Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arrownin.3128


Greetings friend, you seem very weary and tired, what happened? Oh yes, you have ventured far too deep into the realm of forums without any know how! Fret not, I have just the thing. Here have this hot cup of hot chocolate and warm up by the fire, I will teach you what my father taught me, and my grandfather before him: To survive the other dimension of the forums.

Lesson One: Finding the Rose from the Thorns (How to Find Good Posts and Avoid Bad ones.)

Things to Avoid in Topic Titles…

  • Is the topic over dramatized? It’s probably someone typing their frustrations.
  • Is the topic about an issue already known? It’s someone complaining or someone with little knowledge of current events.
  • Is the topic something negative? Usually these are just pointless rants, if they start with good intentions, usually the post goes negative as the topic attracts negative players.
  • Is the topic about an item? Since all the items in the game have max stats easily accessible, this usually ends up being a complaint thread, but sometimes it might just be a picture of the item, so keep an eye out.
  • If the title says update etc. These usually just lead to people either complaining or laughing depending on how the update affected their class, and gameplay. When DR hit every update post was pretty much complaining of the such.

Things to look for in Topic Titles

  • Positive titles. Usually these are just people happy with the game and just want to write how they are happy. Sometimes this attracts negative attention though, so it is a hit or miss.
  • Guide topic titles. These are great, people that take the time out of their daily lives to make a guide for free are usually not trolls, the threads usually are constructive and provide some useful information.
  • Titles that mention exploits. The exploits themselves are not good, however shedding light on the exploit is, because it shows the development team that it is an issue that needs to be fixed.
  • Titles that mention pictures. Usually these are just threads of pictures, which is a fun little time sink that can have some great screensaver material.
  • Titles that deal with lore. Usually no negative players are attracted to lore posts, not saying that there isn’t the occasional angry post, I’m just pointing out that most people deep into lore really care about the game and sharing the knowledge about the game.
  • Titles that mention achievements in them. Usually these are people giving advice to others to show how they got their achievements, and 100% map completion.
  • Any posts done by ArenaNet are good, for information and otherwise.

How to Create Good Posts
The Simple Guide to Be Awesome

  • Make sure you have a good topic. Think about something in the game that you would like discussed, and make sure it has not been posted about a hundred times before. (The search helps!)
  • Make the title eye catching. If you were skimming through posts, you usually click on the one that draws your attention. Make sure the title relates to the topic, yet can lure people in to actually discuss it.
  • Use correct spelling. Please use correct spelling, if you do not, the forum will eat you alive and you will look stupid. Grammar is not that much of an issue, so long as it is not horribly bad.
  • Do not post about the flavor of the month problem in the game. It is just feeding negatively into trolls, and the devs usually lock these to stop the continuation of them.
  • Make sure you know what you are talking about. I am a victim of this one, and I looked like an idiot. Make sure you know what you are posting about, Google the topic and it will altogether improve the post.
  • Do not put your emotions into a post. If you put any emotion into a post, be prepared to be eaten alive, it is always safer to remain neutral, but this one can be very tricky to do sometimes.

(edited by arrownin.3128)

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arrownin.3128


saving space for some more, yes I will be cleaning up the bullets and fonts etc in the first post, just want to get initial information down.

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


Actually in short, only read with your trusty rose tinted glasses firmly in place.

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: flyinpoons.6481


Or that.

message body length etc etc.

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DieScream.6972


This thread is a little pointless, sorry mate. Just saying. If someone can navigate to the forums, they know this already.

(edited by DieScream.6972)

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DevilLordLaser.8619


Sure. But there’s only so many (hundred thousand) times ArenaNet needs to hear “OMFG WHERE R TEH RAIDZ!?!?!11oneone!eleven” before they get the idea that their end-game isn’t snagging people the way they’d hoped. Even with my computer offline and unable to play GW2, and with me dropping by these forums once in a blue moon (from depression as much as anything else), I still – still manage to see big fat flabnabbiting rants on the same three Six-forsaken issues over and over and over and over again, like every single new player to hit level 80 is the first one to discover that hey, RAIDZ max-level content is thinner on the ground than is normal for the genre!

Maybe if players actually had new problems, other than simply spending every waking moment complaining about a lack of RAIDZ ‘end-game’ content, ArenaNet would listen to them. As it is, I don’t really blame them a bit for giving short shrift to the four thousand eight hundred and seventeenth thread someone starts about how “I am disappoint!” at the lack of RAIDZ endgame.

Arrow: The effort is appreciated, but it’s kind of a forlorn hope at the moment. I’ve seen so little positivity and goodwill in these forums, I’m honestly not sure it really exists. Just posts by people who may’ve forgotten how much they absolutely loathe everything there is to be loathed about Guild Wars 2 for a few minutes and who, no doubt, deeply regret making any post which may, just may, have expressed anything less than complete and total contempt for the game, the development team, the company as a whole and the entire population of the official forums. It’s good of you to try, but I don’t think there’s anyone left to save.

Ya know, there was once a time when I thought Guru was bad when it came to attitudes. This place is more depressing than the Call of Duty forums, all the more so because I wasn’t expecting it here like I was in Call. Blrrgh.

Survival Guide to the GW2 Forums

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bionaknight.9210


Thanks for the guide, Arrownin! Gives some good hints to Forum newcomers, which is needed in this forum (I’m afraid almost all of the negative posters from SWTOR Forums came over here to troll). If I may add a hint of my own: If you see a negative thread, check the name of the OP. Then avoid his/her threads and posts in the future. It comes in handy. Also use this trick to memorize helpful and friendly posters

For battle, glory, and legend! -Pauriak, 80 Norn Warrior, Jade Quarry Server.