discussion took place.
Likewise, how you know that rep is not for rep only in pve or rep only in wvw? OP did’t indicate those. Ad Hominem? You are adding in own assumptions to your arguments while we are merely stating cold hard fact written by OP himself/herself.
Henge of Denravi Server
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
While that is true it only requires one person per guild.
Don’t you have to rep the guild to get personal credit for doing guild missions or your guild gets credit if you claim a WvW structure? (not sure about WvW as I don’t play that part of the game).
Hmm depends on the mission and other stuff. I did forget about WvW and PvP missions which does require a minimum of 3 to get credit for the missions. Mostly because I’ve avoided them because they require a minimum of 3 …
I am probably too oldschool but I can’t stand this weird attitude nowadays.
It’s a problem of the smartphone society to me that is speeding up everything for no reason, have to be at all places and think they are center of the universe, always ready to drop stuff for the next, more shiny thing they see. I am somewhat disgusted by this attitude.
Not sure how that’s related to the OP’s example nor how it applies to guild representation.
.I really do not understand the support for the multi-guild feature and all the weird behaviour it comes with, as seen in the quoted part of this post.
There are lots of reasons why lots of people like multi-guild features and why some, including myself, would be willing to pay extra to have more slots for guilds.
If you are comfortable with a single guild, that’s great. I’m glad that works for you. All the same, I’m unsure why it matters to you that other people prefer something else.
Of course, it’s always bad when guild leaders seemingly kick someone for what seems to an outside as minor or petty reasons. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the system is bad; there will always be obnoxious GLs (as well as obnoxious members).
@Dawdler.8521: Thank you for your point. I forget about how integral rep is to WvW, as I haven’t played that mode in some time.
If Anet “removed” repping from PvE content, they could possibly have you set your guild rep when entering WvW, the way you can set PvP gear/build when you enter the PvP lobby but it seems like a lot of potential work for very little benefit. Perhaps this would be more reasonable/viable if we had functioning build saves.
@Khisanth.2948: It’s true you can enter a GH you are a member of without repping it, but you cannot interact with its services until you do.
@Khisanth.2948: It’s true you can enter a GH you are a member of without repping it, but you cannot interact with its services until you do.
You can’t interact with NPCs, storage, or crafting; you can farm the nodes.
Repping also makes the yellow guild mate dots show on the map. But to be honest there is nothing wrong with the system itself its just guilds (specially for PvE) who force you into it for some reason thats weird. The only things it does for PVE:
- show guild mates as yellow dots on the map
- gives you the waypoint discount of 5,10 or 15% if the guild you rep has it unlocked
- determines your /g chat channel (note that you can always use your /g1-/g5 chanels to talk to other guild even when you do not rep them.
- allows you to interact with guildhall NPC’s
- determines which guild tag is show next to your character
You do not need to rep to enter a guild hall (as indicated above) or even the guild mission instances. (you do need to rep in order to get rewards though).
We never required representing not even in the old influence system. Since the new system the only thing we ask (but not require) is that members keep our guild chat visible. But ofcourse guilds are player driven and other guilds can make other rules…… you can ofcourse try to bring this to the attention of your guild leaders and ask them to change but thats about it. If you do not like a guild for any reason (like the forced representing) leave and find a guild that does not have such a policy.
The system itself is fine as it is.
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community
Repping is really just a hold-over from a bygone era. Players no longer contribute to the guild they’re representing in everyday play. They can only increase guild favor during guild missions. So, who cares what’s rep’ed on a daily basis, right?
There are some logical considerations…
- If a player is not engaging with the guild or guild members much, she could be seen as uninterested in the welfare of the guild in general. Therefore, she could be asked to leave in favor of someone who’d be more invested in that guild.
- If a guild is set up as an R-mode group and it’s not getting enough player support in R-mode then something should change; the guild may take in more R-mode style players to support itself and let go of those who primarily play other modes.
- Some guilds want a player’s singular guild focus. These leaders are typically against multi-guilding in general. Know what the guild policies are going in.
- Anet currently uses rep to determine use of guild hall and services. They may be able to make a work-around and give players full access to all halls they are members of. Or, this may be really tough to do and not worth their time.
Obviously, I don’t know what your friend’s background situation is but just because she left this partiuclar guild, doesn’t mean you can’t still play with her, join her in a chat room or even another guild. I hope she finds a more welcoming guild for her playstyle.
To explain this situation better, she is very active player who participate guild events on weekly basis. But she is in 2 guild that constantly demanding reping, she is force to give up one basically and now she is unable to participate in the guild events that we usually do togather if most of you see reping is a good feature i dont mind that, but a good suggestion of would be not let other see if you are reping or not on the guild panel. you know, that square thing next to your name to show your reping or not status.
(edited by Jaysian.8135)
Repping is really just a hold-over from a bygone era. Players no longer contribute to the guild they’re representing in everyday play. They can only increase guild favor during guild missions. So, who cares what’s rep’ed on a daily basis, right?
There are some logical considerations…
- If a player is not engaging with the guild or guild members much, she could be seen as uninterested in the welfare of the guild in general. Therefore, she could be asked to leave in favor of someone who’d be more invested in that guild.
- If a guild is set up as an R-mode group and it’s not getting enough player support in R-mode then something should change; the guild may take in more R-mode style players to support itself and let go of those who primarily play other modes.
- Some guilds want a player’s singular guild focus. These leaders are typically against multi-guilding in general. Know what the guild policies are going in.
- Anet currently uses rep to determine use of guild hall and services. They may be able to make a work-around and give players full access to all halls they are members of. Or, this may be really tough to do and not worth their time.
Obviously, I don’t know what your friend’s background situation is but just because she left this partiuclar guild, doesn’t mean you can’t still play with her, join her in a chat room or even another guild. I hope she finds a more welcoming guild for her playstyle.
To explain this situation better, she is very active player who participate guild events on weekly basis. But she is in 2 guild that constantly demanding reping, she is force to give up one basically and now she is unable to participate in the guild events that we usually do togather
if most of you see reping is a good feature i dont mind that, but a good suggestion of would be not let other see if you are reping or not on the guild panel. you know, that square thing next to your name to show your reping or not status.
Sounds to me that the problem is guilds requiring constant rep when there is no longer any need or benefit to the guild through influence for constant rep that’s the problem, not whether or not rep is in the game.
However guilds can make whatever rules they want. If the player agrees then they should keep to the rules. If they disagree then they should leave. In her case she joined not one, but 2 guilds with continuous rep. The answer for her is to not join guilds that require continous rep if she is not willing to do so, and most definitely don’t join 2 guilds that both demand continous rep. In other words, you’re blaming the wrong thing.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Perhaps I am missing something but it seems pretty straightforward to not join a guild with a rep policy, or any policy for that matter, that you are not inclined to follow.
Guilds don’t always mention their rep requirements when recruiting or can change them. It’s possible to join and make friends only to find out later that you are expected to rep a certain amount.
Finally someone noticed, It did be weird if I am the one saying it but yes, why doesn’t she just comply and rep the guild if she really like that guild?
Gw2 vocal community seems to be more towards individual freedom while ignoring the fact that the the organizers too are sacrificing to organise things. People are completely oblivion to the fact that organizers are not paid to organise. I find it hypocritical for people criticizing the ones who are putting things together and not the ones leveraging the benefits.
Someone may be in a guild and not join in activities. They may mainly like chatting with other members or like grouping with small numbers of guildies to accomplish personal tasks.
And some Guilds do pay their Commanders. But since GW2 is a form of entertainment, no one should do something that they don’t simply enjoy.
(edited by Djinn.9245)
this is a very good suggestion as Guild rep feature means noting at all any more and
making it very useless just like guilds themselves. hope anet does take this out !! as it
offers noting at all to players or guilds themselves at all and in the end really honestly
making guilds super useless compared to when the game first came out
Finally someone noticed, It did be weird if I am the one saying it but yes, why doesn’t she just comply and rep the guild if she really like that guild?
Gw2 vocal community seems to be more towards individual freedom while ignoring the fact that the the organizers too are sacrificing to organise things. People are completely oblivion to the fact that organizers are not paid to organise. I find it hypocritical for people criticizing the ones who are putting things together and not the ones leveraging the benefits.
Someone may be in a guild and not join in activities. They may mainly like chatting with other members or like grouping with small numbers of guildies to accomplish personal tasks.
And some Guilds do pay their Commanders. But since GW2 is a form of entertainment, no one should do something that they don’t simply enjoy.
Totally no idea what you referring to in first paragraph.
Regardless, on the topic of “fun”. It isn’t fun to invest lots of time plus golds in a guild and only to find the guild leader say “We are gonna disband” then quickly disappear after that, not passing it down to someone else. Let’s be real here, a lot of people create guilds for their personal goal and once that goal is met, they can and will choose to disappear.
This ease of repping and multi guilding are encouraging this behavior. I have seen so many guilds, especially guilds with leaders that literally attack rep rule guilds in their recruitment, disappearing within a year, after recruiting hundreds of players and having those players invested a combined sum of thousands of golds. Sorry, but I don’t find anything fun in joining guilds that will just disappear soon after, I even find it disgusting to twist the word “freedom” for personal gain. It might be alright for casuals that come and go but it definitely isn’t fun for regulars seeking for long term community.
Henge of Denravi Server
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
Actually you don’t have to rep the guild in order to get credit for the missions, both for you and for the guild running the mission. All you need to do is be IN the guild that is doing the mission and take part in it. You will get your credit, and the guild will get its favor. I know this through personal experience.
Repping also makes the yellow guild mate dots show on the map. But to be honest there is nothing wrong with the system itself its just guilds (specially for PvE) who force you into it for some reason thats weird. The only things it does for PVE:
- show guild mates as yellow dots on the map
- gives you the waypoint discount of 5,10 or 15% if the guild you rep has it unlocked
- determines your /g chat channel (note that you can always use your /g1-/g5 chanels to talk to other guild even when you do not rep them.
- allows you to interact with guildhall NPC’s
- determines which guild tag is show next to your characterYou do not need to rep to enter a guild hall (as indicated above) or even the guild mission instances. (you do need to rep in order to get rewards though).
We never required representing not even in the old influence system. Since the new system the only thing we ask (but not require) is that members keep our guild chat visible. But ofcourse guilds are player driven and other guilds can make other rules…… you can ofcourse try to bring this to the attention of your guild leaders and ask them to change but thats about it. If you do not like a guild for any reason (like the forced representing) leave and find a guild that does not have such a policy.
The system itself is fine as it is.
I receive rewards when running with other guilds that I"m in even if I’m not repping. Not sure what your mileage is on this but for me it’s not a problem.. both for me, and for the guild. The key is participation in the mission.
Repping is really just a hold-over from a bygone era. Players no longer contribute to the guild they’re representing in everyday play. They can only increase guild favor during guild missions. So, who cares what’s rep’ed on a daily basis, right?
There are some logical considerations…
- If a player is not engaging with the guild or guild members much, she could be seen as uninterested in the welfare of the guild in general. Therefore, she could be asked to leave in favor of someone who’d be more invested in that guild.
- If a guild is set up as an R-mode group and it’s not getting enough player support in R-mode then something should change; the guild may take in more R-mode style players to support itself and let go of those who primarily play other modes.
- Some guilds want a player’s singular guild focus. These leaders are typically against multi-guilding in general. Know what the guild policies are going in.
- Anet currently uses rep to determine use of guild hall and services. They may be able to make a work-around and give players full access to all halls they are members of. Or, this may be really tough to do and not worth their time.
Obviously, I don’t know what your friend’s background situation is but just because she left this partiuclar guild, doesn’t mean you can’t still play with her, join her in a chat room or even another guild. I hope she finds a more welcoming guild for her playstyle.
To explain this situation better, she is very active player who participate guild events on weekly basis. But she is in 2 guild that constantly demanding reping, she is force to give up one basically and now she is unable to participate in the guild events that we usually do togather
if most of you see reping is a good feature i dont mind that, but a good suggestion of would be not let other see if you are reping or not on the guild panel. you know, that square thing next to your name to show your reping or not status.
No1 ask her to be in two guilds that has rep requirements. She made that choice herself, the guilds are upfront about their rep requirements. Rules are rules. In rome do as the romans do. It is childish to blame guilds for their rules and not blame the individual for joining two rep required guilds which obviously has conflict of interests. Obvious seed of drama.
Henge of Denravi Server
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
Everyone is looking for certain things in a guild and there is a guild out there for everyone’s wants and needs. You just have to find it.
For me personally, I’m more old school I like to stick with one guild and surround myself with an amazing group of people that I enjoy to play with. So, I prefer people to represent our guild most of the time because I like to see people actually involved with the guild not a spot filler. It’s fine if you’re in multiply guilds as long as you are involved in some way and show your support by sporting the tag sometimes or what’s the point of being in the guild.
You have to keep in mind running a guild is no cup of tea and guild leaders need some ways to help clean out the guild and keep them active. One of those ways is having some kind of representing restriction. With that in mind if people actually kept their guild leaders informed with what’s up like hey I joined this WvW guild so when I do that I’ll be representing them at those times. As long as that person keeps involved with the guild then that is fine with me because they let me know what’s up.
Now the thing I have a problem with your post is that you said your friend really liked that guild then why weren’t they representing it because if I liked a guild that much I would show them how much by sporting their tag. That’s the whole point of representing a guild is to say hey guys this is a great guild and I’m apart of it. If not you’re just a spot filler that will be removed at some point because you’re not actually apart of the guild at that point. I rather have people that want to be there than people just being in the guild to be there. I see no benefits in that for anyone.
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
Actually you don’t have to rep the guild in order to get credit for the missions, both for you and for the guild running the mission. All you need to do is be IN the guild that is doing the mission and take part in it. You will get your credit, and the guild will get its favor. I know this through personal experience.
You can’t even see guild trek locations if you are not repping the guild.
Repping is needed for specific activities, such as getting credit for guild missions or claiming in WvW. Otherwise, how can the game award both you and your guild for doing activities. If your friend refused to rep during times that it was important to the guild to do so, then depending on the guild they may want non reppers to leave. If it was a casual PvE guild with this attitude though, she is better off finding another guild.
Actually you don’t have to rep the guild in order to get credit for the missions, both for you and for the guild running the mission. All you need to do is be IN the guild that is doing the mission and take part in it. You will get your credit, and the guild will get its favor. I know this through personal experience.
You can’t even see guild trek locations if you are not repping the guild.
lol yes there are instances where you really have to rep like this one. but not all.
Hey there i am a leader of 450+ member lv68 guild and i think representing is very important:
- it shows that your members actually give a kitten about what guild they are in atm and are not just there because they fell like it.
- it eventually builds an internal community of core players that make the heart of the guild.
- it roots out the people who just want to leech.
- it shows people on world map further growing the sense of belonging to a certain guild.
and in the end if you dont like rep policies you dont have to join
the only people who have a problem with this are :
-people who join multiple guilds with rep policies then get angry when you tell them to rep (brain power i know).
I rep the active guild I’m in except when I’m using the tiny little bank space I have on the guild I made ages ago when Influence was a thing.
I’m still salty they took away influence.
I rep the active guild I’m in except when I’m using the tiny little bank space I have on the guild I made ages ago when Influence was a thing.
I’m still salty they took away influence.
agreed with you there and the fact all guilds really are now at best is just a stopping
point to farm and maybe get some buffs at the very most now they took that way
Hey there i am a leader of 450+ member lv68 guild and i think representing is very important:
- it shows that your members actually give a kitten about what guild they are in atm and are not just there because they fell like it.
- it eventually builds an internal community of core players that make the heart of the guild.
- it roots out the people who just want to leech.
- it shows people on world map further growing the sense of belonging to a certain guild.
and in the end if you dont like rep policies you dont have to join
the only people who have a problem with this are :-people who join multiple guilds with rep policies then get angry when you tell them to rep (brain power i know).
this is not even really true at all . thos of us who want noting at all to do with guilds
these days . see this as meaning noting at all and has no valid points what so ever.
even more so since they took the rep befits away . some time ago . and made guilds
noting more than a node farming spot with buffs at the very best
Hey there i am a leader of 450+ member lv68 guild and i think representing is very important:
- it shows that your members actually give a kitten about what guild they are in atm and are not just there because they fell like it.
- it eventually builds an internal community of core players that make the heart of the guild.
- it roots out the people who just want to leech.
- it shows people on world map further growing the sense of belonging to a certain guild.
and in the end if you dont like rep policies you dont have to join
the only people who have a problem with this are :-people who join multiple guilds with rep policies then get angry when you tell them to rep (brain power i know).
this is not even really true at all . thos of us who want noting at all to do with guilds
these days . see this as meaning noting at all and has no valid points what so ever.
even more so since they took the rep befits away . some time ago . and made guilds
noting more than a node farming spot with buffs at the very best
If you don’t want anything to do with guilds then leave all guilds you are in and don’t request changes because you don’t like how they function, it’s pretty simple really.
Hey there i am a leader of 450+ member lv68 guild and i think representing is very important:
- it shows that your members actually give a kitten about what guild they are in atm and are not just there because they fell like it.
- it eventually builds an internal community of core players that make the heart of the guild.
- it roots out the people who just want to leech.
- it shows people on world map further growing the sense of belonging to a certain guild.
and in the end if you dont like rep policies you dont have to join
the only people who have a problem with this are :-people who join multiple guilds with rep policies then get angry when you tell them to rep (brain power i know).
this is not even really true at all . thos of us who want noting at all to do with guilds
these days . see this as meaning noting at all and has no valid points what so ever.
even more so since they took the rep befits away . some time ago . and made guilds
noting more than a node farming spot with buffs at the very best
If you don’t want anything to do with guilds then leave all guilds you are in and don’t request changes because you don’t like how they function, it’s pretty simple really.
you missed the part where i made it clear i am not in a guild at all . !! :P but that is what
happens when you do not read every thing :P
Hey there i am a leader of 450+ member lv68 guild and i think representing is very important:
- it shows that your members actually give a kitten about what guild they are in atm and are not just there because they fell like it.
- it eventually builds an internal community of core players that make the heart of the guild.
- it roots out the people who just want to leech.
- it shows people on world map further growing the sense of belonging to a certain guild.
and in the end if you dont like rep policies you dont have to join
the only people who have a problem with this are :-people who join multiple guilds with rep policies then get angry when you tell them to rep (brain power i know).
this is not even really true at all . thos of us who want noting at all to do with guilds
these days . see this as meaning noting at all and has no valid points what so ever.
even more so since they took the rep befits away . some time ago . and made guilds
noting more than a node farming spot with buffs at the very best
If you don’t want anything to do with guilds then leave all guilds you are in and don’t request changes because you don’t like how they function, it’s pretty simple really.
you missed the part where i made it clear i am not in a guild at all . !! :P but that is what
happens when you do not read every thing :P
Reading comprehension I also stated don’t advocate hanged for guilds if you want nothing to do with them, and most of this thread is walls of text so I skim. I should have said don’t join any guilds instead.